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CTimes零組件雜誌第228期(2010年10月號) (2010.11.08)
自動加密及解密的軟體工具,支援密碼保護、安全鑰、公共密鑰與私人密鑰等-AutoKrypt 9.03 (2010.09.30)
Android威脅iPhone 蘋果祭出專利訴訟手段 (2010.05.10)
Android威脅iPhone 蘋果祭出專利訴訟手段
Google綠能投資 首購風力發電廠 (2010.05.05)
Google綠能投資 首購風力發電廠
-Powered Keylogger (2008.12.09)
Powered Keylogger allows you to invisibly monitor all activity on your computer, including Internet usage, keystrokes, system keys, buttons pressed in DOS boxes, passwords, sent/received emails, desktop snapshots and more. The program comes with a built-in log viewer that allows you to review all logged information by category and date, with options to filter the logs based on several criteria
-keyvil v.0.01 (2008.06.26)
a number of clients try to find a secret key by calculating the encryptions to all possible keys of a given key range and comparing them to the encryptin of the secret key until a matching one is detected....
實現完整的近距離無線通訊體系 (2008.01.30)
-Powered Keylogger 2.2 (2007.11.03)
Powered Keylogger allows you to invisibly monitor all activity on your computer, including Internet usage, keystrokes, system keys, buttons pressed in DOS boxes, passwords, sent/received emails, desktop snapshots and more. The program comes with a built-in log viewer that allows you to review all logged information by category and date, with options to filter the logs based on several criteria
-Powered Keylogger 2.1 (2007.05.26)
Powered Keylogger allows you to invisibly monitor all activity on your computer, including Internet usage, keystrokes, system keys, buttons pressed in DOS boxes, passwords, sent/received emails, desktop snapshots and more. The program comes with a built-in log viewer that allows you to review all logged information by category and date, with options to filter the logs based on several criteria
-Powered Keylogger 2.0 (2007.02.03)
Powered Keylogger allows you to invisibly monitor all activity on your computer, including Internet usage, keystrokes, system keys, buttons pressed in DOS boxes, passwords, sent/received emails, desktop snapshots and more. The program comes with a built-in log viewer that allows you to review all logged information by category and date, with options to filter the logs based on several criteria
-Powered Keylogger 1.60 (2006.08.26)
Powered Keylogger allows you to invisibly monitor all activity on your computer, including Internet usage, keystrokes, system keys, buttons pressed in DOS boxes, passwords, sent/received emails, desktop snapshots and more. The program comes with a built-in log viewer that allows you to review all logged information by category and date, with options to filter the logs based on several criteria
擴大小型記憶卡新興應用領域 (2006.07.06)
-Powered Keylogger 1.4 (2006.01.15)
Powered Keylogger allows you to invisibly monitor all activity on your computer, including Internet usage, keystrokes, system keys, buttons pressed in DOS boxes, passwords, sent/received emails, desktop snapshots and more. The program comes with a built-in log viewer that allows you to review all logged information by category and date, with options to filter the logs based on several criteria
-Top Secret Crypto Gold 4.10.000 (2005.08.09)
Top Secret Crypto, a file and e-mail encryption program, maintains your communications privacy over the Internet. It incorporates RSA public key cryptography which uses the One Time Pad Encryption System as its conventional encryption algorithm
-Powered Keylogger 1.35 (2005.07.30)
Powered Keylogger allows you to invisibly monitor all activity on your computer, including Internet usage, keystrokes, system keys, buttons pressed in DOS boxes, passwords, sent/received emails, desktop snapshots and more. The program comes with a built-in log viewer that allows you to review all logged information by category and date, with options to filter the logs based on several criteria
促進WLAN安全防護之簡易網路設定方法 (2005.07.05)
-Powered Keylogger 1.30 (2005.03.19)
Powered Keylogger allows you to invisibly monitor all activity on your computer, including Internet usage, keystrokes, system keys, buttons pressed in DOS boxes, passwords, sent/received emails, desktop snapshots and more. The program comes with a built-in log viewer that allows you to review all logged information by category and date, with options to filter the logs based on several criteria
-Top Secret Crypto Gold 4.00.000 (2005.03.09)
Top Secret Crypto, a file and e-mail encryption program, maintains your communications privacy over the Internet. It incorporates RSA public key cryptography which uses the One Time Pad Encryption System as its conventional encryption algorithm
掌握消費特性 決勝DC市場 (2004.08.04)
Dan Vivoli認為,唯有深入分析並掌握市場上數位產品主流使用群之消費特性,才能研發更具競爭力的產品,並在生活數位化、數位生活化的DC市場趨勢裏事半功倍、日進千里
掌握消費特性 決勝DC市場 (2004.08.03)
Dan Vivoli認為,唯有深入分析並掌握市場上數位產品主流使用群之消費特性,才能研發更具競爭力的產品,並在生活數位化、數位生活化的DC市場趨勢裏事半功倍、日進千里

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