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ZOC是TELNET/SSH/SSH2客戶端和終端模擬器工具軟體,並提供許多先進的功能-ZOC 6.28 (2011.03.02)
Quick3270 是一款針對 Windows 3270/5250 的終端仿真模擬器工具。-Quick3270 4.16 (2010.11.23)
Quick3270 是一款針對 Windows 3270/5250 的終端仿真模擬器工具。
是一款TELNET/SSH/SSH2的客戶端與終端機模擬器-ZOC 6.26 (2010.10.13)
Windows終端模擬器,連接到IBM大型機和AS400(通過TCP/IP或Microsoft SNA伺服器)-Quick3270 4.12 (2010.07.29)
Windows終端模擬器,連接到IBM大型機和AS400(通過TCP/IP或Microsoft SNA伺服器)
-TN3270 Plus 3.3 (2009.05.30)
TN3270 Plus is a fast, powerful and inexpensive telnet client application. TN3270 Plus connects Windows PCs to IBM mainframe, AS/400, and UNIX systems via TCP/IP. TN3270 Plus delivers 3270, 5250, VT100, VT220 and ANSI terminal emulation and 3287 printer emulation
-PowerTerm InterConnect 9.1 (2007.06.09)
PowerTerm InterConnect is a terminal emulation and telnet software. It supports a full line of emulation types including IBM TN3270, TN5250 Digital, Wyse, Data General and SCO. It enables terminal emulation via various communication modes including: TN3270, TN5250, Microsoft SNA Server and Telnet
-TN3270 Plus 3.1 (2007.05.04)
TN3270 Plus is a fast, powerful and inexpensive telnet client application. TN3270 Plus connects Windows PCs to IBM mainframe, AS/400, and UNIX systems via TCP/IP. TN3270 Plus delivers 3270, 5250, VT100, VT220 and ANSI terminal emulation and 3287 printer emulation
-TN3270 Plus 3.0 (2006.11.19)
TN3270 Plus is a fast, powerful and inexpensive telnet client application. TN3270 Plus connects Windows PCs to IBM mainframe, AS/400, and UNIX systems via TCP/IP. TN3270 Plus delivers 3270, 5250, VT100, VT220 and ANSI terminal emulation and 3287 printer emulation
-PowerTerm InterConnect 8.1 (2006.01.14)
PowerTerm InterConnect is a terminal emulation and telnet software. It supports a full line of emulation types including IBM TN3270, TN5250 Digital, Wyse, Data General and SCO. It enables terminal emulation via various communication modes including: TN3270, TN5250, Microsoft SNA Server and Telnet
SecureWay Host On-Demand 4.0.1獲Hot Pick大獎 (2000.05.22)
IBM SecureWay Host On-Demand 4.0.1產品,日前在美國InfoWorld測試中心進行的網站連主機(Web-to-Host)解決方案評比中,以豐富的主機支援、容易使用與眾多的安全選擇方案等高達8.8的測試成績脫穎而出,獲得「熱門上選」(Hot Pick)大獎

1 Microchip發佈適用於醫學影像和智慧機器人的PolarFireR FPGA和SoC解決方案協議堆疊
2 安勤推出搭載NVIDIA Jetson平台邊緣AI方案新系列
3 貿澤RISC-V技術資源中心可探索開放原始碼未來
4 貿澤電子即日起供應適用於全球LTE、智慧和IoT應用的Nordic Semiconductor nRF9151-DK開發套件
5 u-blox 推出適用於穿戴應用的新型 GNSS 晶片UBX-M10150-CC
6 Littelfuse NanoT IP67級輕觸開關系列新增操作選項
7 英飛凌新款ModusToolbox馬達套件簡化馬達控制開發
8 台達全新溫度控制器 DTDM系列實現導體加工精準控溫
9 Microchip 推出新款統包式電容式觸控控制器產品 MTCH2120
10 凌華科技透過 NVIDIA JetPack 6.1 增強邊緣 AI 解決方案


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