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Radware在台湾设立新云端安全中心 (2022.08.30) Radware宣布在台湾设立新云端安全中心。此设施将协助台湾客户保护其资料中心、网路、Web与行动应用程式以及API,不仅能将延迟性降到最低,还能确实遵循境外路由相关的法规遵循流程 |
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Oracle推全新OCI服务和功能 为客户提供更具弹性的资源 (2022.03.21) Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) 推出 11 个全新的运算、网路、储存服务和功能,可让客户以更低的成本、更快、更安全地执行工作负载。全新的解决方案将提供灵活的核心基础架构服务和自动最隹化资源,以满足应用程式需求并大幅降低成本 |
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资安创新应用于产线 防御思维须面面俱到 (2021.12.15) 由于数位科技产业发展与创新应用的趋势,加速智慧工厂自动化和数位化转型,IT+OT两端资源整合成效如何,资安管理系统与风险管控技术成为其中重要的关键。
OWASP(Open Web Application Security Project)为全球主要针对开放网页应用程式安全进行研究的非营利组织 |
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物联网应用首重资安 Bureau Veritas提供完整一站式IoT安全评等 (2020.05.22) 伴随着5G、人工智慧(AI)、物联网(IoT)等新技术开创缤纷多彩的新兴应用,设备联网是各种智慧应用的基石,然而,新兴技术往往带来未知的新风险;无可避免地,都必须面对随之而来,资安的严峻挑战 |
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资策会与国内资安业者 举办国际资讯安全组织台湾高峰会 (2018.07.10) 由Cloud Security Alliance台湾分会、The Honeynet Project台湾分会以及OWASP台湾分会共同主办的年度重要国际资安会议「国际资讯安全组织台湾高峰会」,将於7月10日到12日,在集思台大会议中心召开 |
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「2011电子商务安全国际研讨会」各国专家分享 破解黑客密码之第一手信息 (2011.03.11) 知名拍卖网站、交易平台所衍生的千亿商机近来成为黑客觊觎的攻击对象!依资策会MIC最新调查报告,今(100)年电子商务市场将可望再创新高达4,300亿新台币的水平,经济部商业司为强化并健全我国电子商务交易安全基础 |
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一款Web应用要求模糊测试工具:通过HTTP或HTTPS,其目的是提供单一可移植的应用-JBroFuzz (2010.09.20) 一款Web应用要求模糊测试工具:通过HTTP或HTTPS,其目的是提供单一可移植的应用 |
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网页应用程序安全机制项目(OWASP)的相关软件与文件-OWASP Source Code Center WebGoat 5.2 (2008.07.13) 网页应用程序安全机制项目(OWASP)的相关软件与文件 |
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-JBroFuzz jbrofuzz-10 (2008.07.05) The OWASP JBroFuzz Project is a java based stateless network protocol fuzzer developed for penetration tests. It allows for the identification of certain classes of security bugs, by means of malformed data generation accross the network |
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-orizon v0.90 (2008.06.12) Orizon is a framework intended to provide tools and facilities to test java sources for security flaws. The main goal is to detect common threats as described in Owasp top 10 vulnerability document. |
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-JBroFuzz jbrofuzz-0.8 (2008.03.17) The OWASP JBroFuzz Project is a java based stateless network protocol fuzzer developed for penetration tests. It allows for the identification of certain classes of security bugs, by means of malformed data generation accross the network |
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网页应用程式安全机制专案(OWASP)的相关软体与文件-OWASP Source Code Center SpoC 2007 Version (2008.01.05) 网页应用程式安全机制专案(OWASP)的相关软体与文件 |
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-orizon v0.60 (2008.01.02) Orizon is a framework intended to provide tools and facilities to test java sources for security flaws. The main goal is to detect common threats as described in Owasp top 10 vulnerability document. |
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-orizon eAcademy2007 (2007.10.22) Orizon is a framework intended to provide tools and facilities to test java sources for security flaws. The main goal is to detect common threats as described in Owasp top 10 vulnerability document. |
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第一届OWASP亚洲年会 (2007.09.20) OWASP今年举办第一届OWASP官方亚洲年会,世界知名黑客与资安人士将齐聚台北,全程将为英文演说,但投影片将有中文翻译。此次会议完全免费,由OWASP台湾分会、资策会以及中华民国信息软件协会共同主办,并由长期致力于提升台湾资安意识与产业的资安人杂志担任协办媒体 |
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-orizon v0.40 (2007.08.22) Orizon is a framework intended to provide tools and facilities to test java sources for security flaws. The main goal is to detect common threats as described in Owasp top 10 vulnerability document. |
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-JBroFuzz jbrofuzz-0.7 (2007.07.29) The OWASP JBroFuzz Project is a java based stateless network protocol fuzzer developed for penetration tests. It allows for the identification of certain classes of security bugs, by means of malformed data generation accross the network |
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网页应用程式安全机制专案(OWASP)的相关软体与文件-OWASP Source Code Center DN_BOFinder (2007.07.02) 网页应用程式安全机制专案(OWASP)的相关软体与文件 |
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-orizon v0.25 (2007.06.07) Orizon is a framework intended to provide tools and facilities to test java sources for security flaws. The main goal is to detect common threats as described in Owasp top 10 vulnerability document. |
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-WeBekci OWASP-WeBekci-1.0 (2007.04.02) ModSecurity 2.x managament tool. Generate special rule, show logs, create conf. |