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南韓的K-Baduk有線電視公司採用普安EonStor GS 1024S進行多媒體檔案歸檔管理 (2018.12.11)
普安科技今日宣佈南韓的K-Baduk有線電視公司採用EonStor GS 1024S進行多媒體檔案歸檔管理,以往K-Baduk有線電視採用人工作業,每月將多媒體檔案逐一歸檔至20顆2 TB硬碟內,同時也須使用保護盒及機架來保護、管理硬碟
-Jseki 0.1 (2008.08.12)
Jseki is a collection of utilities related to the ancient board game Go (also known as Wei-Qi or Baduk). These utilities allow a player to review statistics and other information about the games they've played.
-Jseki 0.1 (2008.07.21)
Jseki is a collection of utilities related to the ancient board game Go (also known as Wei-Qi or Baduk). These utilities allow a player to review statistics and other information about the games they've played.
-ddamok (2008.06.02)
ddamok is a board game, that unite go(known as baduk) with omok(known as gomoku, piskvorky or wuziqi). ddamok runs cross-platform and you can do multiplay.
-Tiny Go 1.0.3 (2008.05.24)
Tiny Go is a MIDlet (cell phone application, MIDP 2.0, CLDC 1.1), which allows to play and review Go (Weiqi, Igo, Baduk) board game files in Smart Game Format (SGF). Supports problem solving. Project provides library for SGF parsing as separate package
-Jseki mockups (2008.02.18)
Jseki is a collection of utilities related to the ancient board game Go (also known as Wei-Qi or Baduk). These utilities allow a player to review statistics and other information about the games they've played.
-Jseki 0.1.1 (2007.10.15)
Jseki is a collection of utilities related to the ancient board game Go (also known as Wei-Qi or Baduk). These utilities allow a player to review statistics and other information about the games they've played.
-Tiny Go 1.0.1 (2007.08.15)
Tiny Go is a MIDlet (cell phone application, MIDP 2.0, CLDC 1.1), which allows to play and review Go (Weiqi, Igo, Baduk) board game files in Smart Game Format (SGF). Supports problem solving. Project provides library for SGF parsing as separate package
-gnomego - Go,Weiqi,Baduk for gnome GnomeGo 0.5.1 (2007.07.26)
GnomeGo is a gnome HIG compatbile frontend for gnugo. It also features human vs. human play, adds a nautilus sgf file preview and a gnome screensaver playing bundled professional games.
-Jseki 0.3 (2007.07.18)
Jseki is a collection of utilities related to the ancient board game Go (also known as Wei-Qi or Baduk). These utilities allow a player to review statistics and other information about the games they've played.
-baduK 0.1.1 (2006.09.24)
baduK is a pattern analysis and search engine for the game of Go/Baduk/Weiqi. An ancient boardgame common in Japan, Korea, China and Taiwan. Features multiple databases, game previews and instant pattern matches. Developed using C++ and Qt 4
-baduK 0.1 (2006.07.21)
baduK is a pattern analysis and search engine for the game of Go/Baduk/Weiqi. It is an ancient boardgame, very common in Japan, Korea, China and Taiwan. baduK is developed using C++ and Qt 4.1.4

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