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行動UGC服務發展分析 (2008.05.05)
創新應用服務之消費者研究成果發表會 (2007.11.21)
全球在無線網路蓬勃發展、數位匯流的浪潮下,為消費者生活開創諸多創新應用服務。在行動通訊創新應用持續發展的趨勢下,未來的消費者生活面貌為何?行動生活如何創新?消費者需求又在哪兒? 資策會MIC將舉辦「創新應用服務之消費者研究成果發表會」
-moblog - a mobile weblog system moblog-0.3 (2007.11.17)
Moblog is a php/postgresql/perl based photo display system. It allows the user to email a photo from anywhere (even mobile phones) and have it instantly be displayed on the webpage. The subject becomes the description displayed on the page
-moblog - a mobile weblog system moblog-0.2 (2006.08.13)
Moblog is a php/postgresql/perl based photo display system. It allows the user to email a photo from anywhere (even mobile phones) and have it instantly be displayed on the webpage. The subject becomes the description displayed on the page
-moblog - a mobile weblog system moblog-0.1 (2005.09.30)
Moblog is a php/postgresql/perl based photo display system. It allows the user to email a photo from anywhere (even mobile phones) and have it instantly be displayed on the webpage. The subject becomes the description displayed on the page
-TextAmerica4J Java API 1.0 (2005.04.20)
TextAmerica4J is a Java API for interacting with the TextAmerica moblog service using XML-RPC.
中國首家中文Moblog問世 奧運專題搶風頭 (2004.08.19)
據大陸媒體報導指出,中文領域第一家Moblog(Mobile Blog)服務提供商正式推出了奧運專題(2004.fotolog.cn),其第一時間現場比賽的圖片資料,在中國Blog網站社群間出盡風頭。 據了解,這個網址為2004.fotolog.cn的手機Blog網站,是中國地區首家能夠提供手機拍照後,立即上傳圖片,並立即在網站上欣賞圖片的網站

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