4G Communication Is Moving Forward! (2010.06.30) The trends of telecommunication and communication applications in 2010 are: 1. LTE will be the basic mutual consent of the communication industry as 4G application is rising; and 2. the improvement of WiMAX transmission coverage capability will make the relay station technology a focal point |
4G通訊勇往直前!短距高速傳輸戰國並起!家庭聯網一氣呵成! (2010.01.11) 2010年電信與通訊的技術應用趨勢為:首先,橫跨4G殊途同歸,LTE將成通訊產業基本共識!再者,提高行動WiMAX傳輸覆蓋能力,中繼站技術備受矚目。此外,Wi-Fi Direct和高速藍牙3 |
G.hn家庭網路標準雖落定 但整合之路遙遙 (2009.12.23) 透過一般家庭既有的電話線、同軸電纜(coaxial cable)和電力線來傳輸多媒體視訊影音內容,一直是相關廠商欲取得標準主導權的兵家必爭之地。國際電信聯盟(ITU)近期已正式宣佈通過ITU-T G.hn家庭網路標準,可用1Gbps的傳輸速度,藉由同軸電纜、標準電話線與電力線傳送多媒體影音內容,並支援隨插即用功能 |
-Linux/FBSD Westell DSL Modem Diagnostics 0.10 (2008.08.03) wdiag - a collection of utilities to get DSL stats from Westell DSL modems. It is written in C and and should work on Linux 2.4/2.6 and FreeBSD 4 and higher. It provides line stats, previously only available via the win32-only Westell diagnostic utility |
架構新纜線傳輸標準 Intel成立HomeGrid Forum (2008.04.29) Intel、Infineon、Panasonic以及TI等35家廠商,於台北時間29日共同宣布成立HomeGrid Forum,旨在推動下一世代以數位多媒體內容纜線傳輸為主的單一整合規格標準,讓未來消費者可利用此標準在家中藉由同軸電纜(coaxial cable)、電力線或是電話線路,向外傳輸高畫質HD影片和其他多媒體視訊影音內容 |
-Linux/FBSD Westell DSL Modem Diagnostics wdiag-0.9 (2006.10.10) wdiag - a collection of utilities to get DSL stats from Westell DSL modems. It is written in C and and should work on Linux 2.4/2.6 and FreeBSD 4.x/5.x. It provides line stats, previously only available via the win32-only Westell diagnostic utility |
-Linux/FBSD Westell DSL Modem Diagnostics wdiag-0.7 (2006.01.27) wdiag - a collection of utilities to get DSL stats from Westell DSL modems. It is written in C and and should work on Linux 2.4/2.6 and FreeBSD 4.x/5.x. It provides line stats, previously only available via the win32-only Westell diagnostic utility |
TI宣佈在住宅閘道器市場多項最新成果 (2005.08.18) 德州儀器(TI)宣佈其在住宅閘道器市場所創下的多項最新成果。截至本季為止,TI的DSL用戶端和局端產品總銷售量預計將超過1億個連接埠,TI旗艦級住宅閘道器平台AR7數據機單晶片自2003年推出後的銷售量更將突破3,000萬個連接埠 |
Westell決定採用TI DSL晶片組 (2002.05.10) 德州儀器(TI)不斷加強DSL產品的操作互通性,同時提供更強大的技術支援的努力終於獲得具體成果。TI宣佈寬頻接取解決方案主要供應商Westell Technologies已決定採用TI的ADSL晶片組,並將它用於最新推出的新世代WireSpeed產品,協助電訊業者為消費者建置DSL線路 |