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DA-1100無風扇嵌入式電腦採用Intel處理器 (2019.01.19)
以CAN節點位元時序最佳化 因應數位隔離器傳播延遲 (2014.12.24)
根據ISO 11898標準,控制器區域網路(Controller Area Network ; CAN)廣泛實現在工業與汽車應用。相關CAN協定如 DeviceNet 或 CANOpen 有賴於內建錯誤檢查機制與差動信令技術。電流隔離(Galvanic isolation)可進一步提升穩定性,以額外的傳播延遲為代價避免高壓暫態狀況
新世代遊樂器規格的產業啟示 (2013.12.27)
隨著Microsoft Xbox One與Sony PlayStation 4的開賣,遊樂器(Game Console,遊戲主機)議題又再度熱門,遊樂器世代約每6年一輪,從1994年PlayStation、2000年PS2、2006年PS3,而今PS4,不過許多觀察家認為,這一代將是末代的遊樂器,固接的遊樂器將逐漸式微,未來將是用手機行動遊樂的時代
新世代熱門遊戲的3個核心技術 (2010.09.16)
今年美國電子娛樂展(Electronic Entertainment Expo,俗稱E3電玩展)六月初於洛杉磯熱鬧展出,參與人數超過四萬五千人,堪稱近年最多一次,而三大電玩主機商微軟(Microsoft)、索尼(Sony)及任天堂(Nintendo)自然不會放過這個大展身手的好機會,紛紛推出最熱門的遊戲機種及電玩大作
遊戲上身 感測無所不在 (2010.09.13)
新唐科技推出高智慧整合型內嵌式控制晶片 (2010.05.01)
新唐科技於日前宣佈,推出高智慧整合型內嵌式控制晶片WPCE775系列,該產品適用於廣大的可攜式、手持式產品應用目標市場。其內嵌CompactRISC CR16C Plus核心,內建ROM和 RAM記憶體、系統支援功能與一個Flash介面,並能直接連結外掛式的序列埠記憶體裝置
新唐科技推出以ARM核心之32位元MCU (2010.01.08)
新唐科技(nuvoton)於昨日(1/4)宣佈,推出以ARM Cortex-M0為核心的32位元微控制器— NuMicro家族。NuMicro 家族採用ARM公司最新發佈的小型、低功耗、低閘數、精簡程式碼特性的Cortex-M0處理器,內建各種類比與混合訊號元件,及多種高速通訊能力器件,該款產品將能協助新唐客戶簡易的從8051升級至NuMicro家族
鎖定小筆電市場 QuickLogic推Smart I/O (2009.10.22)
為滿足並鎖定高成長“smartbook”及“netbook” PC市場之行動裝置開發業者之需求, QuickLogic宣布擴展其Smart I/O已驗證系統模塊(PSB)產品線,以用於其客戶特定標準產品(CSSP)
繪圖加速器惹禍 蘋果、索尼和任天堂遭訴侵權 (2009.07.07)
外電消息報導,上週一家美國的半導體公司,對蘋果、索尼和任天堂等廠商提出訴訟,指稱這些公司的多項產品侵犯了其繪圖加速器的專利,並要求支付合理的賠償。 據報導
-Kernelloader Initrd for booting from USB memory stick (2008.07.02)
Kernelloader is a free bootloader for PS2 Linux and other Playstation 2 operating systems. Loading can be done by "Action Replay Media Player", by "memory card exploit", by "Memor32" or any other homebrew loading method
-P.E.Op.S. P.E.Op.S. Soft GPU 1.18 (2008.05.25)
The Psx Emulation Open Source project (P.E.Op.S.) contains several open source libraries (plugins) for freeware MSWindows and Linux psx/ps2 emulators.
-Kernelloader Kernelloader 0.5 (2008.04.12)
Kernelloader is a free bootloader for PS2 Linux and other Playstation 2 operating systems. Loading can be done by "Action Replay Media Player", by "memory card exploit", by "Memor32" or any other homebrew loading method
-PCSX2 and PCSX2 TEAM'S PLUGINS (2008.03.21)
Pcsx2 a ps2 emulator from the same team that made the pcsx emulator. At early stages can run many demos and will start running games soon. It is for Win32 and linux
-C3A Cross Platform 3D Animated Format C3A_G (2008.03.04)
C3A is a cross platform format for animated 3D geometry. Compact, fast, low bandwidth, and compatible with all current hardware/firmware; DirectX, OpenGL, XBox, PS2, 360, PS3, PSP, Wii, & DS.
-Eyetoy On Computer Project Software maccam (2008.01.20)
Automated installing drivers and capture programs that allow you to use the Sony EyeToy Camera, found bundled with EyeToy games on PS2, on a computer running Windows, Mac OS or Linux. The entire project is released under the Open-Source GNU GPL
-PCSX2 and PCSX2 TEAM'S PLUGINS pcsx2-0.9.4 (2007.12.09)
Pcsx2 a ps2 emulator from the same team that made the pcsx emulator. At early stages can run many demos and will start running games soon. It is for Win32 and linux
-UltraStar Deluxe USdx 1.0.1 (2007.11.24)
Karaoke Software for PC like Singstar for PS2. It evaluates your singing by analyzing your voice pitch. Songs can be created with integrated Editor. This is a Fork of the UltraStar Project with many Improvements, e.g.: LineBonus, PartyMode etc
-Eyetoy On Computer Project Software 0.9.311007 (2007.11.01)
Automated installing drivers and capture programs that allow you to use the Sony EyeToy Camera, found bundled with EyeToy games on PS2, on a computer running Windows, Mac OS or Linux. The entire project is released under the Open-Source GNU GPL
讓複雜的事情變簡單 (2007.09.20)
電視遊樂器主機規格軍備競賽 (2007.09.04)

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1 Microchip發佈適用於醫學影像和智慧機器人的PolarFireR FPGA和SoC解決方案協議堆疊
2 安勤推出搭載NVIDIA Jetson平台邊緣AI方案新系列
3 u-blox 推出適用於穿戴應用的新型 GNSS 晶片UBX-M10150-CC
4 貿澤電子即日起供應適用於全球LTE、智慧和IoT應用的Nordic Semiconductor nRF9151-DK開發套件
5 Microchip 推出新款統包式電容式觸控控制器產品 MTCH2120
6 貿澤RISC-V技術資源中心可探索開放原始碼未來
7 凌華科技透過 NVIDIA JetPack 6.1 增強邊緣 AI 解決方案
8 Littelfuse NanoT IP67級輕觸開關系列新增操作選項
9 意法半導體推出首款與高通合作之支援STM32的無線 IoT 模組
10 意法半導體推出網頁工具,加速搭載智慧感測器的AIoT專案開發


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