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-Koopa Cobol Parser (2010.07.24) Koopa is a Cobol parser (generator). It can handle source files in isolation (no preprocessing required) and doesn't mind the presence of CICS/SQL fragments. The grammar is easily extensible in a way which minimizes the impact on the overall code |
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-TxConnect: Loose Transaction Connector txconnect-binary-1.0 (2006.12.12) TxConnect is implemented using JCA, can be deployed in any J2EE container.It provides support for realtime loosely coupled transactions with legacy systems. A developer will supply a wrapper around the protocol (ssh,telnet,socket,cics,tuxedo,ftp, |
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-Jbi4CICS 0.1 (2006.09.12) jbi4cics is a binding component compliant with the JBI specification that allows to call CICS services. No code is required to publish a CICS service as internal JBI endpoint. Having an internal JBI endpoint is straightforward creating its WebService |
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服務導向架構淺介 (2004.05.26) 歡迎各位,我們將在此專欄介紹與討論SOA(Service-Oriented Architecture)。在未來幾篇文章中,我們將從各層面來探究SOA。SOA是什麼?其具有何種商務價值?SOA得用上何種技術?如何以SOA方式組構出一個商務?為何正確地採行SOA將可發揮強大的潛在解決效力?此外 |
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窺探企業行動運算架構 (2000.09.01) PDA、掌上型電腦、WAP手機、IA目前各企業應用系統多樣,難以與手持設備統合,
若能建立標準平台,不僅企業資料可統一管理,手持設備的資料也能與企業內部同步,讓企業的資源確實向外有效延伸 |
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SecureWay Host On-Demand 4.0.1獲Hot Pick大獎 (2000.05.22) IBM SecureWay Host On-Demand 4.0.1產品,日前在美國InfoWorld測試中心進行的網站連主機(Web-to-Host)解決方案評比中,以豐富的主機支援、容易使用與眾多的安全選擇方案等高達8.8的測試成績脫穎而出,獲得「熱門上選」(Hot Pick)大獎 |
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PC產業準備染指電玩產業 (2000.03.15) Microsoft在日前推出X-Box,以視窗作業系統的遊戲主機(Game Console),為個人電腦產品與遊戲機相結合跨出重要的一步,也驗證了我們電腦產業龍頭施振榮先生的先知卓見。施先生在很久以前(差不多兩年光景 |