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安勤科技推出兩款Mini ITX准系統:BMX-T510 & BMX-T520 Series (2014.05.27)
工業電腦專家,安勤科技,世界級嵌入式產品解決方案製造商。安勤科技日前推出兩款採用Mini ITX電腦主板為核心的准系統產品:BMX-T510 & BMX-T520 Series,此兩款產品提供極佳的產品性價比
一款個人化備份工具:可創建備份,ZIP格式,選擇備份文件到CD-RW或DVD-ROM,本地文件夾,或遠端FTP Server-BackUp Maker 6.200 (2011.03.25)
一款個人化備份工具:可創建備份,ZIP格式,選擇備份文件到CD-RW或DVD-ROM,本地文件夾,或遠端FTP Server
硬碟,CD/ DVD-ROM和軟碟驅動器:具有即時圖形顯示的數據資料傳輸速率工具。-HD Speed (2011.01.12)
硬碟,CD/ DVD-ROM和軟碟驅動器:具有即時圖形顯示的數據資料傳輸速率工具。
哇!聽過200倍速的光碟機嗎? 這是一套以硬碟模擬光碟機的工具, 用快速的讀取速率完整呈現光碟內容-Virtual CD (2011.01.12)
哇!聽過200倍速的光碟機嗎? 這是一套以硬碟模擬光碟機的工具, 用快速的讀取速率完整呈現光碟內容
虛擬光碟提供200倍的速度和低噪音的CD/DVD物理驅動器,無需插入實體CD光碟-Virtual CD (2010.09.28)
-flasher (2010.09.17)
This project aims to create a generic cross-platform (CD/DVD)-ROM drive firmware dumping and flashing software.
台灣電子產業走出自己的路! (2010.06.07)
從端到雲主軸轉移 台灣電子產業需慎思出路 (2010.05.14)
-AutoPlay Media Studio 7.5.1006.0 (2009.06.25)
AutoPlay Media Studio enables you to create interactive multimedia applications, ranging from autorun CD/DVD-ROM menus and electronic business cards to demos, training applications, custom web browsers and more. It offers a WYSIWYG design environment and a variety of ready-to-use templates to get you started
-AutoPlay Media Studio 7.5 (2008.10.18)
AutoPlay Media Studio enables you to create interactive multimedia applications, ranging from autorun CD/DVD-ROM menus and electronic business cards to demos, training applications, custom web browsers and more. It offers a WYSIWYG design environment and a variety of ready-to-use templates to get you started
-XBMC media center MacPorts-mpkgs-1.0 (2008.07.31)
XBMC media center is a free software cross-platform media player jukebox and entertainment hub. XBMC is capable of playing back almost all known video, audio and picture formats from a computers harddrive, DVD-ROM drive, a local-network
-XBMC media center svn13859 (2008.07.09)
XBMC media center is a free software cross-platform media player jukebox and entertainment hub. XBMC is capable of playing back almost all known video, audio and picture formats from a computers harddrive, DVD-ROM drive, a local-network
-XBMC (formerly "XBox Media Center") v0.5.0b2 (2008.05.16)
XBMC is a free software cross-platform media player and media center entertainment hub/jukebox. XBMC is capable of playing back almost all known video, audio and picture formats from a computers harddrive, DVD-ROM drive, a local-network
-AutoPlay Media Studio 7.0 (2008.03.11)
AutoPlay Media Studio enables you to create interactive multimedia applications, ranging from autorun CD/DVD-ROM menus and electronic business cards to demos, training applications, custom web browsers and more. It offers a WYSIWYG design environment and a variety of ready-to-use templates to get you started
-XBMC (formerly "XBox Media Center") XBMC Gadget (2008.03.03)
XBMC is a free software cross-platform media player and media center entertainment hub/jukebox. XBMC is capable of playing back almost all known video, audio and picture formats from a computers harddrive, DVD-ROM drive, a local-network
-XBMC (Xbox Media Center) LiveXBMC-20080123 (2008.01.26)
XBMC (Xbox Media Center) is a free multimedia player jukebox for Microsoft Xbox game console, it is capable of playing back almost all known video, audio and picture formats from the Xbox harddrive, DVD-ROM drive, a local-network, and even the internet
研揚科技首推無風扇嵌入式控制器 (2007.12.31)
-Optical Device Manipulator 0.1 pre-alpha (2007.11.21)
ODMan (Optical Device Manipulator) uses special ioctl's to manipulate,debug optical devices such as cd/dvd-rom, writers
規格自主 中國推CH-DVD高容量光碟規格 (2007.09.14)
中國光碟研究機構清華大學光碟國家工程研究中心(The Optical Memory National Engineering Research Center;OMNERC)推出了可儲存HDTV影像的光碟規格CH-DVD。而為了在2008年大力推廣此規格,中國大陸於今年9月7日成立CH-DVD的推廣團體CHDA(中國高畫質光碟產業聯盟),往後將大力推廣該規格並致力普及化
電視遊樂器主機規格軍備競賽 (2007.09.04)

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1 Basler 新型 ace 2 V相機具備 CoaXPress 2.0 介面
2 明緯推出CF系列:12V/24V COB LED燈帶
3 FlexEnable柔性顯示技術創新產品目前已出貨
4 Microchip多核心64位元微處理器支援智慧邊緣設計
5 Basler新型 CXP-12線掃描相機具備8k和16k解析度
6 英飛凌CoolSiC MOSFET 400 V重新定義 AI 伺服器電源功效
7 ROHM超小型CMOS運算放大器適用於智慧手機和小型物聯網應用
8 Emerson新型氣動閥提供自動化高度靈活性和優化流量
9 友通EC5 系列嵌入式系統適合工業自動化的多元應用需求
10 u-blox新款LTE Cat 1bis蜂巢式模組實現全球連網能力

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