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-Podaci (2011.06.18)
Kada ukucate podatke u program on ih sa?uva u fajlu Kontakt.txt . Cilj mi je da program mo?e slu?iti kao svojevrstan imenik. Da bi pokrenuli program potrebno je da imate JRE 6 (Java Runtime Environment) .
-JavaRa (2011.03.31)
Update the Java JRE at the click of a button. JavaRa is a simple tool that does a simple job: it removes old and redundant versions of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE). Update the Java JRE at the click of a button. JavaRa is a simple tool that does a simple job: it removes old and redundant versions of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE)
是一款小而簡單的工具:允許你去除多餘的老版本的Java運行時環境(JRE)-JavaRa 1.6 beta (2010.09.25)
-CoolSQL (2010.08.20)
CoolSQL is a free database client software. It is better for people who develop applications related to database and manage database. CoolSQL is written by Java, so it can run on the platform where installed the Java Runtime Environment (1
-Ascape (2010.08.06)
A framework and runtime environment for exploring agent-based models designed to support the definition of models using an expressive, high-level and extensible Java API and to support the exploration of these models in both
-Clarion to Java Compiler (2010.08.01)
Compile your clarion source code into java runtime environment. Includes the compiler, 100% java based runtime implementation of the clarion runtime environment and other miscellaneous tools. Clarion 5.5 Compiler + Runtime
Android原生開發套件(NDK)介紹與實例 (2010.03.18)
自Android平台發表以來,許多軟體開發者都關注著是否能以原生程式碼(native code,諸如C與C++語言)實作應用程式的內容,網路上也有許多的心得與技巧被提出。Google為了標準化與簡化一般在Android應用程式中Java類別與原生程式語言間的開發程序與介面,於2009年6月發佈了Android 1
Android與Moblin雙系統整合平台 (2010.01.12)
彈性擴充Android之UI架構 (2009.11.19)
Android UI架構可透過延伸View與ViewGroup的結構,建立出獨特創新的使用者介面,可以非常彈性的製作想要呈現的UI特效與互動。Android提供良好且先進的架構,從小部分修改內建View元件,到重新製作一份完整客製化UI,讓我們在發展及擴充創新有趣的客製化UI模組有無限的可能,而唯一的限制是你的想像力
Android平台軟體架構設計 (2009.08.05)
-JavaRa 1.10 (2008.07.17)
Update the Java JRE at the click of a button. JavaRa is a simple tool that does a simple job: it removes old and redundant versions of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE).
一個Java語言的程式設計遊戲,目標是開發一個機器人坦克來摧毀敵方坦克戰鬥。-Robocode 1.6.1 Beta (2008.06.30)
-SupraBrowser 1.0 Beta (2008.06.04)
This is the "Eclipse of Web Browsers", a secure social web browsing environment that runs off of your own highly personal and private data store. Written primarily in Java, it uses Gecko as its web runtime, and has
-TrainVocs TrainVocs 1.2 (2008.06.03)
Very small, simple vocabulary trainer written in Java. Supports old-line questioning and mulitple-choice-practicing. LATEST JAVA RUNTIME ENVIRONMENT NECESSARY!
一個Java語言的程式設計遊戲,目標是開發一個機器人坦克來摧毀敵方坦克戰鬥。-Robocode 1.6.0 Beta 2 (2008.04.20)
一個Java語言的程式設計遊戲,目標是開發一個機器人坦克來摧毀敵方坦克戰鬥。-Robocode 1.5.4 (2008.02.16)
-PrintMyFolders Version 1.1.7 (2007.12.19)
A software to sort, list & print files from folder(s) & sub folders. Please note that you need Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 6 or later. Latest JRE is available at http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/index.jsp Read "La
一個Java語言的程式設計遊戲,目標是開發一個機器人坦克來摧毀敵方坦克戰鬥。-Robocode 1.5.1 (2007.12.13)
-Smith smith-1.3b5 (2007.11.27)
Smith is an open source, cross-platform ColdFusion簧 engine, written entirely in Java. Running on top of Java Runtime Environment and Java Servlet Container, it can be deployed virtually on any operating system and work with any web server
-neoHort (based iText &JExcelAPI library) neoHort1.2.18 (2007.10.11)
neoHort:Java PDF&XLS runtime builder-based iText&JExcelAPI library.As input use xml-based source with integrated WebJava environment objects (beans e.c.)Include dynamical tag's structures: cycle,condition,e.c. Ex: http://neohort05

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