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CWFA205: WiFi+BT
原廠/品牌: 鉅景 上架日期: 11/25
供應商: 鉅景 產品類別: RF

     CWFA205 provides a complete 2.4GHz WLAN solution in an ultra compact package. Also, this chip is designed for ease of use; all the critical matching and harmonic filters are embedded. In addition, the antenna port is set at 50Ω for most of typical antenna. CWFA205 is compatible with 802.11b/g/b WLAN and is highly integrated with RF front-end circuit, digitalized baseband circuit and Bluetooth 3.0/4.0 function.

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CWFA205-x 802.11b/g/n WiFi&BT 3.0/4.0       洽詢 2 週 1 洽詢
  • Single antenna port for both Bluetooth and Wi-Fi signals
  • WFA, WPA, WPA2 and WAPI security features for 802.11
  • WiFi Direct and AP mode on host
  • Fully qualified Bluetooth v3.0/4.0 system
  • SDIO interface for Wi-Fi Host application
  • UART interface for Bluetooth application


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