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[COMPUTEX] 明基佳世達集團展出七大智慧場域 聚焦永續未來 (2023.05.30)
2023 COMPUTEX台北國際電腦展會上,明基佳世達集團以「Smart+ /智慧普拉斯」為主軸,聯合集團內22家夥伴公司共同展出七大智慧場域,橫跨資訊、餐飲零售、製造、網路通訊、教育、交通等產業,助力客戶打造更智慧、更永續的未來
互動國際COMPUTEX展GIS技術 助企業達成淨零排放目標 (2023.05.26)
迎接國際淨零碳排浪潮,互動國際數位今(26)日宣佈,將在5月30~6月2日舉行的台北國際電腦展(Computex)M0619a攤位上,展出該公司最新的GIS(地理資訊系統)解決方案。據以制定協助企業制訂更有效的減碳計劃,以達到減少碳排放,並符合SDGs「氣候行動」(Climate Action)規範,合力打造更智慧、永續的未來
施耐德電機以靈活且穩定電網服務獲選頂尖供應商 (2023.04.19)
法商施耐德電機Schneider Electric在Guidehouse Insights的ADMS(先進配電管理系統)排行榜(Guidehouse Insights Leaderboard: ADMS Vendors)中,被評選為頂尖供應商。第一名殊榮不僅是對營運效率的肯定,更讚揚施耐德電機的ADMS策略與解決方案兼具創新、可靠、彈性,並提供靈活且穩定的電網服務
AWS宣佈多項新運算服務 包括5種新EC2執行個體和2個Outposts單元 (2020.12.02)
Amazon Web Services(AWS)在其年度論壇AWS re:Invent上,宣佈五個全新的Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud(Amazon EC2)執行個體,兩個全新型態的AWS Outposts,以及三個新的AWS本地區域。 支援AWS Graviton2 C6gn執行個體:搭載AWS Graviton2處理器
CES 2017: 微軟與恩智浦及合作夥伴展示自動駕駛創新成果 (2017.01.05)
正於美國拉斯維加斯舉辦的國際消費性電子展(CES)上,微軟、恩智浦、IAV以及合作夥伴Cubic Telecom、Esri和Swiss Re透過高度自動化的駕駛示範和體驗,攜手展示安全、可靠的端到端自動駕駛願景
CES 2017: 微軟與恩智浦、艾爾維和多家合作夥伴展現個性化自動駕駛創新成果 (2017.01.04)
在1月4日至8日於拉斯維加斯舉行的2017年消費電子展(CES 2017)上,微軟公司(Microsoft)、恩智浦半導體(NXP Semiconductors)、艾爾維(IAV),以及Cubic Telecom、Esri(美國環境系統研究所公司)和瑞士再保險(Swiss Re)等汽車流動出行合作夥伴將通過高度自動化駕駛展示與體驗,呈現它們在安全可靠的端至端流動出行方面的共同願景
-geocando (2011.04.05)
Geocando is a 3d viewer for visualisation and querying of geodata and geomodels. It is especially developed for Paradigm's GOCAD(R) objects. Another supported format is the typical GIS exchange format "ESRI Shapefile".
ArcView的三維(3D)分析功能---ESRI白皮書-ArcView的三維(3D)分析功能---ESRI白皮書 (2011.01.03)
-shp2mp (2010.09.29)
Convert ESRI Shape file (.shp) to Polish text (.mp) for MapEdit. Currently only polyline input is supported.
-Odssa (2010.09.29)
ODSSA - is a system for storing, searching and viewing spatially and temporally indexed photos, videos, GIS tracks, ESRI shape, and other files. It consists of an import tool, open API Server, browser based Client for search and viewing files
ArcPad:ESRI公司的行動GIS白皮書-ArcPad:ESRI公司的行動GIS白皮書 (2010.08.10)
-ArcMap tools AC2GeoNetwork_v1.5.1 (2008.07.05)
MXDtoAXL, This tool converts ESRI ArcMap views (all layers in the active view) into ESRI ArcIMS AXL configuration files, both for feature and raster layers
-ICEwebADF: ICEfaces + ESRI ArcGIS WebADF 20080607 (2008.06.08)
Integrate the power of the fully AJAX enabled technology of ICEfaces into the framework of the ESRI WebADF. No need to code in Javascript or to handle XML communication to build AJAX functionalities. OnlineDemo: http://www2.pch
-shp2GeoRss overlay_shape_on_earth (2008.02.12)
shp2georss: Convert esri shape file to GeoRSS, which can be viewed in Virtual Earth,Yahoo map,Google Map. It is sponsored by National Science Foundation of United States, at Idaho State University, developed by MapWindow GeoSpacial software lab
-pyGEarth 0.1.0 (2007.10.12)
Tool kit for moving KML formatted Geospatial data into and out of other GIS packages such as ESRI ArcGIS, PostGIS, etc
-Mapserver Console 1.2 (2007.08.30)
MSConsole is a Java program that will generate a valid mapserver .map file from an AXL (an ESRI xml format) file. Support for other mapping systems could be provided in the future as need arise.
-SDO2SHP sdo2shp (2007.08.14)
This program is for downloading and uploading spatial and/or alphanumeric data between an Oracle database and ESRI shape files.
-Special Population Planner Special Population Planner 4.0 (2007.03.24)
Special Population Planner: A GIS-based emergency planning tool for all-hazards analysis. It is tailored for planning for the needs of persons with special needs, but can be easily adapted to other uses. It runs within ESRI ArcGIS 9
-InterMap - web ArcIMS and WMS client InterMap 1.2 alpha 0 (2007.03.12)
InterMap is an Internet mapping application that allows the user to combine interactive maps from distributed Internet Map Servers in a browser. InterMap supports OpenGIS WMS and ESRI-ArcIMS and can be fully integrated with t
-DS Map Book for ESRI's ArcMap MapBook for ArcMap 9.1 (2006.12.23)
MapBook for ESRI ArcMap simplifies the generation of map series, allowing the creation of multiple map series from a single .mxd file. Series can be tiled like USGS or NTS quadrangles, discontinuous (lakes of the Yukon), or in strips (following a road)

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