CTimes零組件雜誌第228期(2010年10月號) (2010.11.08) 汽車內燃機引擎整整風光了100年。但隨著油價飆漲,環保意識抬頭,全世界都積極搶進電動車,直接促使汽車產業展開二次革命。究竟電動車的關鍵技術何在?台灣業者發展電動車有哪些優勢?當石油世紀走到尾聲 |
自動加密及解密的軟體工具,支援密碼保護、安全鑰、公共密鑰與私人密鑰等-AutoKrypt 9.03 (2010.09.30) 自動加密及解密的軟體工具,支援密碼保護、安全鑰、公共密鑰與私人密鑰等 |
Android威脅iPhone 蘋果祭出專利訴訟手段 (2010.05.10) Android威脅iPhone 蘋果祭出專利訴訟手段 |
Google綠能投資 首購風力發電廠 (2010.05.05) Google綠能投資 首購風力發電廠 |
-Powered Keylogger (2008.12.09) Powered Keylogger allows you to invisibly monitor all activity on your computer, including Internet usage, keystrokes, system keys, buttons pressed in DOS boxes, passwords, sent/received emails, desktop snapshots and more. The program comes with a built-in log viewer that allows you to review all logged information by category and date, with options to filter the logs based on several criteria |
-keyvil v.0.01 (2008.06.26) a number of clients try to find a secret key by calculating the encryptions to all possible keys of a given key range and comparing them to the encryptin of the secret key until a matching one is detected.... |
實現完整的近距離無線通訊體系 (2008.01.30) 近年來,相關產業的重要技術廠商已針對行動付費以及其它NFC新應用,共同發展出許多標準和解決方案。到目前為止,這些業者針對行動付費的發展重點在於手機內部功能和新出現的NFC標準 |
-Powered Keylogger 2.2 (2007.11.03) Powered Keylogger allows you to invisibly monitor all activity on your computer, including Internet usage, keystrokes, system keys, buttons pressed in DOS boxes, passwords, sent/received emails, desktop snapshots and more. The program comes with a built-in log viewer that allows you to review all logged information by category and date, with options to filter the logs based on several criteria |
-Powered Keylogger 2.1 (2007.05.26) Powered Keylogger allows you to invisibly monitor all activity on your computer, including Internet usage, keystrokes, system keys, buttons pressed in DOS boxes, passwords, sent/received emails, desktop snapshots and more. The program comes with a built-in log viewer that allows you to review all logged information by category and date, with options to filter the logs based on several criteria |
-Powered Keylogger 2.0 (2007.02.03) Powered Keylogger allows you to invisibly monitor all activity on your computer, including Internet usage, keystrokes, system keys, buttons pressed in DOS boxes, passwords, sent/received emails, desktop snapshots and more. The program comes with a built-in log viewer that allows you to review all logged information by category and date, with options to filter the logs based on several criteria |
-Powered Keylogger 1.60 (2006.08.26) Powered Keylogger allows you to invisibly monitor all activity on your computer, including Internet usage, keystrokes, system keys, buttons pressed in DOS boxes, passwords, sent/received emails, desktop snapshots and more. The program comes with a built-in log viewer that allows you to review all logged information by category and date, with options to filter the logs based on several criteria |
擴大小型記憶卡新興應用領域 (2006.07.06) 媒體公司與服務供應商正在尋找一種系統,不只能支援在儲存卡預錄付費內容,還能安全簡便地下載及租用內容。並讓客戶在各種不同裝置之間分享授權內容,但沒有有非法複製與分享檔案的風險 |
-Powered Keylogger 1.4 (2006.01.15) Powered Keylogger allows you to invisibly monitor all activity on your computer, including Internet usage, keystrokes, system keys, buttons pressed in DOS boxes, passwords, sent/received emails, desktop snapshots and more. The program comes with a built-in log viewer that allows you to review all logged information by category and date, with options to filter the logs based on several criteria |
-Top Secret Crypto Gold 4.10.000 (2005.08.09) Top Secret Crypto, a file and e-mail encryption program, maintains your communications privacy over the Internet. It incorporates RSA public key cryptography which uses the One Time Pad Encryption System as its conventional encryption algorithm |
-Powered Keylogger 1.35 (2005.07.30) Powered Keylogger allows you to invisibly monitor all activity on your computer, including Internet usage, keystrokes, system keys, buttons pressed in DOS boxes, passwords, sent/received emails, desktop snapshots and more. The program comes with a built-in log viewer that allows you to review all logged information by category and date, with options to filter the logs based on several criteria |
促進WLAN安全防護之簡易網路設定方法 (2005.07.05) 隨著市場出現了帶來安全且容易使用的通訊協定,使用者現在能享受目前業界最佳的安全防護。本文將探討WLAN的安全性,並介紹目前的網路威脅以及可用的通訊協定,然後再以一個市場上的解決方案為例,說明使用者也能輕鬆解決這些威脅 |
-Powered Keylogger 1.30 (2005.03.19) Powered Keylogger allows you to invisibly monitor all activity on your computer, including Internet usage, keystrokes, system keys, buttons pressed in DOS boxes, passwords, sent/received emails, desktop snapshots and more. The program comes with a built-in log viewer that allows you to review all logged information by category and date, with options to filter the logs based on several criteria |
-Top Secret Crypto Gold 4.00.000 (2005.03.09) Top Secret Crypto, a file and e-mail encryption program, maintains your communications privacy over the Internet. It incorporates RSA public key cryptography which uses the One Time Pad Encryption System as its conventional encryption algorithm |
掌握消費特性 決勝DC市場 (2004.08.04) Dan Vivoli認為,唯有深入分析並掌握市場上數位產品主流使用群之消費特性,才能研發更具競爭力的產品,並在生活數位化、數位生活化的DC市場趨勢裏事半功倍、日進千里 |
掌握消費特性 決勝DC市場 (2004.08.03) Dan Vivoli認為,唯有深入分析並掌握市場上數位產品主流使用群之消費特性,才能研發更具競爭力的產品,並在生活數位化、數位生活化的DC市場趨勢裏事半功倍、日進千里 |