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一款用於生成動態文件和報告基礎上的OpenDocument格式(ODF),在Java的解決方案。-JODReports (2011.01.28)
phpMyAdmin是一款工具:用PHP處理在Web上MySQL資料庫的最高管理權限作業-phpMyAdmin (2010.10.19)
-OpenXML/ODF Translator Add-in for Office (2010.06.14)
The goal for this project is to provide translators to allow for interoperability between applications based on ODF (OpenDocument) 1.0 standards and Microsoft OpenXML based Office applications. The goal for this project is to provide translators to allow for interoperability between applications based on ODF (OpenDocument) 1
-OpenXML/ODF Translator Add-in for Office Release 2.0 (Milestone 1) (2008.06.25)
The goal for this project is to provide translators to allow for interoperability between applications based on ODF (OpenDocument) 1.0 standards and Microsoft OpenXML based Office applications.
-OpenDocument to DAISY DTBook Translator 0.0.5 (2008.06.19)
This software is an Open Office Extension to translate OpenDocument Text to DAISY DTBook.
-OpenDocument to DAISY DTBook Translator 0.0.1 (2008.04.10)
This software is an Open Office Extension to translate OpenDocument Text to DAISY DTBook. It convert only Open Office Text Document to DTBook. This software is currently under heavy developpement. First release in may 2008.
-OpenXML/ODF Translator Add-in for Office Release 1.1 (2008.03.07)
The goal for this project is to provide translators to allow for interoperability between applications based on ODF (OpenDocument) 1.0 standards and Microsoft OpenXML based Office applications.
-JODConverter 2.2.1 (2007.12.20)
JODConverter automates conversions between office document formats using OpenOffice.org. Supported formats include OpenDocument, PDF, RTF, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Flash. It can be used as a Java library, a command line tool, or a Web application
-jodviewer 0.4 (2007.12.17)
A viewer for OpenDocument Presentations.
-Woodrat Reader 0.1 (2007.12.12)
Woodrat Reader is a fast and lightweight viewer for reading OpenDocument text files on Windows.
-OpenXML/ODF Translator Add-in for Office Release 1.0 (2007.12.06)
The goal for this project is to provide translators to allow for interoperability between applications based on ODF (OpenDocument) 1.0 standards and Microsoft OpenXML based Office applications.
-OpenXML/ODF Translator Add-in for Office Release M5 (2007.10.06)
The goal for this project is to provide translators to allow for interoperability between applications based on ODF (OpenDocument) 1.0 standards and Microsoft OpenXML based Office applications.
-jodviewer 0.3 (2007.09.30)
A viewer for OpenDocument Presentations.
-OpenDocumentPHP OpenDocumentPHP-0.5.3 (2007.08.22)
OpenDocument is an OASIS standard for storing documents. It is used by OpenOffice, KOffice and many more Office Suites. The target of this project is to give PHP 5 based website developers the opportunity to handle the OpenDocument Format
-OOoSVN 0.3.6 (2007.07.25)
A project to provide change control for OpenOffice.org documents (OpenDocument and *.sx*) via subversion. Transparently checks in internal changes in files and allows users to recover any previous version, view logs and compare with older versions
-OpenXML/ODF Translator Add-in for Office Release 1.3-M3 (2007.07.07)
The goal for this project is to provide translators to allow for interoperability between applications based on ODF (OpenDocument) 1.0 standards and Microsoft OpenXML based Office applications.
-DocBook to OpenDocument XSLT docbook2odf-0.244 (2007.06.18)
DocBook XSLT stylesheets & utils to OpenDocument transformation (text/presentation/...) with support for Corporate Identity templates.
-OpenDocumentPHP OpenDocumentPHP-0.5.2 (2007.06.13)
OpenDocument is an OASIS standard for storing documents. It is used by OpenOffice, KOffice and many more Office Suites. The target of this project is to give PHP 5 based website developers the opportunity to handle the OpenDocument Format
-OOoSVN 0.3.5 (2007.04.11)
A project to provide change control for OpenOffice.org documents (OpenDocument and *.sx*) via subversion. Transparently checks in internal changes in files and allows users to recover any previous version, view logs and compare with older versions
-OpenXML/ODF Translator Add-in for Office Release 1.1-M1 (2007.04.02)
The goal for this project is to provide an Add-in to Microsoft Word (XP, 2003, & 2007) to allow opening and saving OpenDocument format (ODF) files. We also provide a command line translator that allows doing batch conversions

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