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「智」在「醫」起 諾基亞試行遠距醫療 (2016.03.01)
隨著網路通訊、視訊等相關技術的進步,讓遠距醫療系統逐漸成熟,且變得更及時也更有效率,也為不少偏鄉地區的病人帶來極大的便利性。為了實現遠距醫療的願景,諾基亞與ng Connect計畫攜手推動一項為期半年,在馬偕醫院進行的遠距醫療技術的試行方案,為台灣偏鄉提供數位醫療照護
Alcatel-Lucent第二季寬頻接取設備市場表現優異 (2007.09.20)
Dell'Oro產業研究公司報告指出,Alcatel-Lucent DSL(數位用戶迴路)及IP DSLAM(IP數位用戶線路多工接取器)在今年第二季的表現優異,累積市佔率分別達41%與38%,繼續蟬連全球寬頻接取設備冠軍寶座
Alcatel-Lucent推出新型光纖到戶 GPON解決方案 (2007.06.15)
Alcatel-Lucent宣佈推出7342 ISAM光纖到戶(Fiber-to-the-User)系統最新版本4.4,其為「Gigabit被動式光纖網路」(GPON;Gigabit Passive Optical Networking)系統,提供能使系統容量增加一倍的四埠卡板,每個I/O插槽因此可以支援10 Gigabits傳輸速率
-MicroOLAP Database Designer for MySQL 1.8.8 (2006.01.22)
MicroOLAP Database Designer for MySQL is a visual database development system that enables you to design, model, create and modify MySQL databases. It also offers reverse-engineering of multiple data sources through ADO/OLEDB, allowing you to extract tables, attributes, relationships, indexes and other objects from existing databases including, but not limited to MySQL
-MicroOLAP Database Designer for MySQL 1.8 (2005.09.18)
MicroOLAP Database Designer for MySQL is a visual database development system that enables you to design, model, create and modify MySQL databases. It also offers reverse-engineering of multiple data sources through ADO/OLEDB, allowing you to extract tables, attributes, relationships, indexes and other objects from existing databases including, but not limited to MySQL
-MicroOLAP Database Designer for MySQL 1.6 (2005.06.25)
MicroOLAP Database Designer for MySQL is a visual database development system that enables you to design, model, create and modify MySQL databases. It also offers reverse-engineering of multiple data sources through ADO/OLEDB, allowing you to extract tables, attributes, relationships, indexes and other objects from existing databases including, but not limited to MySQL
-JQuickBase JQB-A 0.0.4 (2005.05.28)
Java API to realize quick ISAM (Index Sequential Access Method) functionality for local application. This includes database files and scalable B+Tree (B-plus-tree) index files. Supports data backup and strong file encryption using Twofish and SHA-256
-JQuickBase JQB-A 0.0.3 (2005.02.16)
Java API to realize quick ISAM (Index Sequential Access Method) functionality for local application. This includes database files and scalable B+Tree (B-plus-tree) index files. Supports data backup and strong file encryption using Twofish and SHA-256

1 美光最低延遲創新主記憶體MRDIMM正式送樣
2 Basler 新型 ace 2 V相機具備 CoaXPress 2.0 介面
3 明緯推出CF系列:12V/24V COB LED燈帶
4 Microchip多核心64位元微處理器支援智慧邊緣設計
5 Basler新型 CXP-12線掃描相機具備8k和16k解析度
6 捷揚光電 全新4K錄播系統可提升多頻道NDI串流體驗
7 英飛凌CoolSiC MOSFET 400 V重新定義 AI 伺服器電源功效
8 ROHM超小型CMOS運算放大器適用於智慧手機和小型物聯網應用
9 Emerson新型氣動閥提供自動化高度靈活性和優化流量
10 英飛凌新一代CoolGaN電晶體系列採用8 吋晶圓製程


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