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Flock是一款社群Web瀏覽器工具,集成共享的照片,我的最愛,與新聞,Blog到瀏覽器界面。-Flock 3.5.0 (2010.12.22)
-Semagic (2010.09.14)
Windows client application for weblogs based on LiveJournal (http://www.livejournal.com) engine. Windows client application for weblogs based on LiveJournal (http://www.livejournal.com) engine.
LiveJournal,Blogspot和WordPress的部落格客戶端工具軟體-Petrus Blogger (2010.08.23)
是一款基於Mozilla的網路瀏覽器:集合共享照片,我的最愛,新聞和部落格到瀏覽器界面-Flock 2.6 (2010.06.17)
讓您發表Blog直接從桌面的工具,使用所見即所得(WYSIWYG)界面。-BlogJet (2010.05.13)
用來閱覽主動饋送內容的閱讀工具,包括有RSS,RDF與Atom等格式,Podcasts的內容也可以閱讀。-YeahReader 2.7 (2009.07.07)
-LJFriendListReader 1.2.6 (2008.07.08)
This is plug-in for IntelliJ IDEA to read the latest posts of LiveJournal friends. This is a reader and it doesn't provide features to edit/post your own news, there are a lot of good LJ-clients, but all of them doesn't allow to read friends' posts
-Petrus Blogger Petrus Blogger 20080703 (2008.07.04)
Blogging client for LiveJournal, Blogspot and Wordpress. Delivered via Java Web Start. Works on Solaris, Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.
MySpace與俄行動營運商MTS合作手機社群平台 (2008.07.03)
根據國外媒體報導,俄羅斯最大的行動營運商MTS宣佈,已和社交網站MySpace達成協議,共同合作MTS的手機社群平台。 根據協定,Myspace將為MTS架構一個排他性的WAP環境。另外,MySpace將在俄語版網站的社群中,開設一個MTS用戶的園地
-ljwatcher 2.5.0 (2008.05.27)
The program for tracking new comments on livejournal.com
-Jix Jix 0.3.0 (2008.03.31)
Jix is a client for FotoBilder. You can use it to browse pictures on your computer an upload them to the LiveJournal ScrapBook.
-Petrus Blogger Petrus Blogger (2008.03.30)
Client for LiveJournal and Blogspot. License - BSD. OS: Linux, Solaris, Windows and Mac OS X.
-ljwatcher 2.4.2 (2008.03.01)
The program for tracking new comments on livejournal.com
-LJ Feed Poster .9 (2008.02.15)
LJ Feed Poster is a perl script that takes a list of RSS and ATOM feeds, and posts them to your Livejournal account. It will only post new feed entries since the last time it ran, so it's suitable for running as a cron job.
-Petrus Blogger Petrus Blogger 0.9.8 (2008.01.13)
Client for LiveJournal and Blogger. License - BSD. OS: Linux, Solaris, Windows and Mac OS X.
-Petrus Blogger Petrus Blogger 0.9.7 (2007.12.31)
Java SE client for LiveJournal and blogger.com. API to work with LiveJournal server is available as a separate package. License - BSD. Mac OS X application bundle included.
-ljwatcher 2.4.0 (2007.12.05)
The program for tracking new comments on livejournal.com
-LJColligo - Backup tool for LiveJournal 0.4 (2007.11.23)
This project aims to create a tool to download all entries and comments from your LiveJournal Blogs and persist them first as XML and later also to generate static HTML content from it.
-LJKit & Xjournal Xjournal 1.06 Beta 2 (2007.11.05)
LJKit is a Cocoa Framework for Mac OS X designed to simplify the development of LiveJournal clients. Xjournal is a LiveJournal client for Mac OS X which supports offline editing, music detection, and history search.
-Petrus Blogger Petrus Blogger (2007.09.27)
Java SE client for LiveJournal and blogger.com. API to work with LiveJournal server is available as a separate package. License - BSD. Mac OS X application bundle included.

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