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-Palomino flight simulator 20090612 (2009.06.13)
Palomino is a flight simulator based on OpenSceneGraph (2.4.0 or later). Runs on Linux/FreeBSD/Mac/Windows. If OSSIM (ossim.org) is installed, can render satellite images. Website: http://www.palomino3d.org
-Palomino flight simulator 20080818 (2008.08.19)
Palomino (V3) is a flight simulator based on OpenSceneGraph (2.4.0 or later). Runs on Linux/FreeBSD/Mac/Windows. Optionally, can fetch satellite images using OSSIM. Version 2 (dated 20071120) runs on GNU systems. http://www.palomino3d
-Palomino flight simulator 20080601 (2008.06.02)
Palomino (V3) is a flight simulator based on OpenSceneGraph 2.x. Runs on Linux/FreeBSD/Mac/Windows. Optionally, can fetch satellite images using OSSIM. Version 2 (dated 20071120) runs on GNU systems. http://www.palomino3d.org
-Palomino flight simulator 20080331 (2008.04.01)
Palomino (V3) is a flight simulator based on OpenSceneGraph 2.2. Runs on Linux/FreeBSD/Mac/Windows. Optionally, can fetch satellite images using OSSIM. Version 2 (dated 20071120) runs on GNU systems. http://www.palomino3d.org
-Palomino flight simulator 20080130 (2008.01.31)
Palomino (V3) is a flight simulator based on OpenSceneGraph 2.2. Runs runs on Linux/FreeBSD/Mac/Windows. The previous version 2 (dated 20071120) runs on GNU systems and has a partially implemented game mode. http://www.palomino3d
-Palomino flight simulator and 3D engine 20071120 (2007.11.21)
Palomino is a flight simulator and 3D engine written in C++ for GNU/OpenGL systems. http://www.palomino3d.org. Version 2 is current. Version 1 was dated 20070516 and earlier. Gameplay is partially implemented.
-Palomino flight simulator and 3D engine 20070905 (2007.09.06)
Palomino is a flight simulator and 3D engine written in C++ for GNU/OpenGL systems. http://www.palomino3d.org or http://www.palomino3d.com. Version 2 is current. Version 1 was dated 20070516 and earlier.
-Palomino flight simulator and 3D engine 20070706_proto (2007.07.07)
Palomino is a flight simulator and 3D engine written in C++ for GNU/OpenGL systems. http://www.palomino3d.org
-Palomino flight simulator 20061125 (2006.11.28)
Palomino is a flight simulator (action/arcade, easy-to-fly) written in C++ for OpenGL. http://www.palomino3d.org
-Palomino flight simulator 20060816 (2006.08.17)
Palomino is an arcade-style flight simulator written in C++ using OpenGL. http://www.palomino3d.org
-Palomino flight simulator 20060603 (2006.06.04)
Palomino is an arcade-style flight simulator written in C++ using OpenGL. http://www.palomino3d.org
-Palomino flight simulator 20060323 (2006.03.24)
Palomino is an arcade-style flight simulator written in C++ using OpenGL. http://www.palomino3d.org
-Palomino flight simulator 20050921 (2005.09.22)
Palomino is an arcade-style flight simulator written in C++ based on OpenGL.
-Palomino flight simulator 20050611 (2005.06.12)
Palomino is an arcade-style flight simulator written in C++ based on OpenGL.
超威:P4执行软件效能低于P3 20% (2001.10.11)
美商超威半导体(AMD)十一日宣布推出多款型号为AMD Athlon XP的全新处理器。这是全球最高效能的桌上型个人计算机处理器。该公司运算产品部平台及工程架构副总裁Richard Heye表示,若以运作速度做为产品标准,Intel推广的P4目前执行软件效能不如P3,而超威近期推出的各款处理器将能提供更好的服务
英特尔超威第四季竞价开打 (2001.10.10)
英特尔近期通知下游通路与主板厂商,将在本月14日展开新一波处理器折让(Rebate)方案,除赛扬(Celeron)平均折让五到十美元外,P4 Socket423架构自1.4GHz到1.7GHz,也将折让十美元,十月下旬还有另一波正式降价动作
英特尔超威处理器削价竞争 (2001.08.29)
英特尔27日宣布,推出运算频率最快的1.9GHz、2GHz P4处理器,同时秀出Socket423、Socket478架构的P4 2GHz。依英特尔规画,Socket478架构的P4明年起转入0.13微米。 而超威Athlon处理器主打1,000美元以上的计算机市场,对应英特尔P4,今年下半年超威推出核心为「Palomino」的Athlon处理器,从1
超威誓言将拿下NB市场三成 (2001.06.05)
AMD近期推出新款K7微处理器 (2001.05.11)
超威(AMD)近期将推出新一代K7处理器,Athlon处理器核心将由Thunderbird转为Palomino,在瞄准英特尔Pentium4下,定名为Athlon4,目前1.4 GHz已就绪;另外Duron下一代处理器Morgan也将同时推出,自800 MHz起跳
威健取得AMD Athlon台湾唯一代理权 (2000.11.24)
美商超微结合国内通路厂商为新款晶片组处理器造势,创造比英特尔Pentium 4处理器更强胜的气势;通路厂商威健实业宣布,取得超微Athlon处理器在台唯一代理权,明年首季起销售超微的760晶片组,协助推动DDR规格平台

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