-GDesk (2010.05.25) GDesk is a customizable and extendable desktop system for Symbian (UIQ 3, S60 3rd and 5th editions). Icons can be placed on the desktop representing applications, page links and plug-ins; these can then be launched by tapping them |
三星許可收購  Nokia將持有Symbian所有股權 (2008.09.04) 根據國外媒體報導,Nokia發言人近日表示,Nokia已獲得Samsung同意可收購其持有Symbian股份,因此Symbian所有股東都已同意將股權出售給Nokia,Symbian開放平台計畫將正式實施。
6月Nokia宣佈將結合Sony Ericsson、Motorola、NTT DoCoMo、AT&T、LG、Samsung、ST、TI以及Vodafone等 |
-UIQ3 open-source software and tools 0.3.1 (2008.08.15) This is a list of UIQ 3.0 open-source software, tools and themes. We also host smaller UIQ3 projects and UIQ3 themes. |
大家一起玩遊sym’ (2008.07.01) Nokia日前決定以4.1億美元,收購剩餘的52%的Symbian股份,並計畫取消Symbian軟體的專利費,向其他的手機製造商提供免費的Symbian作業系統。此外,還將聯合Sony Ericsson、摩托羅拉和NTT DOCOMO整合Symbian OS、S60、UIQ 以及MOAP(S),共同創立一個開放的行動軟體平台 |
迎戰LiMO和Android  Nokia決定收購Symbian (2008.06.25) 根據國外媒體報導,全球手機大廠Nokia宣佈將出資4.1億美元收購Symbian 52%的股權,目前Nokia已持有47.9%的Symbian股權。
Nokia表示,計畫如果順利,收購案將在今年第4季完成 |
-UIQ3 open-source software and tools 0.1(49) [demo] (2008.05.05) This is a list of UIQ 3.0 open-source software, tools and themes. We also host smaller UIQ3 projects and UIQ3 themes. |
-UIQ3 open-source software and tools 1.1.6 (2008.03.05) This is a list of UIQ 3.0 open-source software, tools and themes. We also host smaller UIQ3 projects and UIQ3 themes. |
-Screenshot for Symbian OS v2.91 (2007.12.22) Screenshot for Symbian OS is an application to take screenshot on your Symbian OS mobile phones (UIQ or S60). You can capture screenshot and save it to a file in JPEG, PNG, BMP or MBM format. The screenshot can be sent directly to a PC via Bluetooth |
-Screenshot for Symbian OS v2.80 (2007.08.15) Screenshot for Symbian OS is an application to take screenshot on your Symbian OS mobile phones (UIQ or S60). You can capture screenshot and save it to a file in JPEG, PNG, BMP or MBM format. The screenshot can be sent directly to a PC via Bluetooth |
Ericsson與TI共同開發3G手機參考設計 (2007.07.31) Ericsson與TI德州儀器共同宣佈,將針對3G手機的參考設計,進行共同開發以及技術方面的合作。據了解,兩廠商將開發之參考設計將結合支援HSPA、LTE的Ericsson小型低耗電3G數據機 |
易利信與TI合作提供創新的3G解決方案 (2007.07.26) 全球電信設備供應商易利信與全球無線通訊晶片解決方案廠商德州儀器宣佈雙方將展開策略性技術合作,共同針對採用開放式作業系統的最新3G裝置開發客製化解決方案。
這個策略合作計劃將結合易利信手機技術平台(Ericsson Mobile Platforms, EMP)精巧省電的3G數據機模組和TI高效能OMAP應用處理器,有效運用並整合雙方的技術 |
TI與易利信合作創新的3G解決方案 (2007.07.25) 德州儀器(TI)與易利信(Ericsson)宣佈,將展開策略性技術合作,共同針對採用開放式作業系統的最新3G裝置開發客製化解決方案。
這個策略合作計劃將結合易利信手機技術平台(Ericsson Mobile Platforms, EMP)精巧省電的3G數據機模組和TI高效能OMAP應用處理器,有效運用並整合雙方的技術 |
-UIQ3 open-source software and tools 1.2 (2007.06.25) This is a list of UIQ 3.0 open-source software, tools and themes. We also host smaller UIQ3 projects and UIQ3 themes. |
-Puzzle games for Symbian UIQ sPlus v0.90 (2007.05.02) Puzzle games for Symbian UIQ 2 |
-UIQ3 open-source software and tools 1.1 (2007.04.03) This is a list of UIQ 3.0 open-source software, tools and themes. We also host smaller UIQ3 projects and UIQ3 themes. |
-PyUIQ 0.1 (2007.03.23) The Python programming language for UIQ 2.1 and UIQ 3 mobile phones. |
-Screenshot for Symbian OS v2.70 (2007.03.21) Screenshot for Symbian OS is an application to capture screenshot on your Symbian mobile phones (UIQ or S60). You can capture screenshot and save it to a file in JPEG, PNG, BMP or MBM formats. |
創新行動數位影音儲存技術 (2007.03.07) 全球儲存硬碟大廠希捷科技(Seagate Technology)近日在台發表數位影音體驗(Digital Audio Video Experience;DAVE)技術,能讓可攜式裝置製造商開發出輕薄短小、又能提高容量的儲存硬碟裝置 |
Seagate與Symbian合作智慧型手機 (2007.03.06) 希捷科技宣佈加入Symbian Platinum Program計畫。Seagate身為Symbian白金級夥伴廠商,將持續為發展中的Symbian智慧型手機市場,帶來新開發的DAVE技術平台,能與執行S60 第三版與UIQ 3操作介面的手機完全互通相容 |
-UIQ3 open-source software and tools 0.5 (2007.01.19) This is a list of UIQ 3.0 open-source software, tools and themes. We also host smaller UIQ3 projects and UIQ3 themes. |