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落實半導體設備自主化 儀科中心推首台自研自製ALE設備 (2020.09.25)
國家實驗研究院台灣儀器科技研究中心(國研院儀科中心)在科技部指導下,配合國家政策,積極發展先進半導體設備,期能落實半導體設備自主化的目標。 國研院儀科中心深耕光機電及真空領域逾45年
AE於SEMICON WEST 2020推三款全新製程設備電源產品 (2020.08.03)
Advanced Energy(AE)致力於開發各種高精確度電源轉換、測量和控制系統等解決方案。該公司今(3)日宣佈推出三個可支援先進技術節點半導體晶圓製程設備的全新解決方案。 Advanced Energy半導體產品副總裁暨總經理Peter Gillespie表示﹕「隨著第四次工業革命揭開帷幕,半導體製造技術不斷發展,並且迅速掀起翻天覆地的轉變
國研院與竹科管理局舉辦成果發表會 擘劃半導體技術未來 (2019.10.08)
國研院儀科中心自研自製第一部ALE設備 (2019.09.19)
國家實驗研究院台灣儀器科技研究中心(國研院儀科中心)將其在光機電及真空領域深耕逾40年的技術能量,與半導體設備產業進行串聯,於9月18日至20日SEMICON Taiwan台灣國際半導體展,展示通過半導體製程實際驗證之曝光機關鍵零組件,以及半導體產業高階儀器設備自主研發成果與客製服務績效
浩亭展示數位商品 通過射頻識別直接進入雲端 (2019.02.13)
隆達電子發表ADB智慧LED汽車頭燈模組系統 (2018.03.27)
隆達電子將發表ADB(Adaptive Driving Beam)智慧LED汽車頭燈模組系統,搭配CCD鏡頭模組,可偵測對向來車並動態調整頭燈照射區域,為LED汽車頭燈的未來新趨勢。此外更展示車用LED封裝、LED模組與光引擎等全系列產品,展現隆達電子一條龍垂直整合的產品實力,並將於3月28-29日的ALE上海國際汽車燈具展覽會一次亮相
浩亭新款UHF RFID 4欄位讀寫器可用於M12和M8連接 (2017.10.30)
浩亭(HARTING)長期以來始終為苛刻的工業及鐵路行業應用提供合適的UHF RFID產品,並不斷擴展RFID讀寫器系列。全新的4欄位讀寫器可讓用戶獲得可靠的M連接器(M8和M12)和優異的RFID功能
Aruba提倡Intelligent Edge網路架構理念 (2017.01.16)
Aruba日前於《智慧行動論壇》中除了針對與HPE完成整合後所專注發展,並提倡為配合行動化和物聯網(IoT)發展的Intelligent Edge網路架構理念,與來自網路業界超過300多位的菁英們,分享助力實踐「網隨人動,聯網未來」的最新技術與願景
科林研發推出先進邏輯元件用的介電質原子層蝕刻功能 (2016.09.07)
先進半導體設備製造商科林研發公司(Lam Research Corp.)宣佈,已在其Flex介電質蝕刻系統中增加了原子層蝕刻(ALE)功能,以擴展ALE技術的產品組合。運用科林研發的先進混合模式脈衝 (AMMP)技術,新的ALE製程展現出原子級的控制能力,可克服邏輯元件微縮至10奈米以下時面對的重要挑戰
-?ci?gnij z iply (2011.06.04)
Chcesz u?y? IPLA pod linuksem, ale nie chce ci si? zainstalowa? AIR? Mo?e po prostu chcia?by? ?ci?gn?? episody, ?eby? po?niej ogl?da?? Ju? mo?esz!
