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沉浸式車艙體驗升級 Cooler Master與BMW台北尚德舉辦電競賽車挑戰賽 (2023.11.02)
電競賽車駕馭前行,Cooler Master(酷碼科技)與BMW台北尚德攜手於10月31日至11月6日舉辦「BMW High Performance電競賽車挑戰賽」,共同慶祝BMW於德國紐伯林北環賽道創下旅行車型的最速紀錄,並邀請台北尚德車主體驗Cooler Master的Dyn X賽車模擬器,一同踏上紐柏林傳奇賽道的刺激之旅,獲勝者還可獲得BMW精美獎品
SiC Traction模組的可靠性基石AQG324 (2023.10.13)
七大要點!強化物聯網設備安全驗證 (2022.10.24)
強化企業雲端運算布局 甲骨文併購DNS大廠Dyn (2016.11.22)
資料庫軟體知名大廠Oracle(甲骨文)於21日自家官網中以「Oracle Buys Dyn」一文,宣布將收購網域名稱系統(DNS)提供商Dyn,以提供客戶優化的網際網路應用程式,以及雲端網路服務,並減少頁面載入時間
-IP-Updater V 3.1 (2008.06.24)
IP-Updater is a Perl-Script to manage dynamic IP-adresses (DynDNS). It reads the IP via Telnet from the Router (Zyxel, Netgear) or get it from the web. Different updates to Dyn-IP-Services or FTP-Upload to a hompage are possible
-IP-Updater V 2.2 (2008.03.29)
IP-Updater is a Perl-Script to manage dynamic IP-adresses (DynDNS). It reads the IP via Telnet from the Router (Zyxel, Netgear) or get it from the web. Different updates to Dyn-IP-Services or FTP-Upload to a hompage are possible
在開放社群相當具有指標性的Web分析報告解決方案,它用XML來製作,提供各種存取狀況的報告-Web Reporting 1.7.0 (2007.12.06)
-Reflective Ecore Model Diagram Editor net.sourceforge.dynamicgmf-src-0.1.0 (2007.08.12)
Reflective Ecore Model Diagram Editor is a GMF based Eclipse plugin which provides a graphical editor for any EMF model file, using only the meta-model such as .ecore and .xsd file. You don't need any .gmfgraph, .gmftool, .gmfmap, or
-Performance Inspector Mar-13-2007 (2007.03.13)
Analysis tools (with Java support): Dpiperf.dynamic package for 2.6 kernels, for i386, x86_64, ppc64 (no kernel patches). PerfInsp package for 2.4 kernels for i386,x86_64,ppc64,390(kernel rebuild required).
-Performance Inspector Jan-05-2007 (2007.01.06)
Analysis tools (with Java support): Dpiperf.dynamic package for 2.6 kernels, for i386, x86_64, ppc64 (no kernel patches). PerfInsp package for 2.4 kernels for i386,x86_64,ppc64,390(kernel rebuild required).
-Performance Inspector Sept-28-2006-1.4 (2006.09.29)
Analysis tools (with Java support): Dpiperf.dynamic package for 2.6 kernels, for i386, x86_64, ppc64 (no kernel patches). PerfInsp package for 2.4 kernels for i386,x86_64,ppc64,390(kernel rebuild required).
-WebReactor WebReactor20060319 (2006.03.20)
WebReactor is an async(using twisted) HTTP/FTP/WebDAV server created with Python. Coded from scratch by Ren矇 Olsthoorn in 2001-2005. An Object2SQL mapper is included. CherryTemplate is used as template engine. Support for websessions, dyn
-Dynamic Treeview Tag Library dyn-treeview-1.0 (2006.01.04)
Dynamic Treeview Tag Library is a custom tag for tree view presentation. The feature is to provide a flexible architecture for developer. You can define your own tree output strategy and use it in jsp with JSTL to customize its style,layout,content
-WebReactor 20051223 (2005.12.24)
WebReactor is an async(using twisted) HTTP/FTP/WebDAV server created with Python. Coded from scratch by Ren矇 Olsthoorn in 2001-2005. An Object2SQL mapper is included. CherryTemplate is used as template engine. Support for websessions, dyn
在開放社群相當具有指標性的Web分析報告解決方案,它用XML來製作,提供各種存取狀況的報告-Web Reporting 1.6.0 (2005.06.05)

1 捷揚光電首款雙鏡頭聲像追蹤 PTZ 攝影機上市
2 英飛凌全新邊緣AI綜合評估套件加速機器學習應用開發
3 意法半導體新車規單晶片同步降壓轉換器讓應用設計更彈性化
4 ROHM推出車電Nch MOSFET 適用於車門座椅等多種馬達及LED頭燈應用
5 恩智浦新一代JCOP Pay提供支付卡客製化服務
6 Microchip新款PHY收發器擴展單對乙太網產品組合 實現網路互操作性
7 Cincoze德承全新基礎型工業電腦DV-1100適用於邊緣運算高效能需求
8 意法半導體新款車規直流馬達預驅動器可簡化EMI優化設計
9 xMEMS推出1毫米超薄全矽微型氣冷式主動散熱晶片
10 Diodes新款10Gbps符合車規的主動交叉多工器可簡化智慧座艙連接功能


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