鯧뎅꿥ꆱ藥 7
-SendCommand (2011.08.23)
SendCommand is a Perl script that uses the Expect library to automate telnet and ssh sessions on remote hosts (Cisco, Netscreen, Bluecoat and more). Executes commands and outputs results to stdout or into files. It aims to be a very flexible tool
台湾银行选用Blue Coat应用及监控解决方案 (2008.03.10)
广域网应用传输与安全网络网关设备厂商Blue Coat Systems宣布,台湾银行已采用Blue Coat解决方案,提供Web内容与应用的安全防护与控管功能,并大幅加快员工网络应用访问时间
-LSMS SNMP to MRTG toolset V3.9 (2006.03.28)
Extract SNMP information via PHP web interface to monitor and optionally create MRTG graphs for the following vendors: Lucent's LSMS, Bluecoat, Zoom Routers, Windows, Allot, Fortinet, Cyclades, RMON and any device that sup
BlueCoat Proxy 产品介绍及实机介绍 (2005.12.30)
课程内容: ‧ 功能介绍 ‧ 原理讲解
BlueCoat新增SSL代理器功能,加强网安政策控管 (2005.12.15)
代理服务器商BlueCoat宣布在其ProxySG平台增加新的SSL代理器功能,让用户进而了解并且分层控管内部员工,及外部因特网应用间的加密SSL通讯。 现今多数企业的SSL传输都包含营运相关的应用程序
-LSMS SNMP to MRTG toolset V3.6 (2005.07.25)
Extract SNMP information via PHP web interface to monitor and optionally create MRTG graphs for the following vendors: Lucent's LSMS, Bluecoat, Zoom Routers, Windows, Allot, Fortinet, Cyclades, RMON and any device that sup
-LSMS SNMP to MRTG toolset V2.3 (2005.05.11)
Extract SNMP information via PHP interface to monitor and optionally create MRTG graphs for the from the following vendors: Lucent's LSMS Bluecoat Appliances Zoom/Hayes Routers Windows Allot, Grandstream and Cyclades support being added

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