相關物件共 15
台灣科技島資安需求高 Bitdefender防毒資安軟體推出繁中版 (2023.09.26)
是一款完整的安全方案:包括防病毒保護,間諜軟體和網路釣魚防護,個人防火牆,家長控制和垃圾郵件過濾...等-BitDefender Total Security 2011.14.0.24 (2010.12.04)
全方位安全防護軟體:防毒保護,間諜釣魚程式,個人防火牆,家長控制和郵件過濾,系統優化...-BitDefender Total Security 2011 (2010.09.19)
免費版提供ICSA Labs認證的病毒掃描您的文件:包括病毒掃描,調度,在線更新,檢疫和報告-BitDefender Free Edition 10 (2009.12.06)
免費版提供ICSA Labs認證的病毒掃描您的文件:包括病毒掃描,調度,在線更新,檢疫和報告
-GFI WebMonitor for ISA Server 2009 (2009.03.18)
GFI WebMonitor is a utility for Microsoft ISA Server, designed to provide a solution to transparently exercise a degree of control over the browsing habits of your network users. It allows you to monitor the sites users are browsing and what files they are downloading in real-time
BitDefender推出BitDefender 2009中文版資安產品 (2009.01.20)
資安防毒軟體公司BitDefender在台發表BitDefender 2009產品線之繁體中文版,提供給用戶以防禦惡意病毒之威脅。BitDefender 2009資安解決方案針對隱私權保護、筆電省電模式,抵禦惡意的威脅且耗用電腦資源極低
BitDefender資安產品榮獲最佳網路安全軟體 (2008.09.09)
根據美國消費者報導九月份網路安全軟體產品的評比報告,BitDefender Internet Security 2008被評選為網路安全產品的第一名,並獲該雜誌推薦給其讀者。該評比測試係由該雜誌及其獨立的測試單位所舉辦,根據每個受測產品針對偵測e-threats(網路威脅)的正確度以及綜合的功能與執行速度
垃圾郵件散佈者利用美艷女星誘使電腦用戶上當 (2008.07.22)
BitDefender研究員已判定一個新的垃圾郵件使用假的有關女星安吉莉娜裘莉(Angelina Jolie)之訊息去誘使用戶下載一個木馬程式到電腦。該下載之檔案是video-nude-angelina.avi.exe,該檔案已感染Trojan.Agent.AGGZ,請用戶注意防範
BitDefender在台發表2008中文版防禦軟體 (2008.06.17)
學校單位注意!木馬程式利用edu.net散佈垃圾郵件 (2008.05.08)
防毒與資安軟體公司BitDefender,日前發佈發現新木馬程式威脅並提醒電腦用戶注意與防護。該公司之防護分析師發現一個拜占庭式的垃圾郵件散佈詭計,BitDefender表示在含有影片連結的垃圾郵件中發現此木馬程式,當使用者試圖要點擊並觀看郵件中影片時,他們會被提示要下載一個媒體播放器(Media Player)
-GFI WebMonitor for ISA Server 4.0 (2007.08.29)
GFI WebMonitor is a utility for Microsoft ISA Server, designed to provide a solution to transparently exercise a degree of control over the browsing habits of your network users. It allows you to monitor the sites users are browsing and what files they are downloading in real-time
-Sspamm (2006.05.13)
Semi's Spam Milter (sspamm) is python based SPAM filter for Sendmail that utilizes spambayes heurestic spam filtering and virus scanner (BitDefender, not included). You also need Python Milter and Spambayes.
-BitDefender Free Edition for MS DOS 8.0 (2005.10.27)
BitDefender MS DOS Edition is an anti-virus scanner for Dos, designed to run from the command line. It utilizes a high-performance file analysis technology, that accurately identifies viruses and other suspicious activity on local hard disks or floppy disks of MS DOS systems
-GFI WebMonitor for ISA Server 3.0 (2005.09.07)
GFI WebMonitor is a utility for Microsoft ISA Server, designed to provide a solution to transparently exercise a degree of control over the browsing habits of your network users. It allows you to monitor the sites users are browsing and what files they are downloading in real-time
羅馬尼亞又逮捕一個疾風變種病毒作者 (2003.09.04)

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