相關物件共 41
思科:安全問題及複雜性是多雲的最大障礙 (2022.11.22)
思科發佈《2023全球網路趨勢報告:多雲世界的新規則》,於今年調查了13 個國家的2,500多名IT 決策者,探討網路在成功的雲端策略中所起的作用,藉此研究企業應如何發展網路技術、培訓人才及改善營運,以推動數位轉型和多雲計畫
全球虛擬實境內容平台VIVEPORT正式上線 (2016.10.03)
開啟虛擬實境的奇幻旅程、遨遊探索社群內容開發者提供了精采應用內容體驗,宏達電(HTC)近日剛在英國倫敦,再次以HTC Vive奪得科技界奧斯卡T3年度三大獎,包含「年度遊戲產品」、「年度最佳創新」以及最大首獎-「年度最佳科技產品」
是一款開源的 CMS ,其易於使用的工具。-Magnolia Content Management CMS/ECM/WCM (2011.02.02)
是一款開源的 CMS ,其易於使用的工具。
-Network Security Toolkit (NST) (2010.10.07)
Network Security Toolkit (NST) is a bootable ISO image (Live CD) based on Fedora 13 providing easy access to best-of-breed Open Source Network Security Applications and should run on most x86/x86_64 platforms. Network Pack
TI推出高整合度的低成本RF增距器 (2010.03.09)
德州儀器(TI)宣佈針對850至950 MHz的低功耗無線應用,推出高整合度的低成本射頻(RF)增距器,可滿足無線感測網路、自動抄表(AMR)以及無線工業控制、消費性及音訊系統等應用需求
WACS是為建立一款專業性成人網站的工具程式-WACS: Web-based Adult Content Server 0.8.3 (2009.07.01)
-Magnolia Content Management CMS/ECM/WCM mmm (2008.07.30)
Magnolia is an Open-Source CMS favored for its ease-of-use. It enables authors to lay out content exactly as it would appear to website visitors. It contains best-of-breed Java technology based on open standards to allow for tailor-made solutions
ㄧ個ISO標表圖形化介面的網路安全管理套件,可在ㄧ般x86平台直接開機執行。-Network Security Toolkit (NST) NST v1.8.0 (2008.06.29)
-WACS: Web-based Adult Content Server 0.8.0 (2008.06.13)
WACS is a tool for building Adult Web Sites; equally suitable for managing a private collection or building a commercial site. It has many best of breed features including dynamic filtering, model catalogs, automatic download and powerful search engine
-WACS: Web-based Adult Content Server 0.7.4 (2008.02.23)
WACSip creates a personalised adult web site with many best-of-breed features including model catalogs, attribute-based searches, latest additions highlighting, photographer catalogs and automatic downloads. The API is available in both perl and php
-WACS: Web-based Adult Content Server 0.7.2 (2007.11.07)
WACSip creates a personalised adult web site with many best-of-breed features including model catalogs, attribute-based searches, latest additions highlighting, photographer catalogs and automatic downloads. The API is available in both perl and php
-WACS: Web-based Adult Content Server 0.7.0 (2007.07.10)
WACSip creates a personalised adult web site with many best-of-breed features including model catalogs, attribute-based searches, latest additions highlighting, photographer catalogs and automatic downloads. The API is available in both perl and php
-WACS: Web-based Adult Content Server 0.6.2 (2007.04.02)
WACSip creates a personalised adult web site with many best-of-breed features including model catalogs, attribute-based searches, latest additions highlighting, photographer catalogs and automatic downloads. The API is available in both perl and php
-ALM Suite almsuite-0.7 (2007.03.05)
ALM Suite is an integrated change management suite primarily, but not solely, for developers. It integrates mutiple best of breed OSS developement tools into a single package. These include Subversion, RT, CruiseControl and X
ㄧ個ISO標表圖形化介面的網路安全管理套件,可在ㄧ般x86平台直接開機執行。-Network Security Toolkit (NST) NST v1.5.0 (2007.02.13)
-Web-based Adult Content Server in perl 0.6.0 (2007.01.22)
WACSip creates a personalised adult web site with many best-of-breed features including model catalogs, attribute-based searches, latest additions highlighting, photographer catalogs and now automatic downloads.
-hipergate CRM 3.0.5 Release Candidate 1 (2007.01.17)
Best of breed CRM suite including: sales automation, customer service, intranet, email marketing, content management, bug tracker, project manager, groupware, webmail, calendar, forums, file sharing and directory.
-freePBX freePBX2.2.0rc1 (2006.11.28)
Coalescent Systems Inc. launched the freePBX (formerly Asterisk Management Portal) project to bring together best-of-breed applications to produce a standardized implementation of Asterisk complete with web-based administrative interface
-freePBX FreePBX 2.1.2 (2006.09.15)
Coalescent Systems Inc. launched the freePBX (formerly Asterisk Management Portal) project to bring together best-of-breed applications to produce a standardized implementation of Asterisk complete with web-based administrative interface
-hipergate CRM 3.0.0 Beta Test (2006.09.14)
Best of breed CRM suite including: sales automation, customer service, intranet, email marketing, content management, bug tracker, project manager, groupware, webmail, calendar, forums, file sharing and directory.

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1 Microchip推出具先進圖形與連接功能SAMA7D65系列微處理器SiP/SoC解決方案
2 意法半導體 VIPower全橋驅動器搭載即時診斷功能 簡化汽車驅動系統的設計與成本
3 凌華科技推出「OSM-MTK510」 高效能、超低功耗、堅固耐用的精巧型工業電腦模組
4 泓格iSN-811C-MTCP紅外線感測模組 從溫度掌握工業製造的安全與先機
5 Nordic Semiconductor的nPM2100電源管理IC延長一次電池供電藍牙低功耗產品的電池壽命
6 意法半導體發表 STM32U3 微控制器,進一步推動超低功耗創新 適用於遠端、智慧與永續應用
7 貿澤電子即日起供貨ADI邊緣運算平台,可支援自主機器人和自動駕駛車中的機器視覺
8 意法半導體推出適用於車用微控制器的可配置電源管理 IC
9 ROHM的EcoGaN被村田製作所集團旗下Murata Power Solutions的AI伺服器電源所採用
10 業界領先的低鉗位元電壓TPSMB-L 系列汽車 TVS 二極體


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