相關物件共 13
-jSemanticService jSemanticService-build-0.1.0 (2008.03.06)
Semantics and Rules for Enterprise/POJO/Web Services or Agents based on BREs (Drools 4 implementation provided). Integration for Spring, Hibernate, Flex and Mule provided out of the box.
-Neomule Neomule v4.50 (2007.12.02)
Neo mule is a modification of the original Emule. This Emule Mod is more adjustable and contains much more functions.
-Mule Collector Designer 0.2 (2007.05.15)
MuleDesinger is an extension of Publisher Subscriber model intended to be used by telecommunication industry as a flexible code generated billing mediation system. Currently the supported protocols are Telnet, FTP, SSH, HTTP.
-hebMule - the first Hebrew Mule! v1.2 [0.47c] (2006.10.14)
hebMule - the first Hebrew Mule, a modification of the world's p2p app: eMule! hebMule has lots of improvements, new features and open source sub-projects, like Skinner and LinkCreator.
-Neomule Neomule v4.25 (2006.10.11)
Neo mule is a modification of the original Emule. This Emule Mod is more adjustable and contains much more functions.
業者推出耗電只要1瓦的LED製電燈泡 (2006.09.04)
環繞在我們身邊有關LED照明燈具的應用,已經有一段時間了,但現在有一款新推出的高效能LED燈泡,它能取代更多的傳統灼熱式的電燈泡,同時能夠徹底降低能源的使用。 發展此款新型LED燈泡的是一家位於美國羅徳島州的Mule照明公司,他們推出了稱做LEDison系列的LED燈泡,這表示可取代標準型的白熾燈泡在種種照明應用上
-Neomule Neomule v4.12 (2006.07.01)
Neo mule is a modification of the original Emule. This Emule Mod is more adjustable and contains much more functions.
-hebMule - the first Hebrew Mule! v1.1 [0.47a] (2006.05.29)
hebMule - the first Hebrew Mule, a modification of the world's p2p app: eMule! hebMule has lots of improvements, new features and open source sub-projects, like Skinner and LinkCreator.
-Neomule Neomule v4.01 (2005.12.11)
Neo mule is a modification of the original Emule. This Emule Mod is more adjustable and contains much more functions.
-Neomule Neomule v4.00 rc9 (2005.09.29)
Neo mule is a modification of the original Emule. This Emule Mod is more adjustable and contains much more functions.
-hebMule - the first Hebrew Mule! v4b (2005.07.23)
hebMule - the first Hebrew Mule, a modification of the world's p2p app: eMule! hebMule has lots of improvements, new features and open source sub-projects, like Skinner and LinkCreator.
-hebMule - the first Hebrew Mule! v4 (2005.02.21)
hebMule - the first Hebrew Mule, a modification of the world's p2p app: eMule! hebMule has lots of improvements, new features and open source sub-projects, like Skinner and LinkCreator.
-Mule - Universal Message Objects mule-1.0-rc2 (2005.02.06)
Mule is a robust and highly scalable ESB (Enterprise Service Bus) framework based on SEDA. It is designed as a light-weight, event-driven component technology that handles communication with disparate systems transparently.

1 美光最低延遲創新主記憶體MRDIMM正式送樣
2 艾邁斯歐司朗與greenteg創新體溫監測技術 為耐力運動領域帶來新變革
3 明緯推出CF系列:12V/24V COB LED燈帶
4 Microchip多核心64位元微處理器支援智慧邊緣設計
5 Basler新型 CXP-12線掃描相機具備8k和16k解析度
6 捷揚光電 全新4K錄播系統可提升多頻道NDI串流體驗
7 Ceva蜂巢式物聯網平台整合至意法半導體NB-IoT工業模組
8 Emerson新型氣動閥提供自動化高度靈活性和優化流量
9 英飛凌新一代CoolGaN電晶體系列採用8 吋晶圓製程
10 凌華OSM開放式系統模組開啟嵌入式運算新紀元


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