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聯發科展示前瞻共封裝光學ASIC設計平台 為次世代AI與高速運算奠基 (2024.03.20)
聯發科技推出新世代客製化晶片(ASIC)設計平台,提供異質整合高速電子與光學訊號的傳輸介面(I/O)解決方案,以聯發科技的共封裝技術,整合自主研發的高速SerDes處理電子訊號傳輸搭配處理光學訊號傳輸的Ranovus Odin光學引擎
訊能集思與富智康合作打造5G智慧網關Odin 加速實現工業4.0 (2022.08.29)
Synergies以一站式整合方案 推動製造業邁向零IT世代 (2022.08.03)
Synergies Intelligent Systems 訊能集思(Synergies)推出全新5G物聯網閘道器Odin,並同步更新旗下全球首創的決策AI平台JarviX推出 3.0版,以一站式設備管理軟硬體整合方案協助製造業邁向「零IT」新世代,解決智慧製造人才短缺困境,透過AI輕鬆善用營運資料翻轉營收
數位轉型要求簡便快捷 流體控制續向電控整合 (2021.01.06)
博世力士樂導入IO-Link (2018.01.10)
資策會舉辦「IDEAS Hatch暨3D列印成果發表會」 (2017.11.01)
資策會數位服務創新研究所(服創所)於10月31日舉辦「2017 IDEAS Hatch Annual Meeting 暨3D列印成果發表會」,來自「IDEAS Hatch」家族,成功在國內外市場中集資上市的硬體新創代表作,包括ODiN雷射空氣滑鼠、AQUA微型擴大機、NextDrive Plug 個人雲端智能插頭、Vulcan 廚房溫控智慧插座、摩豆娃娃、STTC App智慧發熱衣
u-blox五大無線模組方案 加速IoT應用成真 (2016.12.01)
u-blox短距離無線電系列模組通過台灣NCC認證 (2016.05.30)
全球無線及定位模組與晶片廠商u-blox宣佈,該公司的ELLA W1和ODIN-W2短距離無線電模組系列已獲得國家通訊傳播委員會(NCC)的合格認證。NCC是專責規範資訊、通訊與廣播電視產業的獨立管理機構
u-blox 打造物聯網入門套件 (2014.12.03)
-ODIN release_1_7_3 (2009.06.13)
ODIN is a free software framework for rapid prototyping of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) sequences. The sequences can be tested, simulated and executed on scanner hardware from different manufacturers.
-ODIN release_1_6_7 (2008.06.04)
ODIN is a free software framework for rapid prototyping of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) sequences. The sequences can be tested, simulated and executed on scanner hardware from different manufacturers.
-Dioscuri - modular emulator FreeDOS ODIN 0.7 (for 0.4.0) (2008.02.13)
Dioscuri is an x86 computer hardware emulator written in Java. It is designed by the digital preservation community to make sure that documents and programs from the past can still be accessed in the future. Dioscuri is durable and component-based
-ODIN release_1_6_6 (2008.02.03)
ODIN is a free software framework for rapid prototyping of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) sequences. The sequences can be tested, simulated and executed on scanner hardware from different manufacturers.
-Odin 1.0.0 (2008.01.14)
Odin is a Tool that aims to be a didatic resource for AI Teachers. It lets students visualize PROLOG programs in 3D simulations.
-ODIN release_1_6_4 (2007.10.11)
ODIN is a free software framework for rapid prototyping of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) sequences. The sequences can be tested, simulated and executed on scanner hardware from different manufacturers.
-ODIN release_1_6_3 (2007.07.25)
ODIN is a free software framework for rapid prototyping of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) sequences. The sequences can be tested, simulated and executed on scanner hardware from different manufacturers.
ODIN與空中巴士將合作RFID視覺系統 (2007.07.18)
根據外電報導,歐洲空中巴士(Air Bus)將與ODIN technologies 合作RFID整合化軟硬體產品。在初期階段ODIN將提供方案設計、應用、測試以及支援服務,為空中巴士提供即時自動化視覺系統
-ODIN release_1_6_0 (2007.03.09)
ODIN is a free software framework for rapid prototyping of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) sequences. The sequences can be tested, simulated and executed on scanner hardware from different manufacturers.
-ODIN release_1_5_0 (2006.10.03)
ODIN is a free software framework for rapid prototyping of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) sequences. The sequences can be tested, simulated and executed on scanner hardware from different manufacturers.
-ODIN release_1_4_2 (2006.06.20)
ODIN is a compilation of libraries and applications that are useful in the field of nuclear magnetic resonance. Its intention is to support the scientist during implementation and testing new sequences and data reconstruction algorithms

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1 Basler 新型 ace 2 V相機具備 CoaXPress 2.0 介面
2 FlexEnable柔性顯示技術創新產品目前已出貨
3 明緯推出CF系列:12V/24V COB LED燈帶
4 Microchip多核心64位元微處理器支援智慧邊緣設計
5 Basler新型 CXP-12線掃描相機具備8k和16k解析度
6 英飛凌CoolSiC MOSFET 400 V重新定義 AI 伺服器電源功效
7 ROHM超小型CMOS運算放大器適用於智慧手機和小型物聯網應用
8 Emerson新型氣動閥提供自動化高度靈活性和優化流量
9 友通EC5 系列嵌入式系統適合工業自動化的多元應用需求
10 u-blox新款LTE Cat 1bis蜂巢式模組實現全球連網能力


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