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手指非萬能 電容式觸控筆需求大增 (2011.04.14)
手機螢幕觸控「筆」較有智慧 (2011.04.06)
-Mednafen (2010.08.04)
Mednafen is a portable, utilizing OpenGL and SDL, multi-system emulator with many advanced features. The Atari Lynx, GameBoy, GameBoy Color, GameBoy Advance, NES, PC Engine(TurboGrafx 16),SuperGrafx, Neo Geo Pocket, and Neo Geo Pocket Color are emulated
NXP與文化大學等共同舉辦NFC創新應用設計競賽 (2008.09.15)
恩智浦半導體(NXP Semiconductor,由飛利浦創立的獨立半導體公司)將與中國文化大學創新育成中心等單位共同舉辦「2008 NFC服務業行動商務創新應用設計競賽」。此項活動旨在促進NFC在商業服務業應用市場的研發,鼓勵NFC在服務業的創新應用提案,希望能借此奠定臺灣在全球NFC服務業創新應用地位
-Java GB JSwingBoy 1.2 (2008.08.03)
A Java-based Gameboy and Gameboy Color emulator for mobile devices and PCs. If you want to play Gameboy games on your mobile phone you should try this emulator. For more information on the project see the Wiki pages http://javagb
-Ethernut Embedded Ethernet 4.6.0 (2008.07.30)
Open Source SW/HW Project for Embedded Ethernet Applications. Works with AVR ATmega256/128/103, SAM7X, SAM7S(E), SAM9, AT91X40, GameBoy Advance, RTL8019AS, LAN91C111, CS8900 and DM9000E chips. Offers a tiny TCP/IP stack including HTTP, FTP and DHCP
-CatchemRPG sourcecode (2008.07.22)
Catchem RPG will be a fully featured Java RPG similar to the old gameboy pokemon series. It is open source so that a plethora of mini games, side quests and content can be added to make it a fun game to play. Early test builds released
-Java GB JSwingBoy 1.1.1 (2008.07.17)
A Java-based Gameboy and Gameboy Color emulator for mobile devices and PCs. If you want to play Gameboy games on your mobile phone you should try this emulator. For more information on the project see the Wiki pages http://javagb
-Mednafen 0.8.9 (2008.06.10)
Mednafen is a portable, utilizing OpenGL and SDL, multi-system emulator with many advanced features. The Atari Lynx, GameBoy, GameBoy Color, GameBoy Advance, NES, PC Engine(TurboGrafx 16),SuperGrafx, Neo Geo Pocket, and Neo Geo Pocket Color are emulated
一個模擬 Palm 機器成為一個 Gameboy 遊戲機的程式-Phoinix, Gameboy Emulator for Palm OS v.1.4.2 (2008.06.09)
一個模擬 Palm 機器成為一個 Gameboy 遊戲機的程式
-Java GB AndroidBoy 1.0.6 (2008.05.11)
A Java-based Gameboy and Gameboy Color emulator for mobile devices. If you want to play Gameboy games on your mobile phone you should try this emulator.For more information on the project see the Wiki pages http://javagb.wiki
-CuteBoy 0.2 (2008.04.16)
GameBoy emulator (not GameBoy Color) for J2ME based on Mario GameBoy (TM) Emulator 0.2.4 by Carlos Hasan with good speed enhancements and many useful options. GPLv2 license.
-GameBoy Cart Flasher 1.1 (2008.03.26)
GB Cart Flasher is app+device for GameBoy Cartridges reading/writing. With this set you can: make game backups from cartridges and play them on PC, transfer game saves between cartridge and PC and test written by yourself games directly on console
-Mednafen 0.8.6 (2007.12.23)
Mednafen is a portable, utilizing OpenGL and SDL, multi-system emulator with many advanced features. The Atari Lynx, GameBoy, GameBoy Color, GameBoy Advance, NES, PC Engine(TurboGrafx 16),SuperGrafx, Neo Geo Pocket, and Neo Geo Pocket Color are emulated
-Mario 0.2.4 (2007.11.03)
Mario is a Nintendo簧 GameBoy emulator for PalmOS, Java, Java Micro Edition (J2ME), Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, and POSIX platforms.
-Mednafen 0.8.4-rc3 (2007.10.21)
Mednafen is a portable, utilizing OpenGL and SDL, multi-system emulator with many advanced features. The Atari Lynx, GameBoy, GameBoy Color, GameBoy Advance, NES, PC Engine(TurboGrafx 16),SuperGrafx, Neo Geo Pocket, and Neo Geo Pocket Color are emulated
-iBoy - Gameboy Emulator For iPod iboy paper 2 (2007.10.04)
This is a gameboy emulator that runs on iPods with iPod Linux (www.ipodlinux.org). It is based on gnuboy, a gpl gameboy emulator written in C, and uses dynamic binary translation.
電視遊樂器主機規格軍備競賽 (2007.09.04)
-Mednafen 0.8.4-rc1 (2007.08.03)
Mednafen is a portable, utilizing OpenGL and SDL, multi-system emulator with many advanced features. The Atari Lynx, GameBoy, GameBoy Color, GameBoy Advance, NES, PC Engine(TurboGrafx 16),SuperGrafx, Neo Geo Pocket, and Neo Geo Pocket Color are emulated
一個模擬 Palm 機器成為一個 Gameboy 遊戲機的程式-Phoinix, Gameboy Emulator for Palm OS v.1.4.1 (2007.07.02)
一個模擬 Palm 機器成為一個 Gameboy 遊戲機的程式

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