相關物件共 26
CSR聯手UEI採用Bluetooth Smart遙控家庭娛樂設備 (2014.10.01)
CSR公司和Universal Electronics合作將紅外線設定與控制功能增加到以CSR μEnergy Bluetooth Smart平台為基礎的遙控器。透過UEI公司QuickSet功能建立的這項能力,讓採用CSR1011晶片組的製造商能夠開發長效電池壽命的遙控器,並且相容於既有的娛樂產品,例如:DVD和藍光播放機、有線電視盒、立體音響系統及其他影音裝置,免除使用多支遙控器的需要
華為全面推動合作夥伴策略 發展台灣企業業務 (2012.03.27)
華為(Huawei)日前於台灣與訊崴技術首度舉行年度合作夥伴高峰會,宣佈全面啟動台灣ICT產業服務策略和合作夥伴計劃。華為企業業務集團 (「華為企業」) 將藉由其深厚的ICT解決方案及創新研發能力,以開放、雙贏的合作策略,引領台灣 ICT 產業全面向上發展的動能
小米風潮解析(6) 小米手機的一些啟示(中) (2012.03.14)
-ControlRemote (2010.05.24)
This project\'s goal is to replace and extend Excel spreadsheets used in creating remote control upgrades for UEI remotes with a Java equivelent. More information on the UEI remote upgrade interface can be found at http://www
大玩人骨拼圖 市場拼湊蘋果平板電腦輪廓 (2010.01.12)
雖然微軟在CES 2010展會上刻意搶先蘋果一步公佈三款HP、Archos、Pegatron平板電腦,另外包括Dell、enTourage、Lenovo和Freescale等也在CES 2010期間公佈平板電腦或相關平板設計的電子書,不過各界仍是高度關注蘋果的平板電腦
蘋果平板電腦2010元月登場?台廠拚接單! (2009.12.28)
顯示器將成為MEMS全新應用領域 (2009.12.08)
顯示器將成為MEMS全新應用領域 (2009.11.10)
高通與正崴合作mirasol顯示幕廠正式營運 (2009.06.10)
高通(Qualcomm)子公司高通光電科技(Qualcomm MEMS Technologies)宣佈,位於台灣桃園龍潭科學園區的mirasol顯示幕製造廠已開始營運。這座廠房是高通與通訊裝置、電腦與消費性電子產品研發與製造廠商-正崴精密工業股份有限公司的策略合作成果
勁量AAAA鹼性電池帶來新一代突破 (2008.07.15)
-ControlRemote v1.85 (2008.04.24)
This project's goal is to replace and extend Excel spreadsheets used in creating remote control upgrades for UEI remotes with a Java equivelent. More information on the UEI remote upgrade interface can be found at http://www
-ControlRemote v1.83 (2008.02.02)
This project's goal is to replace and extend Excel spreadsheets used in creating remote control upgrades for UEI remotes with a Java equivelent. More information on the UEI remote upgrade interface can be found at http://www
-ControlRemote v1.80 (2007.08.24)
This project's goal is to replace and extend Excel spreadsheets used in creating remote control upgrades for UEI remotes with a Java equivelent. More information on the UEI remote upgrade interface can be found at http://www
-ControlRemote v1.76 (2007.03.01)
This project's goal is to replace and extend Excel spreadsheets used in creating remote control upgrades for UEI remotes with a Java equivelent. More information on the UEI remote upgrade interface can be found at http://www
-ControlRemote v1.70 (2006.11.30)
This project's goal is to replace and extend Excel spreadsheets used in creating remote control upgrades for UEI remotes with a Java equivelent. More information on the UEI remote upgrade interface can be found at http://www
ST、UEI和AIRGO在無線家庭娛樂網路上展示成果 (2006.09.22)
意法半導體(ST)、Universal Electronics Inc(UEI)和Airgo Networks聯合宣布,三家公司在德國柏林舉行的IFA國際消費電子產品展覽會上展出一個由三方共同合作開發的SimpleWare Home參考設計
-ControlRemote v1.68 (2006.09.13)
This project's goal is to replace and extend Excel spreadsheets used in creating remote control upgrades for UEI remotes with a Java equivelent. More information on the UEI remote upgrade interface can be found at http://www
-ControlRemote v1.59 (2006.06.22)
This project's goal is to replace and extend Excel spreadsheets used in creating remote control upgrades for UEI remotes with a Java equivelent. More information on the UEI remote upgrade interface can be found at http://www
-ControlRemote v1.50 (2006.04.17)
This project's goal is to replace and extend Excel spreadsheets used in creating remote control upgrades for UEI remotes with a Java equivelent. More information on the UEI remote upgrade interface can be found at http://www
-ControlRemote v1.44 (2006.01.19)
This project's goal is to replace and extend Excel spreadsheets used in creating remote control upgrades for UEI remotes with a Java equivelent. More information on the UEI remote upgrade interface can be found at http://www

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1 Infortrend U.2 NVMe儲存系統賦能機場AI自助服務亭加速時程
2 捷揚光電首款雙鏡頭聲像追蹤 PTZ 攝影機上市
3 Microchip為TrustFLEX平台添加安全身分驗證 IC
4 igus新型連座軸承適用於太陽能追日系統應用
5 資通電腦ARES PP以AI文件解密異常行為偵測判定準確率達八成以上
6 英飛凌全新邊緣AI綜合評估套件加速機器學習應用開發
7 ROHM推出車電Nch MOSFET 適用於車門座椅等多種馬達及LED頭燈應用
8 意法半導體新開發板協助工業和消費性電子廠商加速雙馬達設計
9 恩智浦新一代JCOP Pay提供支付卡客製化服務
10 意法半導體新車規單晶片同步降壓轉換器讓應用設計更彈性化


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