Blackfin Development Tools Bundle (2010.03.01) For a limited time, you can begin your Blackfin processor design at a discounted rate, over 70% off the regular price. This offer is available from March 1st to May 28th , so order your bundle today to get started. |
Atmel單鍵電容式觸控控制器問世 (2010.03.01) 愛特梅爾(Atmel)今(1)日宣佈,推出以可攜式設備市場為目標的全新單鍵式觸控控制器產品系列。新產品可使下
一代可攜式觸控設備(包括電源按鈕、助聽設備、玩具和鄰近感測器)的耗電量降到17 µA以下,其中的嵌入式低功耗
功能還有助於延長這些可攜式設備的電池壽命 |
BLACKFIN USB-LAN EZ-EXTENDER (2010.03.01) The Blackfin® USB-LAN EZ-Extender daughter board allows developers to connect to the Asynchronous Memory Bus on the ADSP-BF533 EZ-KIT Lite, ADSP-BF537 EZ-KIT Lite and ADSP-BF561 EZ-KIT Lite.
The EZ-Extender has peripherals that support USB 2 |
BLACKFIN EZ-EXTENDER (2010.03.01) The Blackfin EZ-Extender daughter board allows developers to connect the Parallel Peripheral Interface (PPI) on the ADSP-BF533 EZ-KIT Lite and the ADSP-BF561 EZ-KIT Lite to a number of Analog Devices High Speed Converter (HSC) evaluation boards (ADC, mix signal, and DAC), the OV6630 OmniVision camera evaluation board, and an external LCD display |
LABVIEW EMBEDDED MODULE FOR ANALOG DEVICES BLACKFIN PROCESSORS (2010.03.01) The National Instruments LabVIEW™ Embedded Module for Analog Devices Blackfin® Processors is a comprehensive graphical development environment for embedded design. Jointly developed by ADI and NI, this module seamlessly integrates the LabVIEW Development Environment and Blackfin Embedded Processors |
LABVIEW EMBEDDED MODULE FOR ANALOG DEVICES BLACKFIN PROCESSORS (2010.03.01) The National Instruments LabVIEW™ Embedded Module for Analog Devices Blackfin® Processors is a comprehensive graphical development environment for embedded design. Jointly developed by ADI and NI, this module seamlessly integrates the LabVIEW Development Environment and Blackfin Embedded Processors |
EZ-KIT LITE EVALUATION KIT FOR ADSP-BF561 BLACKFIN PROCESSOR (2010.03.01) The ADSP-BF561 EZ-KIT Lite® provides developers with a cost-effective method for initial evaluation of the ADSP-BF561 Blackfin® Processor for audio and video applications via a USB-based PC-hosted tool set. Evaluation of analog audio applications is achieved through the use of the AD1836 multichannel 96 kHz audio codec |
EZ-KIT LITE FOR ANALOG DEVICES ADSP-BF537 BLACKFIN PROCESSOR (2010.03.01) The ADSP-BF537 EZ-KIT Lite® provides developers with a cost-effective method for evaluation of the ADSP-BF537 Blackfin® Processor and its rich set of system peripherals, including the IEEE 802.3 10/100 Ethernet MAC and CAN 2 |
EZ-KIT LITE FOR THE ADSP-BF533, BF532, BF531 (2010.03.01) The ADSP-BF533 EZ-KIT Lite provides developers with a cost-effective method for initial evaluation of the ADSP-BF533 Blackfin Processor for a wide range of applications including audio and video processing. The EZ-KIT Lite includes an ADSP-BF533 desktop evaluation board and fundamental debugging software to facilitate architecture evaluations via a USB-based PC-hosted tool set |
BF506F EZ-KIT LITE (2010.03.01) The ADSP-BF506F EZ-KIT Lite® provides developers with a cost-effective method for initial evaluation of the ADSP-BF504/F and BF506F Blackfin® Processors via a USB-based, PC-hosted tool set. With this EZ-KIT Lite, users can learn more about the Analog Devices (ADI) ADSP-BF506F hardware and software development, and quickly prototype a wide range of applications |
ADSP-BF527 EZ-KIT LITE EVALUATION KIT (2010.03.01) The ADSP-BF527 EZ-KIT Lite® provides developers with a cost-effective method for initial evaluation of the ADSP-BF527 Blackfin® Processors via a USB-based, PC-hosted tool set. With this EZ-KIT Lite, users can learn more about the Analog Devices (ADI) ADSP-BF527 hardware and software development, and quickly prototype a wide range of applications |
Linear新款DC/DC控制器具備1%精度輸出電壓 (2010.02.28) 凌力爾特(Linear)於日前宣佈,發表一款效率達 95%的雙組輸出同步降壓DC / DC控制器LTC3865/-1,此元件具備2個腳位可選的VOUT 設定,這是一項可省下 4個精準回授電阻的特性 |
有了電子沒了書 (2010.02.26) 電子書話題風風光光在市場上曝光也有一年時間了,然而過去這段時間,台灣相關廠商拼命發表的,都是電子書閱讀器(e-Reader),功能不斷推陳出新,比尺寸、也比效能 |
伊頓在台交付30輛混合動力都會用公車 (2010.02.26) 多元化工業動力設備製造商伊頓與成運汽車及首都客運合作,昨日(2/25)宣佈交付30輛混合動力都會用公車。這些公車將投入台北通勤服務路線,可望節省25%至30%的燃油、微粒及氮氧化物的排放量 |
ST新款加速度計突破尺寸和功耗極限 (2010.02.25) 意法半導體(ST)今(25)日發佈,新系列三軸數位加速度計產品。新產品擁有最小的占板面積、大幅降低的電流消耗以及強化的功能。
意法半導體在加速度計設計方面,將感測器尺寸縮小到2 x 2mm,並將100Hz取樣頻率時的功耗降至10微安培以下(Microampere) |
3D電影熱潮下 你看不到的創意正在流失 (2010.02.25) 阿凡達全球票房已經突破24億,趕上阿凡達熱潮,近期還有《超世紀封神榜》、《馴龍高手》、《魔境夢遊》、三部3D電影即將上映,即使美國大部分戲院已經針對現有場地進行升級,但仍傳出3D電影放映廳數不足的問題 |
2009年全球手機終端銷售量排名出爐 (2010.02.24) 國際研究暨顧問機構Gartner,今日公布了2009年全球手機終端銷售量報告,報告中顯示,2009年全球手機終端銷售量總計為12億1,100萬支,較2008年略微減少了0.9%,但智慧型手機則強勢成長 |
推託省電想擁HTML5入懷 蘋果iPad槓上Flash (2010.02.24) 看起來,Steve Jobs是執意要跟Adobe槓上了!
當蘋果表示iPad不會支援網路影片格式Flash時,就已經引起市場上兩極化的反應。iPhone不支援Flash或許可以用「不是故意的」來搪塞,iPad又不支援的話就是擺明對嗆了 |
ST新晶片 降低zapper機上盒開發成本 (2010.02.23) 意法半導體(ST)推出一款解調器和解碼器二合一晶片,新產品以網路電視、地面或有線機上盒為目標應用,有助於中國、印度、拉丁美洲和非洲以及在進行無線電視數位化的國家地區提高數位電視接收率 |
iPad加持 平板電腦期待虎年大運來 (2010.02.23) 儘管Apple早在1983年即有平板電腦的構想,並有手寫輸入辨識與觸控的概念與技術專利提出。歷經1990年以後,IBM及微軟亦相對提出平板電腦軟硬體等開發商品,但諸多因素,都讓平板電腦的銷售不如預期,Apple Newton OS及其平板電腦也終告失敗 |