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Autodesk宣佈停止發展電子設計軟體EAGLE (2023.06.30)
近期Autodesk在2023年6月7日宣佈停止持續獨立的EAGLE,本來訂閱與使用EAGLE Premium服務的用戶必須在宣佈的2年內進行轉換...
Digi-Key Electronics等額配對捐款給 KiCad (2022.12.03)
Digi-Key Electronics宣布自 2022 年 12 月 1 日至 7 日期間等額配對捐款給 KiCad,最高達 15,000 美元。 KiCad 是電子設計自動化 (EDA) 的開源軟體套件。KiCad 的目標是盡可能為專業電子設計人員提供最佳化跨平台電子設計應用程式
Digi-Key Electronics雲端式工具Scheme-it推出新功能 (2021.10.26)
Digi-Key Electronics 宣布 Scheme-it 工具推出新功能。Scheme-it是全球可用的雲端式工具,可設計、分享電子電路繪圖和線路圖。此免費線上線路圖和繪圖解決方案適合工程師、教育人員、學生使用
Digi-Key於2020 Embedded World展協助企業加速創新 (2020.01.14)
全球電子元件經銷商Digi-Key Electronics在2020年Embedded World展覽中(攤位:4A-633)協助企業加速創新。 Digi-Key表示,很高興於2020年再次參與Embedded World展覽,此嵌入式系統技術大展將於2月25日至27日在德國紐倫堡舉辦
Digi-Key宣佈推出供應商主導的KiCad資料庫 (2019.03.25)
Digi-Key Electronics宣佈在GitHub上新推出第二套KiCad資料庫,稱為Digi-Key合作夥伴資料庫。此資料庫是為了讓去年推出的Digi-Key KiCad資料庫更加完備。之前的資料庫是由Digi-Key的應用工程團隊開發製作,新推出的合作夥伴資料庫,則可讓製造商上傳其專屬符號與覆蓋區,然後編譯成Digi-Key格式
Digi-Key 宣布推出 KiCad 資料庫 1.0 版 (2018.07.10)
全球電子元件經銷商 Digi-Key Electronics 宣佈,已經在 GitHub 儲存庫中將開源 Digi-Key KiCad 符號及覆蓋區資料庫標記為 1.0 版的狀態。「1.0 版」對資料庫開發來說是個重大的里程碑,這表示資料庫已達到「完整」程度,擁有各種主要功能以及足夠的可靠度,可開放給工程師、設計師及客戶使用
其目的是建立一款跨平台的(使用Qt跨平台C++應用框架)開源批次 PCB 自動路由器。-qautorouter (2011.07.03)
其目的是建立一款跨平台的(使用Qt跨平台C++應用框架)開源批次 PCB 自動路由器。
-Kicad EDA 20080804-r1176 (2008.08.05)
Kicad EDA is an open source (GPL) software for the creation of electronic schematic diagrams and printed circuit board artwork.
-Kicad library wizard release1 (2008.06.27)
At the moment its simple command line tool to create nice looking schematic libraries in kicad. I hope that it would be usefull for someone. dont need to click anything just write/paste pin names and thats it.
-Kicad EDA 20080504-r1027-win32 (2008.05.05)
Kicad EDA is an open source (GPL) software for the creation of electronic schematic diagrams and printed circuit board artwork.
-Kicad Ocaml svn17 (2008.04.29)
Kicadocaml is a small project that reads and writes Kicad board (*.brd) files produced by Kicad's pcbnew software. Currently, the software consists of an OpenGL gui & a tool to allow arraying layout associated with duplicated sub-sheets
-XML4PCB xml4pcb-2008-03-18 (2008.03.19)
XML is one way to transfer a Printed Circuit Board (PCB) data base between Software Applications. This projects starts with an export from PCB123 and creates a Kicad brd file.
-Kicad EDA 20080229-r817-win32 (2008.03.01)
Kicad EDA is an open source (GPL) software for the creation of electronic schematic diagrams and printed circuit board artwork.
-PCadToKiCad (2008.02.29)
An utility which allows schematic capture, board layout and library files conversion from P-CAD to KiCad.
-Edif to KiCad translator edif2schEXE-20080207 (2008.02.08)
An Electronic Definition Interchange Format (EDIF) parser which allows exports from one EDA schematic capture system (such as OrCad) for import into another (such as KiCad)
-Kicad EDA 20071230-r580-linux (2007.12.31)
Kicad EDA is an open source (GPL) software for the creation of electronic schematic diagrams and printed circuit board artwork.
-Edif to KiCad translator edif2kicad-2007-12-03 (2007.12.04)
An Electronic Definition Interchange Format (EDIF) parser which allows exports from one EDA schematic capture system (such as OrCad) for import into another (such as KiCad)
-Kicad EDA 20071022-r351-linux (2007.10.23)
Kicad EDA is an open source (GPL) software for the creation of electronic schematic diagrams and printed circuit board artwork.
-Edif to KiCad translator 20070928 (2007.09.29)
An Electronic Definition Interchange Format (EDIF) parser which allows exports from one EDA schematic capture system (such as OrCad) for import into another (such as KiCad)
-Kicad EDA 20070819-174 (2007.08.20)
Kicad EDA is an open source (GPL) software for the creation of electronic schematic diagrams and printed circuit board artwork.

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