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以色列航空公司借力Wind River推出超節能飛機牽引車 (2015.09.01)
物聯網軟體供應商Wind River宣佈,以色列最大的防衛和航空航太公司以色列航空工業公司(IAI)在其新型半自動飛機牽引車TaxiBot中,採用Wind River VxWorks Cert Platform即時操作系統(RTOS)和Wind River Professional Services
-QOpenTLD (2011.07.02)
C++ implementation of TLD using Qt and OpenCV.
一款共享註冊系統是域名註冊管理軟體,也可能管理國家頂級域名(TLD)的工具。-Domain Name Registry System (2011.03.29)
可以找到可用域名(根據您的自定義關鍵字),您可以生成文本或HTML的結果報告-AnalogX WHOIS Ultra 3.03 (2009.03.25)
-Network SMS Gateway v0.1.0 (2008.08.02)
netSMSgw is a SMTP to SMS gateway. The goal of netSMSgw is to have an easy installable SMS gateway for company or personal use. The idea is that you can email @sms.domain.tld and it will send a sms with the subject. Shoul
-Domain Name Registry System 1.47 (2007.12.04)
The Shared Registry System is software (client and servers) for managing a domain name registry, and is most likely to be of use for managing a country TLD. The software was originally developed in 2002 to manage the New Zealand (
-Public Suffix Java Implementation 1.0.0 (2007.10.27)
A Java library that provides rulings on what portion of passed hostname/domainname string is effective-TLD (or Public Suffix).
-Domain Name Registry System 1.41.0 (2007.05.31)
The Shared Registry System is software (client and servers) for managing a domain name registry, and is most likely to be of use for managing a country TLD. The software was originally developed in 2002 to manage the New Zealand (
-Domain Name Registry System 1.38 (2007.03.09)
The Shared Registry System is software (client and servers) for managing a domain name registry, and is most likely to be of use for managing a country TLD. The software was originally developed in 2002 to manage the New Zealand (
-Atomic TLD Filter 1.30 (2007.02.03)
Atomic Top Level Domain Filter (ATLDF) is a simple program that lets you filter a list of email addresses based on the domain extension (country, .net, .com etc.). The filtered list can then be saved as a new one, allowing you to use it for targeted mailings
-Domain Name Registry System 1.37.0 (2006.12.08)
The Shared Registry System is software (client and servers) for managing a domain name registry, and is most likely to be of use for managing a country TLD. The software was originally developed in 2002 to manage the New Zealand (
-TLD Manager tldmgr-20061129 (2006.11.30)
A Top-Level Domain manager providing domain registration to end-users and zone management to administrators. Geared towards alternative TLD's such as OpenNic.
本專案是針對巴西網路交換中心.br註冊者做簡單的資料通訊。-LibEPP-NICBR-CGI 0.1 (2006.07.26)
收集了超過250個國家的各類代碼,用來尋找特定國家地區的資訊非常方便-Country Codes 2.6.0 (2005.09.21)
地球上的國家基本資訊查詢器-Country Codes 2.0.1 (2005.03.26)
從dot-xxx與dot-sex談起 (2001.04.01)
成人網站的龐大數量和洶湧人潮均是千百倍以上, 如果還不能有個特定的虛擬地盤,是不是太沒道理了? 參考資料:
全球網域名稱兩年內將成倍數成長 (2000.10.11)
全球網域名稱(Domain Name)註冊公司NetNames表示,目前全世界有3千多萬已註冊的URLs,而這個數字在2002年時將會提升至6千萬。在高階網域中,排名第一的為.com,有183萬的網域(Domain),其次為擁有300萬個網域名稱的.net,再其次則為有200萬網域名稱的.org
網域名稱將由.1開始 (2000.10.04)
位於倫敦之Group One Registry的共同創立人設想了一個情況,那就是將只由1到9這些數字來構成網頁的網址。網頁的網址若不使用文字及URLs的話,那麼所有的行動電話、PDA以及將來要推出的智慧型裝置都可以連到網頁上

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