鯧뎅꿥ꆱ藥 15
超越5G时代的射频前端模组 (2021.01.05)
全球科技巨头亮相2018亚洲消费电子展 (2018.03.19)
Ambiq Micro低功耗微控制器现已量产 (2015.11.23)
超低功耗半导体解决方案厂商Ambiq Micro宣布其Apollo 微控制器(MCU)已经可大量供应给消费性产品的应用。最近在业界标准EEMBC ULPBenc​​h基准测试中的多项实际应用中显示,Apollo MCU表现出低能耗
湿润你的干燥冬季 (2014.02.25)
冬天除了令人感到寒冷之外,干燥问题也随之伴随而来,该如何在干冷的冬天里适时补充水份便成为民众最关注的话题之一。由Misfit Wearables公司研发的Vap0rb USB超音波湿气套件,可以解决所在环境湿度不足的问题
芯科 Gecko MCU确保Misfit Shine 可穿戴健身追踪器「节能省电」 (2013.10.29)
高效能模拟与混合讯号IC厂商Silicon Labs(芯科实验室有限公司)今日宣布可穿戴运算产品之设计和制造商Misfit Wearables采用Silicon Labs的EFM32 Leopard Gecko 32位微控制器(MCU)作为Misfit Shine(全球最优雅的个人活动监测器)之节能型控制器
实用性与外观兼具的健康追踪器 (2013.08.08)
各位朋友是否有看过外观美丽的健康追踪器呢?Misfit Shine是您另一个新选择。Misfit Shine属于可穿戴设备和健康追踪器中少有能做得优雅的。你可以把它当成纽扣别在身上,也可以配一个表带戴着
[WOW]点点光束测健康 小巧时尚的Misfit Shine (2012.11.26)
智能型手机的普及加上垂手可得的无线网络,各式各样特殊应用的app大放异彩,这股不可挡的风潮也让健康管理的诉求得其所好,用来协助个人达成运动与健康管理目标的小工具越来越具有可看性! 最近在美国市场出现一款外观非常小巧
-Misfit Model 3D mm3d-1.3.7 (2008.07.02)
Misfit Model 3D is an OpenGL-based 3D model editor. It supports multi-level undo, skeletal animations, texturing mapping, scripting, command-line batch processing, and a plugin system for adding new features. Complete online help is included
-Misfit Model 3D mm3d-1.3.6 (2008.01.14)
Misfit Model 3D is an OpenGL-based 3D model editor. It supports multi-level undo, skeletal animations, texturing mapping, scripting, command-line batch processing, and a plugin system for adding new features. Complete online help is included
-Misfit Model 3D mm3d-1.3.5 (2007.07.16)
Misfit Model 3D is an OpenGL-based 3D model editor. It supports multi-level undo, skeletal animations, texturing mapping, scripting, command-line batch processing, and a plugin system for adding new features. Complete online help is included
-Misfit Model 3D mm3d-1.3.1 (2007.01.01)
Misfit Model 3D is an OpenGL-based 3D model editor. It supports multi-level undo, skeletal animations, texturing mapping, scripting, command-line batch processing, and a plugin system for adding new features. Complete online help is included
-Misfit Model 3D mm3d-1.3.0 (2006.09.17)
Misfit Model 3D is an OpenGL-based 3D model editor. It supports multi-level undo, skeletal animations, texturing mapping, scripting, command-line batch processing, and a plugin system for adding new features. Complete online help is included
-Misfit Model 3D mm3d-1.2.0-beta1 (2005.10.29)
Misfit Model 3D is an OpenGL-based 3D model editor. It supports multi-level undo, skeletal animations, texturing mapping, scripting, command-line batch processing, and a plugin system for adding new features. Complete online help is included
-Misfit Model 3D mm3d-1.1.7 (2005.06.13)
Misfit Model 3D is an OpenGL-based 3D model editor. It supports multi-level undo, skeletal animations, texturing mapping, scripting, command-line batch processing, and a plugin system for adding new features. Complete online help is included
-Misfit Model 3D mm3d-1.1.5 (2005.02.24)
Misfit Model 3D is an OpenGL-based 3D model editor. It supports multi-level undo, skeletal animations, texturing mapping, scripting, command-line batch processing, and a plugin system for adding new features. Complete online help is included

1 Microchip发布适用於医学影像和智慧机器人的PolarFire® FPGA和SoC解决方案协议堆叠
2 安勤推出搭载NVIDIA Jetson平台边缘AI方案新系列
3 u-blox 推出适用於穿戴应用的新型 GNSS 晶片UBX-M10150-CC, 能以最小外形尺寸提供超低功耗和高定位精准度
4 贸泽电子即日起供应适用於全球LTE、智慧和IoT应用的Nordic Semiconductor nRF9151-DK开发套件
5 Microchip 推出新款统包式电容式触控控制器产品 MTCH2120
6 贸泽RISC-V技术资源中心可探索开放原始码未来
7 凌华科技透过 NVIDIA JetPack 6.1 增强边缘 AI 解决方案
8 Littelfuse NanoT IP67级轻触开关系列新增操作选项
9 英飞凌新款ModusToolbox马达套件简化马达控制开发
10 意法半导体推出首款与高通合作之支援STM32的无线 IoT 模组


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