-logicAlloy RFID Platform for EPC & ALE ALE Server (2008.07.09)
logicAlloy ALE is RFID-EPC compliant RFID middleware. ALE collects and processes RFID tag data from RFID readers, then pushes RFID data to ERP apps. For more info on ALE, RFID and RFID tools, see www.logicalloy.com. logicAllo
-logicAlloy RFID Platform for EPC & ALE ALE Server 1.2.1 (2008.03.16)
logicAlloy ALE is RFID-EPC compliant RFID middleware. ALE collects and processes RFID tag data from RFID readers, then pushes RFID data to ERP apps. For more info on ALE, RFID and RFID tools, see www.logicalloy.com. logicAllo
-logicAlloy RFID Platform for EPC & ALE epc 0.3.2 (2008.01.08)
logicAlloy ALE is RFID-EPC compliant RFID middleware. ALE collects and processes RFID tag data from RFID readers, then pushes RFID data to ERP apps. For more info on ALE, RFID and RFID tools, see www.logicalloy.com. logicAllo
-logicAlloy RFID Platform for EPC & ALE v1.5 (2007.10.12)
logicAlloy provides ALE and other RFID middleware for the entire RFID network. Our RFID solutions are compliant with DoD and EPCglobal RFID specs. For more info on ALE, RFID middleware and RFID tools, see www.logicalloy.com.
-logicAlloy RFID Platform for EPC & ALE ALE 1.0.11 (2007.07.02)
logicAlloy provides ALE and other RFID middleware for the entire RFID network. Our RFID solutions are compliant with DoD and EPCglobal RFID specs. For more info on ALE, RFID middleware and RFID tools, see www.logicalloy.com.
-logicAlloy RFID Platform for EPC & ALE epc 0.2.4 (2007.04.11)
The logicAlloy RFID platform includes open source RFID middleware covering solutions for the entire EPCglobal RFID Network. All of our RFID offerings are compliant with EPCglobal RFID including ALE and EPC-IDS. See http://www
-logicalloy RFID for ALE, EPC-IDS, &a epc 0.2.3 (2007.04.06)
The logicAlloy RFID platform includes open source RFID middleware covering solutions for the entire EPCglobal RFID Network. All of our RFID offerings are compliant with EPCglobal RFID including ALE and EPC-IDS. See http://www
-logicalloy RFID for ALE, EPC-IDS, & ONS ALE 1.0.4 (2007.03.07)
The logicAlloy RFID project includes opensource RFID middleware covering solutions for the entire EPCglobal RFID Network. All of our RFID offerings are compliant with EPCglobal RFID including ALE and EPC-IDS. See http://www.logicAlloy
-logicalloy RFID: ALE, EPC-IDS, & ONS v1.1 (2006.09.17)
The logicAlloy RFID project includes opensource middleware covering solutions for the entire EPC Network. All of our offerings are compliant with EPCglobal. This includes ALE, EPC-IS, EPC Discovery Service and ONS. For more info see logicAlloy
-logicalloy ALE, EPC-IDS, & ONS for R ale 1.0 RC (2006.08.02)
The logicAlloy project includes opensource RFID middleware covering solutions for the entire EPC Network. All of our offerings are compliant with EPCglobal. This includes ALE, EPC-IS, EPC Discovery Service and ONS. For more info see logicAlloy

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1 安立知擴展Inline感測器系列 推出低頻峰值功率感測器MA24103A
2 明緯推出XLN/XLC系列:25W/40W/60W智能調光LED驅動電源
3 恩智浦新型互聯MCX W無線MCU系列適用於智慧工業和物聯網裝置
4 u-blox新推兩款精巧型模組內建最新Nordic藍牙晶片
5 Microchip推出搭配Kudelski IoT keySTREAM的ECC608 TrustMANAGER
6 安勤專為工業和通信領域推出ECM-ASL 3.5吋嵌入式單板電腦
7 igus推出輕量化ReBeL協作機器人仿生手
8 凌華搭載Intel Amston-Lake模組化電腦適用於強固型邊緣解決方案
9 ROHM新增3款6432尺寸金屬板分流電阻PMR100系列產品
10 意法半導體新款雙向電流感測放大器可提升工業和汽車應用效益


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