相關物件共 16
成大匯聚未來運算精英 舉辦2019 Workshop on Future Computing (2019.12.18)
國立成功大學於2019年8月宣佈成立台灣首創的「運算學院」,積極籌劃與招攬人才,12月16至17日舉辦2019 Workshop on Future Computing(2019未來運算研討會,簡稱WFC),研討會匯聚海內外75位學研及產業界精英,共同討論未來運算領域的前景與發展
意法半導體與米蘭理工大學合作開發FASTER 3D繪圖應用系統 (2015.01.13)
可提高肌肉記憶的臂帶 (2012.09.17)
-Platform Independent Petri Net Editor (2011.09.14)
Create, model and analyse Petri nets with a standards-compliant Petri net tool. PIPE2 is the active fork of the Platform Independent Petri net Editor project, which originated at Imperial College London.
世界上最高容量鋰電池 (2010.12.19)
-LCMStats - An R package (2010.09.14)
An R package developed by Sukhdeep Singh at Department of Surgery and Cancer in Imperial College London,UK.
用「看」玩遊戲 (2010.03.28)
-MTSA MTSA-R1 (2008.03.29)
MTSA is The Modal Transition Analiser. Was built as a part of a researh project of two research groups: DSE from Imperial College London and Lafhis from Buenos University.
-Platform Independent Petri Net Editor 2 PIPE2 V2.5 (2007.12.25)
Create, model and analyse Petri nets with a standards-compliant Petri net tool. PIPE2 is the active fork of the Platform Independent Petri net Editor project, which originated at Imperial College London.
-Platform Independent Petri Net Editor 2 Pipe2 v2.5 (2007.08.03)
Create, Model & Analyse with a Standards Compliant Petri Net Tool PIPE2 is the active fork of the Platform Independent Petri net Editor, and is considered to be the official version by its originators at Imperial College, London
Intel推出整合無線傳輸與天線的樣品晶片 (2007.04.23)
Intel近日在北京所舉辦的IDF(Intel Development forum Spring 2007)上,公佈具備Reconfigurable性能的無線天線技術和有限元素網路零組件FEM技術。這項技術是Reconfigurable Antenna Network計畫中的一環,可藉由此零組件支援WLAN、WiMAX、3G等多重無線通訊標準協定
-Platform Independent Petri Net Editor 2 Pipe v2.1 (2007.02.07)
Create, Model & Analyse with a Standards Compliant Petri Net Tool PIPE2 is the active fork of the Platform Independent Petri net Editor, and is considered to be the official version by its originators at Imperial College, London
-Platform Independent Petri Net Editor 2 Pipe2 v1.2 (2005.07.20)
Create, Model & Analyse with a Standards Compliant Petri Net Tool PIPE2 is the active fork of the Platform Independent Petri net Editor, and is considered to be the official version by its originators at Imperial College, London
100倍DVD容量光碟技術亮相 (2004.09.29)
一種新的儲存媒體由英國學術界提出,可以在DVD一樣大小的碟片上儲存相當100倍DVD的容量。英國倫敦帝國學院(Imperial College)發表的新儲存媒體名為「多工光資料儲存」(Multiplexed Optical Data Storage,MODS),可以在一張標準型的光碟大小上,儲存最高達到1TB(1000GB)的容量──或者相當於472小時的電影
Actel耐輻射和抗輻射FPGA元件已獲ESA採用 (2004.08.25)
Actel 公司宣佈超過400多個耐輻射和抗輻射FPGA元件已獲歐洲航天局 (ESA)及其多家轉包商採用,成為ESA Rosetta太空計畫的一環,進一步鞏固了Actel作為今日任務關鍵、高可靠性應用的首選FPGA供應商的地位
在行動計算中舉足輕重的Java (2001.05.01)
在微軟的「.Net」還沒接受使用者測試之前,我們無從比較,只能對 Java 先「歌功頌德」一番,看看 Java 對 Mobile Computing 的貢獻為何? 參考資料:(作者任職於聯眾網Linkpeople,聯絡信箱為rth@linkpeople

1 美光最低延遲創新主記憶體MRDIMM正式送樣
2 Basler 新型 ace 2 V相機具備 CoaXPress 2.0 介面
3 明緯推出CF系列:12V/24V COB LED燈帶
4 Microchip多核心64位元微處理器支援智慧邊緣設計
5 Basler新型 CXP-12線掃描相機具備8k和16k解析度
6 捷揚光電 全新4K錄播系統可提升多頻道NDI串流體驗
7 英飛凌CoolSiC MOSFET 400 V重新定義 AI 伺服器電源功效
8 ROHM超小型CMOS運算放大器適用於智慧手機和小型物聯網應用
9 Emerson新型氣動閥提供自動化高度靈活性和優化流量
10 英飛凌新一代CoolGaN電晶體系列採用8 吋晶圓製程


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