相關物件共 6 筆
(您查閱第 頁資料, 超過您的權限, 請免費註冊成為會員後, 才能使用!) |
-Memcache Taglibs v.1.08 (2008.05.22) This is a taglib for memcached, almost full compatible to oscache's taglib.
If you use oscache taglibs as your cache engine, you can mostly no need modify
any jsp code to change to the best cache system, memcached. |
-Memcache Taglibs v1.06 (2008.03.10) This is a taglib for memcached, almost full compatible to oscache's taglib.
If you use oscache taglibs as your cache engine, you can mostly no need modify
any jsp code to change to the best cache system, memcached. |
-Memcache Taglibs 1.00 (2007.12.25) This is a taglib for memcached, almost full compatible to oscache's taglib.
If you use oscache taglibs as your cache engine, you can mostly no need modify
any jsp code to change to the best cache system, memcached. |
翔益月底舉辦「e世代校園成果發表會」 (2001.05.27) 翔益科技將於五月底舉辦「e 世代校園成果發表會」,並且在北高兩地熱鬧展開!研討會中將協同倍力資訊、百佳泰電腦、零壹科技等廠商共同探討,如何建構高效率的無線學習環境之整體解決方案,實踐「時空零障礙,學習無界線」的理想 |
聖立推出「協助企業架構安全的EC網站之解決方案」 (2000.05.24) 聖立科技推出「企業架構安全的EC網站之解決方案」是以COMPAQ ProLiant系列及Windows NT Server為基礎之電子商務及企業應用系統伺服器架構。藉由Cache Engine可將大部份之流量隔絕在防火牆之外,減輕內部網路負擔 |
網路節流工具─新式快取設備的要務 (2000.05.01) 站在用戶的觀點,
參考資料: |