CAE軟體整合 全面模擬壓縮成型製程 (2017.11.20) 壓縮成型製程常被產業界用於製造複雜的複合材料產品(圖一),其中片狀預浸材(Sheet Molding Compound, SMC)、玻璃纖維熱塑性材料(glass mat thermoplastic, GMT)及預浸料(Prepreg)成型,是實務上最常使用的壓縮成型種類 |
車電火熱! 台積電、英特爾、ARM、聯電現身Telematics Taiwan (2017.11.03) 台灣車聯網產業協會11月1、2日一連兩天,在台北市華南銀行國際會議中心舉辦第六屆「Telematics Taiwan 2017」國際車聯網高峰論壇,共安排16場專家演講以及超過30家大廠技術展示,吸引超過1000人次國內外相關產業代表與會,規模更甚往年 |
以FPGA為基礎的系統提高馬達控制性能 (2015.11.16) 先進的馬達控制系統結合了控制演算法、工業網路及使用者介面,因此它們需要額外的處理能力來即時執行所有的工作。多晶片架構通常會被用來實現現代的馬達控制系統 |
三維(3D)掃描匹配的移動機器人應用到測繪採集-三維(3D)掃描匹配的移動機器人應用到測繪採集 (2011.12.09) 三維(3D)掃描匹配的移動機器人應用到測繪採集 |
宜特「晶圓級封裝電路修補技術」獲選國際jMS論文 (2011.08.11) 宜特科技(IST)於前(9)日宣佈,繼研究「爬行腐蝕發生在PCB的驗證方法」研發成果,蟬聯兩屆SMTA China最佳論文後,宜特科技研發成果再添殊榮,獲選為全球最具代表性的電子材料科學期刊jMS)論文 |
互動瑜伽墊 ---一款提高身心健康教育系統-互動瑜伽墊 ---一款提高身心健康教育系統 (2010.06.18) 互動瑜伽墊 ---一款提高身心健康教育系統 |
MOXA智慧型運輸系統先進技術與應用論壇圓滿落幕 (2010.05.19) 四零四科技(Moxa)與ITS協會共同於今日(5/19),假台北六福皇宮永福廳舉辦「2010智慧型運輸系統先進技術與應用論壇」研討會圓滿落幕,會中MOXA詳盡剖析如何將網路化系統運用於車載及軌道交通之先進技術 |
電子書需要分眾市場策略 (2010.04.12) 或許我們不必執著電子書能不能取代傳統書籍,因為它的潛在客戶,可能對於傳統書籍興趣缺缺。來自英國的Plastic logic公司推出QUE proReader,嚐試從塑膠軟板顯示技術開始,由外而內地開啟電子書的分眾年代 |
ASM和SAFC簽訂認證製造廠商與合作協定 (2009.01.16) ASM International N.V.和 Sigma-Aldrich子公司SAFC旗下的SAFC Hitech宣布針對進階超介電常數絕緣層(advanced Ultra High-k insulators)之特定原子層沉積(ALD)原料簽訂認證製造廠商與合作協定。 該協定提供化學原料之認證標準、特定ASM ALD 專利之授權許可,以及針對這些化學原料的行銷與進階開發合作關係 |
-peak-o-mat peak-o-mat-1.1 (2008.08.17) peak-o-mat is a curve fitting program aimed at the fast and easy fitting of spectroscopic data, especially if you face a large amount of similar spectra. |
羅門哈斯擴建亞太製造廠 增加在台投資 (2008.08.01) 羅門哈斯電子材料(Rohm and Haas Electronic Materials)旗下的CMP Technologies事業部,宣佈將擴大其台灣新竹亞太區研磨墊工廠的投資,以加快提高產能,滿足亞洲半導體生產客戶不斷增長的需求 |
-MAT File I/O Library 1.3.3 (2008.06.03) matio is an ISO C library (with a limited Fortran 90 interface) for reading and writing Matlab MAT files. |
-RSS Filter RSS Filter v0.9 (stable) (2008.02.21) RSS Filter was originally intended to filter new content from scientific journals such as PRL or the arxiv (cond-mat, etc...), but it should filter and/or reject articles from any RSS feed based on keywords you supply. Runs in your taskbar (sweet) |
-Perl Audio Converter 4.0.1 (2008.01.21) Tool to convert audio from one format to another. It supports AAC, AC3, AIFF, APE, AU, AVR, BONK, CAF, CDR, FLA, FLAC, IRCAM, LA, LPAC, MAT, M4A, MP2, MP3, MP4, MPC, MPP, OFR, OFS, OGG, PAC, PAF, RA, RAM, RAW, SHN, SMP, SND, SPX, TTA, VOC, WAV, and WMA |
-RSS Filter RSS Filter version 0.8b (2007.12.12) RSS Filter was originally intended to filter new content from scientific journals such as PRL or the arxiv (cond-mat, etc...), but it should filter and/or reject articles from any RSS feed based on keywords you supply. Runs in your taskbar (sweet) |
-JMatIO - Matlab's MAT-file I/O in JAVA JMatIO 0.2 Update 2 (2007.10.06) Matlab's MAT-file I/O API in JAVA. Supports Matlab 5 MAT-flie format reading and writing. Written in pure JAVA. |
-Step Maze 0.9.0 (2007.10.02) You are pacman trying to escape ghosts. To make things interesting you have to make turns according to the beat of the music. Stay in sync with the music and live. Stumble and die. Fun with keyboard or dance mat. You will need SDL |
-peak-o-mat peak-o-mat-1.0 (2007.09.28) peak-o-mat is a curve fitting program aimed at the fast and easy fitting of spectroscopic data, especially if you face a large amount of similar spectra. |
-Blat(mat) 0.6.51 (2007.09.25) blat(mat) is a Braille to print translator for maths. It takes a Spanish Six-dot Mathematical Braille (not Nemeth Code) text and converts it to an HTML file ready to be translated into XHTML+MathML by ASCIIMathML (javascript) |
可轉換ASCII數學標記成Spanish Braille 數學標記的工具-talp(mat) 0.3.32 (2007.09.25) 可轉換ASCII數學標記成Spanish Braille 數學標記的工具 |