鯧뎅꿥ꆱ藥 21
从时下流行的多种实时通讯程序中恢复你的密码工具软件-MessenPass 1.41 (2011.02.11)
一款提供实时通讯软件密码查询功能的小工具,而且免费使用-MessenPass 1.35 (2010.08.18)
在计算机上控制在线聊天软件使用的工具,可给父母用来限制子女的使用,或制定规则。-Chat Controller 2.0 (2009.11.08)
-Plug and Browse 6 (2009.05.12)
Plug and Browse allows you to store multiple network configurations and switch between them as needed. The program can store network connection settings, computer name and domain, Internet Explorer, Outlook Express and Windows Messenger connection settings
-Plug and Browse 5.2 (2008.05.25)
Plug and Browse allows you to store multiple network configurations and switch between them as needed. The program can store network connection settings, computer name and domain, Internet Explorer, Outlook Express and Windows Messenger connection settings
-Plug and Browse 5.1 (2008.03.04)
Plug and Browse allows you to store multiple network configurations and switch between them as needed. The program can store network connection settings, computer name and domain, Internet Explorer, Outlook Express and Windows Messenger connection settings
-Plug and Browse 5.0 (2007.11.25)
Plug and Browse allows you to store multiple network configurations and switch between them as needed. The program can store network connection settings, computer name and domain, Internet Explorer, Outlook Express and Windows Messenger connection settings
-Plug and Browse 4.4 (2006.10.10)
Plug and Browse allows you to store multiple network configurations and switch between them as needed. The program can store network connection settings, computer name and domain, Internet Explorer, Outlook Express and Windows Messenger connection settings
-Plug and Browse 4.0 (2005.09.13)
Plug and Browse allows you to store multiple network configurations and switch between them as needed. The program can store network connection settings, computer name and domain, Internet Explorer, Outlook Express and Windows Messenger connection settings
-RealPopup 2.6 (2005.06.28)
RealPopup is a replacement for WinPopup and is fully compatible with Windows Messenger Service, NetSend across versions of Windows. It is very similar to the original Winpopup application, however comes with several enhancements, including features to browse received messages, delete, reply or compose new one, hyperlink support, message saving, customizable fonts, integrated network browser and more
-STOPzilla! 4.0.45 (2005.05.24)
STOPzilla guards you against annoying unwanted pop-up windows and some common spyware installations. Optional alert sounds can notify you each time a popup window has been closed. Additional features include integrated Cookie and History cleaning, as well as homepage protection, HOSTS file protection and blocking of Windows Messenger popups
-Plug and Browse 3.4 (2005.05.02)
Plug and Browse allows you to store multiple network configurations and switch between them as needed. The program can store network connection settings, computer name and domain, Internet Explorer, Outlook Express and Windows Messenger connection settings
一个 p2p 的线上即时交谈软体-NetSend P2P IM 1.5 (2004.05.13)
一个 p2p 的线上即时交谈软体
微软Messenger服务成为广告讯息滥发工具 (2003.11.07)
美国联邦贸易委员会(FTC)周四举行记者会表示,对于微软Windows操作系统内建Windows Messenger服务提出质疑,认为此服务可能造成安全顾虑,成为广告讯息滥发的工具。 FTC指出,微软Messenger服务显然遭到不当滥用,圾垃邮件发送者可利用此服务把广告讯息传至与因特网联机的个人计算机
IBM力推企业用实时传讯软件 (2003.07.11)
在一般个人使用的实时传讯市场,已有MSN Messenger、ICQ、AOL实时通讯及Yahoo!Messenger等软件盘踞,因此蓝色巨人IBM虽也看好此市场,但主打企业用户,日前推出企业版「Sametime」软件,即强调128bit加密、文件分享与远程遥控等企业应用功能
远传加增MSN Mobile服务 (2003.03.07)
MSN与远传电信6日宣布将推出MSN Mobile服务,远传电信行动电话用户可透过任何一款支援简讯的手机收到MSN Hotmail邮件与MSN Messenger讯息,也可从手机回覆信件以及发送讯息给Messenger的线上连络人
MSN 与中华电信合作推出MSN Mobile Messenger服务 (2002.12.11)
MSN与中华电信今(11) 日宣布推出全新的MSN Mobile Messenger服务,中华电信的700万行动电话用户可透过任何一种支援简讯的手机来接收MSN Messenger或Windows Messenger的讯息,亦可发送讯息给Messenger的线上连络人
MSN网站推出 最新Messenger Service 4.5版 (2001.10.24)
MSN网站昨日宣布,推出最新的MSN Messenger Service 4.5版,提供国内的网际网路用户更先进的即时传讯服务,除了保有原有的传输档案与语音交谈的功能,4.5版并提供群组的功能,也提供全新的立体造型表情符号
数字生活.自由体验 媒体营 (2001.09.05)
亲爱的媒体朋友您好: 带给计算机用户全新体验的MicrosoftR WindowsR XP中文版将于10月30日在台湾正式登场,以Windows 2000核心技术设计的Windows XP,将让你拥有自由工作与自在生活的全新体验,智能型的操作接口让您觉得它很聪明, Windows Media Player 8的视讯与影音压缩播放技术,让你几乎分辨不出是计算机还是DVD播放的效果
Windows XP销售成长靠Windows Messenger (2001.06.12)
微软上周发表Windows Messenger,将原本简易的实时传讯功能,扩充成集视频会议、网络电话和在线功能于一身,可能是迫使消费者升级至Windows XP的利器,分析师看好XP内建的Windows Messenger,认为有可能带动新一波计算机零售销售热潮

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