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您需要了解的五种软体授权条款 (2024.08.22)
结合「3D打印」与「群众募资」 完成创业梦 (2013.10.31)
[OSHW]开放硬件也疯狂(1) (2012.12.11)
学过计算机或是软件工程的同学,一定会把Dennis Allison 在 1975 年发布 Tiny BASIC 时候说的话放在心上,他倡导的开放、共享的思想得到了多数开发者的认同,这些年,软件开源取得了令人瞩目的成绩
一款强大的x86和AMD64/Intel64的企业及家庭使用的虚拟工具。-Oracle VirtualBox (2012.03.21)
是一款免费,简单,用户界面友好,基于 PHP 的新闻出版脚本工具。-EasyMyNews (2011.06.21)
是一款免费,简单,用户界面友好,基于 PHP 的新闻出版脚本工具。
-loiq (2011.06.19)
LOIQ stands for LOIC in Qt4. It is an attempt to re-create the LOIC server stress-test tool using Qt4/C++ instead of original C#/.Net to make it available under *NIX OSes (primarily under Linux). It is released under the terms of GNU GPL 3 or later
开发 GNU GPL.Field 的免费软件工具:提供 GNU GPL 发布自由软件开发工具。-Field Bird (2011.04.17)
开发 GNU GPL.Field 的免费软件工具:提供 GNU GPL 发布自由软件开发工具。
sudokuki 是一款图形化的数独游戏软件,相当有趣!-Sudokuki - essential sudoku game (2011.04.09)
sudokuki 是一款图形化的数独游戏软件,相当有趣!
2/OS是免费和开放源码,基于GNU GPL 2.0许可类似 DOS和MS - DOS兼容的操作系统-2 (2011.03.27)
2/OS是免费和开放源码,基于GNU GPL 2.0许可类似 DOS和MS - DOS兼容的操作系统
-Mpg2Cut2 (2011.03.26)
Very basic cutter for Mpeg-2 files. GNU GPL license. Primarily intended for common PS format files, but has partial support for TS and ES formats. Very basic cutter for Mpeg-2 files. GNU GPL license. Primarily intended for common PS format files, but has partial support for TS and ES formats
-Manhali (2011.03.14)
Manhali is a free, open source course management system that can be also used as a classical CMS or a tutorial management system for how-to websites, it is installable, multi-language and secure. Licensed under the GNU-GPL 3
Scriobai是一款部落格(Blog)平台的工具软件-Scriobai CMS (2010.11.12)
一款实现第三代 P2P 网络的工具软件。-ANts P2P (2010.11.05)
一款实现第三代 P2P 网络的工具软件。
-web@all CMS (2010.10.17)
web@all is a open-source free software, based on PHP+MySQL, following the GNU/GPL license.
-tlve (2010.09.17)
The tlve program is a command-line tool for parsing different tlv (tag-length-value) structures and for printing them in various text-based formats. tlve is developed in GNU/Linux environment and it is distributed under GPL.
一款参考制作最强大的音频功率放大器(基于双极晶体管拓扑)之工具-MATRIX 1.4 Free Audio Power Amplifier (2010.09.16)
-OCamlTeX (2010.07.07)
OCamlTeX is a user-friendly (La)TeX editor for the Gnome desktop written in Objective Caml (OCaml). It is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL v3. LaTeX editor written in Objective Caml (OCaml) with the GTK+ toolkit. It provides multi-document interface, syntax highlighting, code completion, UTF-8 support, plugins, customizable GUI, regexp-based find and replace and more
-Escuela Mundo Feliz (2010.05.10)
Proyecto para el desarrollo de una aplicacion web para la gestion de un centro escolar, donde se contemple la gestion de profesores, alumnos, asignaturas, calificaciones e historicos. Licencia GNU/GPL.
-OpenH323 Gatekeeper - The GNU Gatekeeper 2.3.0 (2009.06.13)
The GNU Gatekeeper (GnuGk) is a full featured H.323 gatekeeper under GPL license. It includes Radius and database support and many VOIP routing functions.
-The FreeDOS Project 2038 (2009.06.13)
FreeDOS is a free DOS-compatible operating system for IBM-PC compatible systems. FreeDOS is made of up many different, separate programs that act as packages to the overall FreeDOS Project. FreeDOS is distributed under the GNU GPL

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1 Basler全新小型高速线扫描相机适合主流应用
2 意法半导体整合化高压功率级评估板 让马达驱动器更小且性能更强
3 Pilz多功能工业电脑IndustrialPI适用於自动化及传动技术
5 宜鼎推出DDR5 6400记忆体,具备同级最大64GB容量及全新CKD元件,助力生成式AI应用稳定扎根
6 宜鼎E1.S固态硬碟因应边缘伺服器应用 补足边缘AI市场断层
7 SCIVAX与Shin-Etsu Chemical联合开发全球最小的3D感测光源装置
8 Microchip支援NIDIA Holoscan感测器处理平台加速即时边缘AI部署
9 英飞凌CoolSiC萧特基二极体2000 V直流母线电压最高可达1500 VDC
10 瑞萨全新RA8 MCU系列将Arm Cortex-M85处理器高效引入成本敏感应用

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