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德州仪器致力缔造美好社会 拥抱多元包容价值拉近距离 (2023.01.10)
德州仪器 在台深耕 50 多年,持续透过半导体让电子产品变得更加实惠,进而创造一个更美好的世界。除了积极发展创新解决方案外,TI 更期许成为与当地社区共好的友邻企业
能源产业成就物联网未来? (2017.02.02)
[OSHW 2013]开放硬件运动精神:在创意,不在杀价竞争 (2013.08.13)
开放硬件运动的发展在全球科技产业中其实已有好一段时间,但对台湾来说,所谓的「开放硬件」四字,却仍然有着一定程度的陌生感。 如果真的要说,开放硬件运动应该可以说是开放原始码后所迎来的新一波科技浪潮
-Application Response Measurement (ARM) 0.8beta1 (2008.07.31)
An implementation of the Open Group's Application Response Measurement (ARM) Version 4 standard. The ARM standard describes a means of breaking an application down into it's constituent transactions, and measuring response time across multiple tiers
-.netTiers 2.2.0 (2008.05.22)
.netTiers is a set of open source code generation templates that simplify the tasks of creating customized application tiers for your Microsoft .NET applications in just a few minutes. .netTiers utilizes the power of the best
-Application Response Measurement (ARM) 0.7beta1 (2008.05.12)
An implementation of the Open Group's Application Response Measurement (ARM) Version 4 standard. The ARM standard describes a means of breaking an application down into it's constituent transactions, and measuring response time across multiple tiers
-Medea: pragmatic and simple MDA 1.0.alpha (2008.01.13)
Medea is a pragmatic code generation framework. It takes UML class and state diagrams in XMI format and uses XSLT templates to generate code for various technologies, tiers and complete applications: J2EE, CMP, Hibernate, JSP
-Application Response Measurement (ARM) 0.6 (2007.12.01)
An implementation of the Open Group's Application Response Measurement (ARM) Version 4 standard. The ARM standard describes a means of breaking an application down into it's constituent transactions, and measuring response time across multiple tiers
-Application Response Measurement (ARM) 0.4 (2006.12.09)
An implementation of the Open Group's Application Response Measurement (ARM) Version 4 standard. The ARM standard describes a means of breaking an application down into it's constituent transactions, and measuring response time across multiple tiers
-Cappuccino CyberCafe Cappuccino Serveur & Client (2006.11.08)
Cappuccino est un programme de gestion Cybercafe qui utilise une architecture 3-tiers, avec une DB Mysql. -Gestion des comptes prepayes. -Definition simple de la tarification. -Utilisation de la VOIP avec les postes clients.
-openhsm 1.1.3 (2006.05.17)
OpenHSM is policy based software for managing files. Files can be automatically backed up to tape or to a mirror filesystem. Data can be removed from files and transparently retrieved if the file is accessed. All tiers are peers, and may run policy
地理资讯系统面面观 (2006.05.10)
-.NetTiers: OR mapper codesmith template 0.9.2 - Caribert (2005.11.23)
.NetTiers are CodeSmith templates for object-relational mapping that takes an existing SQLServer database and automatically generates a personnalized Data Tiers application block to use in your .Net applications.
-.NetTiers: OR mapper codesmith template v1 beta 1 - Clotaire (2005.07.26)
.NetTiers are CodeSmith templates for object-relational mapping that takes an existing SQLServer database and automatically generates a personnalized Data Tiers application block to use in your .Net applications.
Hitachi Data Systems荣获IDC最佳「领导潮流」解决方案 (2005.06.14)
企业储存解决方案厂商Hitachi Data Systems(HDS;Hitachi子公司)宣布,其Hitachi TagmaStore通用储存平台(Hitachi TagmaStore Universal Storage Platform)荣获全球知名研究调查顾问公司IDC最新「网络储存控制器」(NSC;Networked Storage Controller)评鉴类别中的最佳「领导潮流」解决方案
多维空间晶粒堆栈世代正式来临! (2005.05.05)
-openhsm 1.0.22 (2005.03.03)
OpenHSM is policy based software for managing files. Files can be automatically backed up to tape or to a mirror filesystem. Data can be removed from files and transparently retrieved if the file is accessed. All tiers are peers, and may run policy
细间距封装技术发展与应用探讨 (2002.10.05)
日月光发表三层铝垫封装技术 (2002.07.26)
日月光半导体(ASE)日前表示三层铝垫封装技术(Tri-tiers Wire Bonding)已开发完成,针对高I/O设计的IC充分提供了高密度、小尺寸高与低成本的产品需求服务,促使IC效能获得更进一步的提升
十家厂商联合发起「校园软件先锋项目」 (2002.03.28)
国内外软件厂商包括倍力信息、Sybase、以柔信息、Leccotech、Software AG、Intershop、德胜网际、智酷科技、全华科技图书等超过十家厂商,为缩短学校软件教育与业界实际应用的落差,今日对外宣布联合发起了「校园软件先锋项目」,会中除了展示企业级软件开发与技术应用趋势外,更提出校园各项专属优惠解决方案

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1 Microchip发布适用於医学影像和智慧机器人的PolarFire® FPGA和SoC解决方案协议堆叠
2 安勤推出搭载NVIDIA Jetson平台边缘AI方案新系列
3 贸泽RISC-V技术资源中心可探索开放原始码未来
4 贸泽电子即日起供应适用於全球LTE、智慧和IoT应用的Nordic Semiconductor nRF9151-DK开发套件
5 u-blox 推出适用於穿戴应用的新型 GNSS 晶片UBX-M10150-CC, 能以最小外形尺寸提供超低功耗和高定位精准度
6 Littelfuse NanoT IP67级轻触开关系列新增操作选项
7 英飞凌新款ModusToolbox马达套件简化马达控制开发
8 台达全新温度控制器 DTDM系列实现导体加工精准控温
9 Microchip 推出新款统包式电容式触控控制器产品 MTCH2120
10 凌华科技透过 NVIDIA JetPack 6.1 增强边缘 AI 解决方案

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