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Bourns新型浪湧保護器為高風險電氣服務入口和分支面板設計 (2023.12.21)
美商柏恩(Bourns)推出新型1260系列浪湧保護器(SPD)。這些AC混合SPD採用先進的MG(MOV + GDT技術)結構設計,由於此結構無洩漏或後續電流的特性,可提供增強的可靠性和安全保護
英特爾出最新量子研究晶片 擁有12個量子位元 (2023.06.20)
英特爾宣布推出最新的量子研究晶片Tunnel Falls,這是一款擁有12個量子位元的矽晶片,並將該晶片提供給量子研究社群使用。此外,英特爾與國家級量子資訊科學(QIS)研究中心、位於美國馬里蘭大學量子位元合作實驗室(LQC)的物理科學實驗室(LPS)進行合作,促進量子運算研究
ST天線配對IC搭配BLE SoC和STM32無線MCU 簡化射頻設計 (2023.02.20)
意法半導體(STMicroelectronics,ST)針對BlueNRG-LPS系統晶片(SoC),以及STM32WB1x和STM32WB5x*無線MCU,為單晶片天線配對IC系列新增兩款優化的新產品。單晶片天線配對 IC有助於簡化射頻電路設計
ST推出新一代Bluetooth系統晶片 新增位置追蹤和即時定位功能 (2022.08.10)
意法半導體(STMicroelectronics,簡稱ST)推出第三代Bluetooth系統晶片(SoC),新增了用於位置追蹤和即時定位的藍牙方向找尋技術。 從透過得知藍牙低功耗(BLE)訊號的方向,藍牙5.3認證系統晶片BlueNRG-LPS能精確估算出物體運動的方向和位置,精準度在公分等級
大聯大詮鼎推出RICHTEK 65W Type-C適配器方案 (2022.05.18)
大聯大控股宣佈,其旗下詮鼎推出基於立錡科技(RICHTEK)RT7790+RT7208E晶片的65W Type-C適配器方案。 在高效的智能時代,電子產品在人們的日常生活中所佔有的比重越來越大
安森美推出USB PD應用方案 確保負載範圍內最佳能效 (2022.05.13)
安森美(onsemi),推出用於USB供電(PD)設計的全新三件套組產品。新的控制器和驅動器提供創新的功能,能顯著減少高能效AC-DC電源的物料清單(BOM)含量,尤其是在100 W以上的負載範圍
鋰離子電池保護方案的比較 (2014.10.28)
鋰離子電池簡介 從鋰離子電池誕生的那一刻起,安全問題就一直如影隨地伴隨著它,而隨著手機、平板電腦等可?式電子設備的普及,在對電池容量要求越來越高的同時,也要求電池的體積要越來越小,從而使得電池芯也要具備可提供高能量密度的特性,使得相關的危險性也就隨之增大
安森美推出高效率GreenPoint參考設計 (2007.03.02)
高效率電源管理解決方案廠商安森美半導體(ON Semiconductor),宣佈推出最新的GreenPoint參考設計,主要針對桌上型印表機所使用的40 W電源,這個新設計帶來了協助工程師快速推出能夠提供低工作與待機耗電的電源轉換器藍圖
-Audiotools 5.37 (2006.01.28)
Audiotools is a direct to disk recorder used to record from LPs and cassettes whilst breaking into separate files by song either automatically , into fixed-length chunks or under user control. It also supports audio processing (such as equalisation) with support for plugins (including DirectX plugins) to add further processes
-IM Collector Music Edition 1.29 (2006.01.20)
IM Collector Music Edition is is a music organizer that allows you to manage your audio collection, search for tracks by keyword, find and review details about artists and more. You can scan your computer for media files, manage your music in multiple collections and organize the by media type (e
-Language Prototyping System LPS-0.1 (2005.12.31)
Language Prototyping System
-Audiotools 5.35 (2005.11.24)
Audiotools is a direct to disk recorder used to record from LPs and cassettes whilst breaking into separate files by song either automatically , into fixed-length chunks or under user control. It also supports audio processing (such as equalisation) with support for plugins (including DirectX plugins) to add further processes
-IM Collector Music Edition 1.15 (2005.11.19)
IM Collector Music Edition is is a music organizer that allows you to manage your audio collection, search for tracks by keyword, find and review details about artists and more. You can scan your computer for media files, manage your music in multiple collections and organize the by media type (e
-Audiophiler 1.5.1 (2005.09.24)
Audiophiler is a music cataloger that lets you organize your collection of CDs, LPs, Cassettes, DVDs, Mini discs, and any other media format. It allows you to view and print reports, sort and group your collection by artist, title, genre, media format and many other fields
-Audiotools 5.33 (2005.09.24)
Audiotools is a direct to disk recorder used to record from LPs and cassettes whilst breaking into separate files by song either automatically , into fixed-length chunks or under user control. It also supports audio processing (such as equalisation) with support for plugins (including DirectX plugins) to add further processes
-Audiophiler 1.5 (2005.07.09)
Audiophiler is a music cataloger that lets you organize your collection of CDs, LPs, Cassettes, DVDs, Mini discs, and any other media format. It allows you to view and print reports, sort and group your collection by artist, title, genre, media format and many other fields
-Audiotools 5.25 (2005.06.25)
Audiotools is a direct to disk recorder used to record from LPs and cassettes whilst breaking into separate files by song either automatically , into fixed-length chunks or under user control. It also supports audio processing (such as equalisation) with support for plugins (including DirectX plugins) to add further processes
-Audiotools 5.23 (2005.04.16)
Audiotools is a direct to disk recorder used to record from LPs and cassettes whilst breaking into separate files by song either automatically , into fixed-length chunks or under user control. It also supports audio processing (such as equalisation) with support for plugins (including DirectX plugins) to add further processes
一個個人音樂歸檔與分類管理軟體-Audiophiler 1.4.2 (2005.03.20)
以XML標籤為基礎,在顯示Flash 5(或以上)的瀏覽器同時執行Java(JRE)1.3-Laszlo Presentation Server 2.1 (2004.04.30)
以XML標籤為基礎,在顯示Flash 5(或以上)的瀏覽器同時執行Java(JRE)1.3

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1 Microchip發佈適用於醫學影像和智慧機器人的PolarFireR FPGA和SoC解決方案協議堆疊
2 u-blox 推出適用於穿戴應用的新型 GNSS 晶片UBX-M10150-CC
3 Microchip 推出新款統包式電容式觸控控制器產品 MTCH2120
4 貿澤電子即日起供應適用於全球LTE、智慧和IoT應用的Nordic Semiconductor nRF9151-DK開發套件
5 意法半導體推出網頁工具,加速搭載智慧感測器的AIoT專案開發
6 凌華科技透過 NVIDIA JetPack 6.1 增強邊緣 AI 解決方案
7 意法半導體推出 STM32WL33 低功耗長距離無線微控制器及專屬生態系擴充方案
8 意法半導體推出首款與高通合作之支援STM32的無線 IoT 模組
9 Bourns推出全新高效能 超緊湊型氣體放電管 (GDT) 浪湧保護解決方案
10 直角照明輕觸開關為複雜電子應用提供客製化和多功能性


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