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慶祝登月50週年 「天文太空知識充電站」閱讀書展全台登場 (2019.07.22)
國網中心Peta級高速計算主機能源效率排行全球第12 (2017.11.15)
恩智浦突破性的車用數位廣播應用解決方案將大展身手 (2014.01.13)
隨著數位廣播在全球各個主要市場強勢增長,越來越多的汽車OEM廠商和一級供應商開始提供車用數位廣播系統。作為汽車娛樂半導體產品廠商,恩智浦半導體 (NXP Semiconductors N
CISSOID引入新系列P通道高溫功率MOSFET晶體管 (2010.03.01)
-Yabause 0.9.6 (2008.06.30)
Yabause is a portable Sega Saturn emulator.
-ISS sun & moon transit prediction ISS Transit Prediction 4.3 (2008.02.24)
Java software that predicts transits of the International Space Station across the moon and sun, and close encounters with Mercury thru Saturn.
-Saturn Tools 0.22 (2007.12.30)
Tools for working with the Saturn Camcorder, a $25 one-time-use camcorder from CVS. Also included utilities for use with other Zoran COACH based camcorders, such as the multi-time-use camcorders available from Target.
-Yabause 0.9.1 (2007.11.05)
Yabause is a portable Sega Saturn emulator.
-ISS sun & moon transit prediction ISS Transit Prediction 4.0 (2007.09.09)
Java software that predicts transits of the International Space Station across the moon and sun, and close encounters with Mercury thru Saturn.
-Yabause 0.8.6 (2007.08.19)
Yabause is a portable Sega Saturn emulator.
-Saturn Tools v0.15-enigma (2007.08.16)
Tools for working with the Saturn Camcorder, a $25 one-time-use camcorder from CVS. Also included utilities for use with other Zoran COACH based camcorders, such as the multi-time-use camcorders available from Target.
-ISS sun & moon transit prediction ISS Transit Prediction 3.5 (2007.06.07)
Java software that predicts transits of the International Space Station across the moon and sun, and close encounters with Mercury thru Saturn.
-Saturn Tools 0.21 (2007.04.19)
Tools for working with the Saturn Camcorder, a $25 one-time-use camcorder from CVS.
-ISS sun & moon transit prediction ISS Transit Prediction 3.3 (2007.03.26)
Java software that predicts transits of the International Space Station across the moon and sun, and close encounters with Mercury thru Saturn.
-Saturn Tools 0.15 (2007.01.02)
Tools for working with the Saturn Camcorder, a $25 one-time-use camcorder from CVS.
-Yabause 0.8 (2006.12.26)
Yabause is a portable Sega Saturn emulator.
-Yabause 0.7.0 (2006.08.22)
Yabause is a portable Sega Saturn emulator.
-Saturn Tools 1.4 (2006.07.24)
Tools for working with the Saturn Camcorder, a $25 one-time-use camcorder from CVS.
-Saturn Tools 18 (2006.05.12)
Tools for working with the Saturn Camcorder, a $25 one-time-use camcorder from CVS.
-Saturn Tools 17 (2006.02.27)
Tools for working with the Saturn Camcorder, a $25 one-time-use camcorder from CVS.

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1 雅特力AT32F421遙控攀爬車電子調速新方案,助力征服極端地形
2 貿澤開售適用於消費性和醫療穿戴式裝置的 全新STMicroelectronics含vAFE的ST1VAFE3BX生物感測器
3 Nordic Semiconductor的nPM2100電源管理IC延長一次電池供電藍牙低功耗產品的電池壽命
4 Rohde & Schwarz推出 R&S ScopeStudio 助力開發團隊的基於個人電腦的示波器解決方案
5 Silicon Labs BG22L及BG24L精巧版SoC提供應用優化的 超低功耗藍牙連接
6 群閎攜手R&S共創WiFi 7與5G檢測新標杆,助力企業拓展全球版圖
7 貿澤電子即日起供貨ADI邊緣運算平台,可支援自主機器人和自動駕駛車中的機器視覺
8 意法半導體推出適用於車用微控制器的可配置電源管理 IC
9 泓格iSN-811C-MTCP紅外線感測模組 從溫度掌握工業製造的安全與先機


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