IAR Systems支援工業級PX5 RTOS 提高裝置安全及防護能力 (2023.02.01) IAR Systems宣布針對近期發表之全新即時作業系統PX5 RTOS提供完整支援。工業級PX5 RTOS為先進的第五代即時作業系統,針對最精細與發展成熟的嵌入式應用而量身打造。PX5 RTOS不僅協助嵌入式系統開發人員管理多執行緒應用程式的即時排程任務,還能提高嵌入式裝置的品質、安全及防護能力 |
多核心軟體開發的關鍵:Pthread (2012.05.13) 任務切割的目的,在於將應用程式裡的計算工作,切割後指派至另一個處理器核心;讓應用程式,能真正使用多核心的計算能力。這就是為什麼多核心軟體的設計,決定了多核心系統效能 |
-ArpON (2010.09.20) ArpON (Arp handler inspectiON) is a portable Arp handler. It Detects and Blocks all ARP Poisoning/Spoofing attacks with static (SARPI) and dynamic (DARPI) approach on switched/hubbed LAN with/without DHCP protocol.
ArpON (Arp handler inspectiON) is a portable handler daemon that make Arp secure in order to avoid Arp Spoofing/Poisoning & co |
嵌入式電腦技術與應用-台北場 (2009.03.17) RCore軟體平台是MOXA創新研發的嵌入式中介軟體平台,內建範例程式、Kernel、Pthread, 根目錄程式碼、驅動程式等等,搭配MOXA嵌入式電腦,可快速整合AP和硬體,大幅提昇time-to-market |
嵌入式電腦技術與應用-高雄場 (2009.03.17) RCore軟體平台是MOXA創新研發的嵌入式中介軟體平台,內建範例程式、Kernel、Pthread, 根目錄程式碼、驅動程式等等,搭配MOXA嵌入式電腦,可快速整合AP和硬體,大幅提昇time-to-market |
-Pthread profiling library pthreadw-0.1 (2007.03.29) pthreadw is a profiling library for multi-threaded programs. It can be used to automatically identify common problems related to threads that limit performance of parallel programs such as lock contention or load imbalance. |
-degas degas (2006.06.07) Discrete Event Gnu Advanced Scheduling for plug-in replacement of pthread compatible applications. Generates deterministic execution runs suitable for discrete event simulations and formal verification. |