
[Computex]鉅景看準AR市場商機 以智慧眼鏡搶攻奠基 (2016.06.02)
Computex 2015─鉅景SiME智慧耳機讓精彩影音戴著走 (2015.05.18)
COMPUTEX TAIPEI 2015即將於6月2日~6月6日登場,鉅景科技將展出娛樂版的「SiME智慧耳機」,即將於國際電腦展亮相的新一代SiME智慧耳機,結合了智慧眼鏡Android核心平台及頭戴式耳機功能的設計
[Computex]鉅景智慧眼鏡引燃即時服務新商機 (2014.06.09)
本屆Computex以智慧化與穿戴裝置為主打重心,而智慧眼鏡正是結合兩者優點的最重點商品。鉅景科技(Sip)長久以來致力發展System in Package的微型化解決方案,在本次展會中就再次推出了新一代的SiME智慧眼鏡
鉅景軟體加值Wi-Fi 掌握無線儲存裝置影音串流趨勢 (2012.08.21)
鉅景科技再度榮獲第20屆台灣精品獎 (2012.01.06)
鉅景科技(ChipSiP)日前宣布,以SiP(System in Package)技術自行開發的平板解決方案榮獲第20屆台灣精品獎殊榮。鉅景發展SiP微型化的核心應用,所創造出的輕薄體積設計,已連續兩年獲得台灣精品的肯定,更傳達了超輕薄裝置產品新價值
CWFA205: WiFi+BT (2011.11.25)
CWFA205 provides a complete 2.4GHz WLAN solution in an ultra compact package. Also, this chip is designed for ease of use; all the critical matching and harmonic filters are embedded. In addition, the antenna port is set at 50Ω for most of typical antenna
GPS SiP Module (2011.11.25)
CGPA104 is a complete navigation system built on a new SiRFstarIV and other specifications of key components for deriving highest performance in GPS application. These combinations are resulted in higher sensitivity, faster first fix, system stability in outdoor environment
CGPA10x: GPS SiP (2011.11.24)
CGPA10x is a complete navigation system built on a new SiRFstarIV and other specifications of key components for deriving highest performance in GPS application. These combinations are resulted in higher sensitivity, faster first fix, system stability in outdoor environment
鉅景針對未來雲端科技提出SiP微型化應用 (2011.11.13)
CWFC10x:Mobile AP/Router (2011.06.20)
CWFC10x is an IEEE802.11b/g/n AP/Router, which features compact size with 2 fast Ethernet ports. It provides a powerful high-speed wireless connection for wireless-enabled devices to roam and connect easily and freely.
CT49 Memory SiP NAND + DDR3 (2011.06.17)
CT49 Memory SiP is a Multi Chip Package Memory (MCP) that integrated NAND Flash and DDR3 SDRAM by advanced SiP (System-in-a-Package) technology. CT49 Memory SiP offers space saving advantage that could miniaturize your portable device
CT84 Memory SiP DDR3 Stack (2011.06.17)
CT84 Memory SiP is a Multi Chip Package Memory (MCP) that integrated DDR3 SDRAM- stacked by advanced SiP (System-in-a-Package) technology. CT84 Memory SiP offers space saving advantage that could miniaturize your portable device
CT92 Memory SiP Mobile DDR Stack (2011.06.17)
CT92 Memory SiP is a Multi Chip Package Memory (MCP) that integrated Mobile DDR SDRAM-stacked by advanced SiP (System-in-a-Package) technology. CT92 Memory SiP offers space saving advantage that could miniaturize your portable device
CWFD301&CWFD401: WiDi (2011.06.17)
鉅景科技:啟動智慧生活的SiP品牌 (2011.06.16)
SiP串連隨處生活享趣 part1 (2011.06.16)
SiP串連隨處生活享趣 part1
SiP串連隨處生活享趣 part2 (2011.06.16)
SiP串連隨處生活享趣 part2
Pad(MID) SiP Turnkey Solution (2011.06.16)
Android OS, 7-inch Touch LCM, WiFi 802.11 b/g/n, Full HD codec, USB 2.0, HDMI 1.3a, Up 5000mAh Battery, High integrated by SiP(System in Package) components: GPS, BT, (Option) WiFi, DDR2 SDRAM stack, Height: 9.85mm; Weight: 3
Computex:鉅景WiDi Box獲Best Choice Award (2011.06.01)
鉅景科技(ChipSiP)近日宣佈,Wireless Display Mini Box獲得Best Choice of COMPUTEX TAIPEI 2011 Award中Communication類產品大獎。鉅景以打造無線環境為目標,結合SiP微型化特性,推出迷你尺寸WiDi Box(86x55x17mm),讓分享空間不受限,智慧生活輕鬆實現
Computex 2011_鉅景科技敬邀@世貿一館一樓D429 (2011.05.31)
2011年度盛事Computex將於5月31日開展,鉅景於世貿一館一樓D429攤位展示SiP Turnkey相關解決方案,並設置”智慧家庭”與”行動分享”區,讓生活透過智慧和便捷的裝置創造心體驗,歡迎蒞臨體驗



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