CTimes / 產業資源中心 / BSE |
公司名稱 |
English Name |
Tianjin BSE Electronics co.,LTD |
地址 |
No. 5, MIP 3rd Road, Micro-electronics Industrial Park, Xiqing District, Tianjin, China |
電話 |
86-22-23885598-1702 |
電子郵件 |
tjbse@126.com |
網址 |
www.bsecm.com |
說明: BSE is the world's largest electrets condensor microphone maker with an estimated 40 per cent world market share, while Penang- based MEMS Tech is a global supplier of silicon microphones.
MEMS Tech director Ooi Boon Leong said the companies will collaborate on technical and marketing areas, by leveraging on the marketing network and acoustics expertise of BSE and the micro- electro-mechanical systems of MEMS Tech. |
主要商品: MIC
Speaker |