Microchip首款32位元MCU開發平台與Arduino相容 (2011.06.15) Microchip與美國Digilent共同宣佈,推出針對32位元微控制器設計、首款相容Arduino硬體和軟體的開放原始碼開發平台。
由Microchip授權設計合作夥伴之一的Digilent,所設計和製造的chipKIT平台是首款32位元Arduino解決方案 |
三星決投產大尺寸AMOLED 台廠側進佔地盤 (2011.06.15) 熟悉AMOLED的業界人士表示,三星已經決定投入8.5代AMOLED生產線,前進大尺寸AMOLED面板。大尺寸AMOLED仍然是具備量產經驗與能力的三星說了算,儘管Sony曾經開發出11吋AMOLED面板,不過僅具技術宣示意義 |
IR推出新款超小型PQFN2x2功率MOSFET (2011.06.15) 國際整流器公司(International Rectifier,簡稱IR)近日宣布,擴展其封裝系列,推出新款的PQFN 2mm x 2mm封裝,且配合IR最新的HEXFET MOSFET矽技術,為一系列的低功耗應用,包括智能手機、平板電腦、攝錄機、數位相機、筆記本電腦、伺服器和網路通訊設備,提供超小型、高密度和高效率的解決方案 |
SmartFusion類比設計流程 (2011.06.15) Actel provides an overview on the analog design flow for the SmartFusion intelligent mixed signal FPGAs. The MSS configurator provides graphical configuration for current, voltage and temperature monitors, sample sequencing setup and post-processing configuration, and DAC output |
SmartFusion FPGA資源設計流程 (2011.06.15) Learn how to configure a SmartFusion intelligent mixed signal FPGA and use the graphical setup for current, voltage and temperature monitors, sample sequencing setup and post-processing configuration, as well as digital-to-analog (DAC) output |
SmartFusion嵌入式設計流程 (2011.06.15) Find out how to configure a SmartFusion FPGA and work independently, without ever opening FPGA design tools. You can also use the MSS configurator to import a configuration from a hardware designer and automatically generate all necessary firmware to start the design |
SmartFusion評測套件Demo (2011.06.15) The Actel SmartFusion Evaluation Kit demonstration video demonstrates several designs: Web server, "blinky", and others. This low-cost kits allows you to evaluate Actels Smart Fusion mixed-signal FPGA . |
SmartFusion智慧型混合訊號FPGA於電源管理的應用 (2011.06.15) Actel's Mixed-signal Power Manager (MPM) reference design demonstrates configurable power management in SmartFusion FPGAs. This video uses the SmartFusion Evaluation Kit and the MPM is daughter card. |
SmartFusion智慧型混合訊號電源管理參考設計 (2011.06.15) This video shows the mixed signal power manager (MPM) reference design and the MPM GUI running on the SmartFusion Evaluation Kit and the MPM Daughter Card. |
NS全新高亮度LED驅動器 簡化區域照明設計 (2011.06.15) 美國國家半導體(NS)於日前宣佈,推出全新高整合線性LED驅動器LM3466,可簡化街燈等大功率廣域照明燈具的設計。NS表示,該產品僅需幾個被動元件就能提供一個完整系統,可驅動現有任一款AC/DC穩流電源的每個LED燈串 |
TUV:3D顯示設備好壞怎知道 3D驗證有保障 (2011.06.14) 自從3D電影阿凡達帶動3D內容的流行風潮後,市面上出現越來越多的3D數位內容及3D技術,令人目不暇給。不同產品所引用的3D技術也引起相當多的技術討論,目前也無統一的標準版本 |
時序控制和驅動IC 掌握新一代行動顯示關鍵 (2011.06.14) 一年一度的光電展目前在南港展覽館熱鬧登場。會場上無論是已經量產化的電子紙、新興的膽固醇液晶顯示器、或是發展潛力十足的2D轉3D和AMOLED,都正吸引眾人目光。除了材料和製程之外,時序控制(TCON)和驅動晶片也是掌握顯示品質、可靠度以及降低功耗的關鍵 |
3M MicroTouch SCT Surface Impact (2011.06.14) This video shows the surface durability and shatter-resistance of the laminated and reinforced 3M MicroTouch Sensor SCT7650 (formerly known as MicroTouch ToughTouch II), an important characteristic for interactive technology used in public access applications ranging from 6 |
How 3M Surface Capacitive Technology Works (2011.06.14) This video shows the operating principles of 3M Surface Capacitive Technology (3M SCT). |
CellLocate:讓定位應用無遠弗屆 (2011.06.14) 對於GPS的導航定位應用,大多數人想必都不陌生了。但很多人想必有過類似以下的經驗:當自己駕車要開出地下停車場時,很想知道這時該往右或往左轉時,車上的導航器卻顯示出無法定位(no fix),讓人又急又無奈!
僅管GPS已是廣泛被應用的技術,但在衛星訊號極微弱的情況下,要運用GPS來定位仍是力有未逮 |
3M Edge Accuracy (2011.06.14) The following is a 3M PCT demonstration of multi-touch edge accuracy. In a point-and-click world, icon selections in the corners or along the bezel edge can be challenging with a mouse and nearly impossible with many touchscreen technologies |
3M Multi-Touch Speed (2011.06.14) The following is a 3M PCT demonstration of multi-touch touch speed. Multi-touch response time is a critical specification yet difficult to measure and demonstrate, so 3M has created a real-time " tachometer" to track the number simultaneous touch points, milliseconds response time and points per second response speed |
3M Glove Touch (2011.06.14) The following is a 3M PCT demonstration of multi-touch glove touch. In many applications, such as healthcare and public security, glove use is a requirement, so glove touch is an important capability of any touch system. As you can see in these examples, 3M PCT multi-touch technology shows outstanding touch response using up to 10 fingers with multiple layers of latex gloves |
3M Multi-Touch Accuracy (2011.06.14) The following is a 3M PCT demonstration of multi-touch accuracy. 3M PCT multi-touch technology is best known for tracking 20-fingers simultaneously, but the more than 3000 discrete touch points embedded in the sensor allow for precise touch proximity |
Imagine the Possibilities of 3M Multi-Touch (2011.06.14) Whether your touch applications need 2, 4, 10 or 20 finger interactivity, 3M Projected Capacitive Technology can resolve up to 60 simultaneous touch points and let you imagine the true possibilities of multi-touch. |