CES 2016─MHL聯盟展示superMHL創新技術 (2016.01.06) MHL聯盟於美國CES 2016展示最新的superMHL創新技術。參展觀眾能夠親身體驗由superMHL技術驅動的8K家庭影音劇院系統。最新的MHL規範支援更?的色域以及更高階的高動態範圍影像(High Dynamic Range, HDR)技術,不僅能確保影像具有更高的畫素,還能提供更完美的色深和飽合的亮度呈現栩栩如生的影像 |
永泰電子率先推出MHL3.0轉接器 可支援4K超高畫質解析度 (2014.10.21) 永泰電子(JCE)推出首款獲MHL3.0 標準認證的轉接器,可將各種支援 MHL的行動裝置連結至配備HDMI 連接埠的電視。這款轉接器依據最新的MHL 3.0 標準設計,最高可支援 4K 超高畫質 (UHD) 解析度,並可向下相容MHL 1.0 及MHL 2.0裝置 |
加解密裝置存取介面程式設計 (2009.08.06) 琳瑯滿目的裝置與各種軟硬體介面,一則提高了開發應用程式的困難度,二來被裝置規格綁死,阻礙了相關應用的發展。因此需要一個依據功能性需求所定義的共同介面,讓加解密裝置業者能夠依據介面開發中介軟體,而應用系統業者能夠使用標準介面的中介軟體開發系統 |
-Jay's Secure Java Diary 0.3.1 (2007.03.26) A Secure Diary Program written in Java and using the bouncycastle JCE Cryptograpic library. It uses a combination of BlowFish and TripleDES (XORed) to encrypt Diary entries. |
-jFileCrypt jfilecrypt-0.2.1 (2007.03.07) jFileCrypt encrypts and decrypts files and directories very fast and very secure. It is written in Java 5 and uses the JCE, it supports the following algorithms: Blowfish, DES, 3DES, AES and RC4. |
-jFileCrypt jfilecrypt 0.1.2 (2006.01.04) With jFileCrypt you can crypt files very fast and secure. It crypts using the JCE and supports Blowfish, DES, 3DES, AES and RC4. |
-Java Color Expansion jce 1.6.5 (2005.11.03) Java version of the game "Color Expansion". The main purpose is to develop a strong AI to compete against other AIs and to be fun and challenging for human players to play against. |
-JXTA Instant Messenger jxtaim-0.1i (2005.10.15) JXTA Instant Messenger (J.I.M) is a project that aims to establish a server free, pure P2P Instant Messaging system. It is based on Java, JXTA (www.jxta.org) and the Java Cryptography Extension JCE and provides a nice Swing based GUI |
一個提供 Sun's JCE (Java Cryptographic Extensions) 介面給 JSP使用的工具-JCE taglib for JSP lightcrypto-0.1 (2003.09.28) 一個提供 Sun's JCE (Java Cryptographic Extensions) 介面給 JSP使用的工具 |