第九屆盛群盃HOLTEK MCU創意大賽─嵌入式Wi-Fi門診叫號與報到系統 (2015.05.25) 本作品藉由「病人為中心」為出發點來改善病患線上掛號的報到流程,並有效縮短病患的候診時間。在此,開發一套針對門診病患提供醫療相關訊息之Android App程式,其中包含「線上掛號」,「醫師看診進度」,「門診表查詢」,「醫院最新消息」以及「醫師停診公告」等功能 |
-OpenDocumentPHP OpenDocumentPHP-0.5.3 (2007.08.22) OpenDocument is an OASIS standard for storing documents. It is used by OpenOffice, KOffice and many more Office Suites. The target of this project is to give PHP 5 based website developers the opportunity to handle the OpenDocument Format |
-OpenDocumentPHP OpenDocumentPHP-0.5.2 (2007.06.13) OpenDocument is an OASIS standard for storing documents. It is used by OpenOffice, KOffice and many more Office Suites. The target of this project is to give PHP 5 based website developers the opportunity to handle the OpenDocument Format |
-OpenDocumentPHP OpenDocumentArchive 0.1 (2006.12.30) OpenDocument is an OASIS standard for storing documents. It is used by OpenOffice, KOffice and many more Office Suites. The target of this project is to give PHP based website developers the opportunity to handle the OpenDocument Format |
-OpenDocumentPHP POC-0.4.7-pre-snapshot (2006.05.13) OpenDocument is an OASIS standard for storing documents. It is used by OpenOffice, KOffice and many more Office Suites. The target of this project is to give PHP based website developers the opportunity to handle the OpenDocument Format |
-rkward 0.3.1 (2005.03.27) RKWard aims to provide an easily extensible, easy to use GUI for the R-project, that will one day seamlessly integrate with KOffice. RKWard tries to combine the power of the R-language with the (relative) ease of use of commercial tools like SPSS |
親切好上手的Linux套件 - Mandrake (2004.04.25) 由最早RedHat獨霸Linux桌面的情況開始,Mandrake算是近年來急速竄起的套件,並在短時間內吸引了不少Linux的愛好者。而Mandrake會在短時間裡受人歡迎,除了免費之外,另一個優點就是簡單易用 |
KOffice解決Linux中文化問題 (2001.04.04) 不讓微軟的Office XP應用軟體專美於前,Linux陣營也陸續推出新的Office版本,而中文版的KOffice應用軟體更已在日前推出,以與微軟一爭高下。
其中較受矚目的有昇陽(Sun)的StarOffice,昇陽所推出的StarOffice是免費的,提供其硬體使用者更多選擇 |