鯧뎅꿥ꆱ藥 14
丢失及需要Facebook,Gmail,Orkut,Live mail,Meebo, ZIPs,ISOs, ,RARs,PDFs,Office files 密码之工具。-Esposito Password Hacker 7.0 (2011.09.21)
丢失及需要Facebook,Gmail,Orkut,Live mail,Meebo, ZIPs,ISOs, ,RARs,PDFs,Office files 密码之工具。
-Zwisch_Bot 1.0 (2009.06.13)
Zwisch_Bot is an eggdrop based IRC bot. To see the bot in action, check #ubuntubrasil-orkut at irc.freenode.net. This projects include a set of scripts that I use in my bot. Check the script file to see the credtis.
报告:全球社交网站正快速成长中 (2008.08.13)
外电消息报导,根据市场研究公司ComScore的统计数据显示,与Facebook同质的社交网站正在全球快速成长中,但这类的网站却在自己本国呈现成长减缓的情况。 根据数据,美国和加拿大的社交网站较去年6月成长了9%
-Contact Grabber Version 0.4 (2008.01.09)
Fetch the contacts of the selected site. Yahoo, Gmail, Hotmail, AOL, Lycos classes have been incorporated as they are available under GPL. Rediff, Orkut & MySpace classes have been developed at Magnet. New classes for LinkedIn & Lycos have been added
-iSocial - free social networking CMS iSocial-0.2 (2007.11.05)
iCEAM.com :: iSocial is a free social networking CMS that allows you to start your own Friendster or Orkut like sites. Use dating, bookmarking or geolocalization and create groups with just one mouse-click. Start your profita
-Contact Grabber Stable (2007.05.10)
The class will fetch the contacts of the selected site for the given username and password. Yahoo, Gmail (Libgmailer) & MSN classes have been incorporated as they are readily available under GPL. Rediff, Orkut & MySpace classes have been developed new
-OrkutAlert OrkutAlert 0.6 U2 Beta (2006.09.14)
Orkut Alert is a tiny application that runs in the background checking for any new scraps that have arrived in your scrapbook.It reqires you to have a working account at www.orkut.com and all you need is to login with OrkutAlert
-OrkutAlert OrkutAlert Beta 0.4 (2006.07.06)
Orkut Alert is a tiny application that runs in the background checking for any new scraps that have arrived in your scrapbook.It reqires you to have a working account at www.orkut.com and all you need is to login with OrkutAlert
Google Desktop3跨计算机搜寻功能 隐藏隐私风险 (2006.02.13)
Google于上周三(8日)发布最新版桌面搜寻软件Google Desktop 3,其中一个跨计算机搜寻的功能,可能隐藏着隐私风险,将会曝露用户的个人资料。 Google Desktop 3的「跨计算机搜寻」(Search Across Computers)功能启用时,文件和Web 历史纪录的备份就会自动传输到其他安装有Google Desktop的计算机上
-eligante, archivator de messages 0.1 (2005.11.12)
Eligante is a software for archivation, management and browsing (with full-text search functions) of all your communications, be it via email, chat (IRC, ICQ, MSN,...) and even messaging websites (hi5, orkut,...).
开放源码风向球 (2004.10.30)
Gmail新增功能 免费e-mail市场竞争涌现 (2004.07.21)
Google日前在email服务中加入新功能,让用户可以将其他email账号如Yahoo、微软、AOL等联络通讯簿汇入Gmail之中。Gmail 新功能在上个周末推出,突显了免费email服务激烈的战况
小世界的朋友网路 - FOAF (2004.04.25)
We Are Friends, Aren't We? (2004.02.25)
社会媒体的出现 彷佛才不过是六七年前,一台又一台安静的个人计算机孤岛,只有在办公室需要传档案的时候,透过一张张小小磁盘中的word档案,人们怯生生地透过亲手交换磁盘的片刻,世界才彼此链接在一起

1 捷扬光电首款双镜头声像追踪 PTZ 摄影机上市
2 英飞凌全新边缘AI综合评估套件加速机器学习应用开发
3 ROHM推出车电Nch MOSFET 适用於车门、座椅等多种马达及LED头灯应用
4 意法半导体新车规单晶片同步降压转换器让应用设计更弹性化
5 恩智浦新一代JCOP Pay提供支付卡客制化服务
6 Microchip新款PHY收发器扩展单对乙太网产品组合 实现网路互操作性
7 Cincoze德承全新基础型工业电脑DV-1100适用於边缘运算高效能需求
8 意法半导体新款车规直流马达预驱动器可简化EMI优化设计
9 xMEMS推出1毫米超薄全矽微型气冷式主动散热晶片
10 Diodes新款10Gbps符合车规的主动交叉多工器可简化智慧座舱连接功能


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