Blackfin Development Tools Bundle (2010.03.03) Blackfin Development Tools Bundle |
ST發表新款MEMS數位羅盤模組 (2010.03.03) 意法半導體(ST)2日宣佈,在單一模組內整合3軸數位加速度計和3軸數位磁感應器,這款數位羅盤模組能夠滿足市場對先進導航功能以及新興智慧型定位服務日益成長成長的需求 |
英飛凌與Vodafone合作新一代GSM及EDGE技術 (2010.03.03) 英飛凌科技宣佈與Vodafone Group Plc合作,擴大雙方策略合作夥伴關係,透過充分運用英飛凌行動平台成本最佳化的優勢,協助Vodafone以自家品牌產品進軍行動網路裝置(MID)市場,提升新興市場的網路使用者體驗 |
瑞薩新款flash MCU提供最低耗電量及改良功能 (2010.03.02) 瑞薩科技宣佈推出晶片內建記憶體(flash MCU)R8C/Mx系列低腳位數MCU,提供業界最低耗電量及改良的功能,包括需要低耗電應用之計時器,例如電動刮鬍刀、電動牙刷,及其他小型家用電子裝置 |
淺談高密度快閃記憶體效能與可靠性提昇之管理機制 (2010.03.02) 成本一向是快閃記憶體發展的重要驅動力,也因此驅動快閃記憶體製程密度的快速提昇。然而,高密度快閃記憶體除了導致資料存取的效能下降外,資料錯誤率也大幅上升 |
GSA將在台灣舉辦Memory Conference (2010.03.02) 全球半導體聯盟(GSA)正式宣布,GSA Memory Conference將於2010年3月16日星期二於台北晶華酒店盛大舉行。本活動為業界首次以結合Memory及Logic IC達到更佳系統效能為活動主軸的研討會 |
瑞薩新款32位元MCU適用於先進駕駛輔助系統 (2010.03.01) 瑞薩科技近日宣佈,推出適用於先進駕駛輔助系統之SH74552及SH74562兩款32位元MCU,可為汽車「主動安全系統(Active safety)」提供障礙物偵測、危險迴避等功能,並採用小尺寸13 mm × 13 mm封裝、160 MHz高速運作時脈、1 MB高速晶片內建快閃記憶體,及晶片內建功能如4通道CAN |
Blackfin Development Tools Bundle (2010.03.01) For a limited time, you can begin your Blackfin processor design at a discounted rate, over 70% off the regular price. This offer is available from March 1st to May 28th , so order your bundle today to get started. |
Atmel單鍵電容式觸控控制器問世 (2010.03.01) 愛特梅爾(Atmel)今(1)日宣佈,推出以可攜式設備市場為目標的全新單鍵式觸控控制器產品系列。新產品可使下
一代可攜式觸控設備(包括電源按鈕、助聽設備、玩具和鄰近感測器)的耗電量降到17 µA以下,其中的嵌入式低功耗
功能還有助於延長這些可攜式設備的電池壽命 |
BLACKFIN USB-LAN EZ-EXTENDER (2010.03.01) The Blackfin® USB-LAN EZ-Extender daughter board allows developers to connect to the Asynchronous Memory Bus on the ADSP-BF533 EZ-KIT Lite, ADSP-BF537 EZ-KIT Lite and ADSP-BF561 EZ-KIT Lite.
The EZ-Extender has peripherals that support USB 2 |
BLACKFIN EZ-EXTENDER (2010.03.01) The Blackfin EZ-Extender daughter board allows developers to connect the Parallel Peripheral Interface (PPI) on the ADSP-BF533 EZ-KIT Lite and the ADSP-BF561 EZ-KIT Lite to a number of Analog Devices High Speed Converter (HSC) evaluation boards (ADC, mix signal, and DAC), the OV6630 OmniVision camera evaluation board, and an external LCD display |
英飛凌推出Android入門級手機平台 (2010.03.01) 英飛凌科技近日宣佈,推出XMM 6181–Android入門級智慧型手機平台,以滿足主流消費市場的需求。XMM 6181利用高度整合系統解決方案支援Android開放式作業系統,有助於將行動社交網路推向大眾市場 |
LABVIEW EMBEDDED MODULE FOR ANALOG DEVICES BLACKFIN PROCESSORS (2010.03.01) The National Instruments LabVIEW™ Embedded Module for Analog Devices Blackfin® Processors is a comprehensive graphical development environment for embedded design. Jointly developed by ADI and NI, this module seamlessly integrates the LabVIEW Development Environment and Blackfin Embedded Processors |
LABVIEW EMBEDDED MODULE FOR ANALOG DEVICES BLACKFIN PROCESSORS (2010.03.01) The National Instruments LabVIEW™ Embedded Module for Analog Devices Blackfin® Processors is a comprehensive graphical development environment for embedded design. Jointly developed by ADI and NI, this module seamlessly integrates the LabVIEW Development Environment and Blackfin Embedded Processors |
CISSOID引入新系列P通道高溫功率MOSFET晶體管 (2010.03.01) 高溫半導體解決方案的CISSOID,引進VENUS的新系列高溫30V的P通道功率MOSFET晶體管,其保證操作在攝氐負55度到225度之間。P通道功率MOSFETs的VENUS系列命名為CHT-PMOS3002,CHT-PMOS3004及CHT-PMOS3008,其最大漏電流額定分別為2A、4A及8A |
EZ-KIT LITE EVALUATION KIT FOR ADSP-BF561 BLACKFIN PROCESSOR (2010.03.01) The ADSP-BF561 EZ-KIT Lite® provides developers with a cost-effective method for initial evaluation of the ADSP-BF561 Blackfin® Processor for audio and video applications via a USB-based PC-hosted tool set. Evaluation of analog audio applications is achieved through the use of the AD1836 multichannel 96 kHz audio codec |
EZ-KIT LITE FOR ANALOG DEVICES ADSP-BF537 BLACKFIN PROCESSOR (2010.03.01) The ADSP-BF537 EZ-KIT Lite® provides developers with a cost-effective method for evaluation of the ADSP-BF537 Blackfin® Processor and its rich set of system peripherals, including the IEEE 802.3 10/100 Ethernet MAC and CAN 2 |
EZ-KIT LITE FOR THE ADSP-BF533, BF532, BF531 (2010.03.01) The ADSP-BF533 EZ-KIT Lite provides developers with a cost-effective method for initial evaluation of the ADSP-BF533 Blackfin Processor for a wide range of applications including audio and video processing. The EZ-KIT Lite includes an ADSP-BF533 desktop evaluation board and fundamental debugging software to facilitate architecture evaluations via a USB-based PC-hosted tool set |
BF506F EZ-KIT LITE (2010.03.01) The ADSP-BF506F EZ-KIT Lite® provides developers with a cost-effective method for initial evaluation of the ADSP-BF504/F and BF506F Blackfin® Processors via a USB-based, PC-hosted tool set. With this EZ-KIT Lite, users can learn more about the Analog Devices (ADI) ADSP-BF506F hardware and software development, and quickly prototype a wide range of applications |
ADSP-BF527 EZ-KIT LITE EVALUATION KIT (2010.03.01) The ADSP-BF527 EZ-KIT Lite® provides developers with a cost-effective method for initial evaluation of the ADSP-BF527 Blackfin® Processors via a USB-based, PC-hosted tool set. With this EZ-KIT Lite, users can learn more about the Analog Devices (ADI) ADSP-BF527 hardware and software development, and quickly prototype a wide range of applications |