HOLTEK新推出HT45F3T Tinypower 3D眼镜MCU (2013.03.06) HOLTEK针对3D眼镜应用领域,推出3D眼镜应用Flash版本的MCU HT45F3T。HT45F3T具备2K×16 Flash Program ROM、128 Byte Data RAM、工作电压2.2V~5.5V、系统频率4MHz,内建精准RC Oscillator (HIRC 4MHz) |
奥地利微电子新款智能闪光灯LED驱动芯片 (2013.03.06) 奥地利微电子公司宣布推出一款新型智能LED驱动器,能大幅地提高手机相机的闪光灯亮度,且不会使手机电池低于最低工作电压,反而造成过度放电。
AS3649 LED驱动器采用创新的「诊断脉冲」,可以在每次闪光灯操作前持续控制高电流约几毫秒的时间 |
快捷半导体的触感驱动器 让您享有更丰富友善的使用体验 (2013.03.06) 触控屏幕技术是当下许多电子装置的主要接口,但驱动触控屏幕的触控技术却存在反应速度缓慢和电力容易耗尽等问题。 快捷半导体开发出FAH4830触感驱动器,它拥有优异的辨识能力和方便使用的接口,能帮助设计人员克服这些难题,提升用户体验 |
ROHM与Intel公司共同研发低耗电功率管理IC (2013.03.05) 半导体制造商ROHM株式会社(总公司:日本京都市)全新推出专用的功率管理IC,最适合用来架构以美国Intel公司全新研发的次世代平板计算机专用的「Intel Atom?处理器(代号:Bay Trail)」为核心的系统 |
灾情扩大:2月代工NB出货月衰退近20% (2013.03.05) 也许是Win8灾情扩大,或是2月在农历春节工厂休假多日及NB市况持续不佳下,根据DIGITIMES Research的数据指出,前三大代工厂合计NB出货量较1月下滑18%,全球前五大品牌出货量月减幅则为7% |
工具机出口成长 认证服务助台开拓市场 (2013.03.04) 由于「可携式」的概念正吹向非消费性电子产品,包括钻机、锯子等可利用无电线及非气动设计的电动工具,「手持式」电动工具因而被视为是当前新的商机所在。想要快速攫取此一市场的制造商 |
康寧大猩猩玻璃第二代問世 台南廠加緊生產 (2013.03.04) 康寧大猩猩玻璃第二代問世 台南廠加緊生產 |
ST推出新微控制器产品 将汽车安全推向更高水平 (2013.03.01) 意法半导体(ST)宣布,该公司的多核微控制器系列产品再添新成员。新的多核微控制器针对汽车电子功能安全应用,不仅符合最严格的汽车安全标准(ISO 26262),并提高了非挥发性内存(Non-volatile Memory)的容量,让客户可方便地的使用现有组件进行系统升级,更加强了意法半导体的容错汽车微控制器的产品阵容 |
爱特梅尔推出独特的双信道LED驱动器 (2013.03.01) 爱特梅尔公司(Atmel Corporation)宣布推出三种全新双信道固态照明(solid state lighting, SSL)LED驱动器,为双色LED光引擎提供精确的颜色控制。此外,LED驱动器还可为高CRI LED灯提供最高效的电源管理,且只需最少的组件数目 |
2013電容式觸控主流技術分析 (2013.03.01) 2013電容式觸控主流技術分析 |
NXP-TEA179x (2013.02.28) Optimized for use in power adapters, this next-generation GreenChip device enables low current consumption, high system efficiency, and a reduced bill of materials. |
NXP-TEA171x (2013.02.28) Ultra-efficient PFC+LLC combo controllers with EuP lot6 compliance |
TEA175x (2013.02.28) TEA175x combines a controller for Power Factor Correction (PFC) and a flyback controller. Its high level of integration allows the design of a cost-effective power supply with a very low number of external components. The special built-in green functions provide high efficiency at all power levels |
NXP-TEA173x (2013.02.28) This compact yet highly featured SMPS controller delivers exceptional efficiency over the total load range and includes Over-Power compensation. |
NXP-TEA172x (2013.02.28) These highly integrated devices enable low no-load power consumption below 10 mW, reduce component count for a cost-effective application design, and provide advanced control modes that deliver exceptional efficiency. |
NXP-SSL2129AT (2013.02.28) The NXP SSL2129AT is a high-efficiency controller IC for superior dimmable LED lighting solutions that typically operates in the lamp power range of 4 to 25 W. The straightforward design produces a cost-effective yet compact application, suitable for use with GU10 and PAR16 formats |
NXP-LPC4088FET208 (2013.02.28) The LPC408x is an ARM Cortex-M4 based digital signal controller for embedded applications requiring a high level of integration and low power dissipation.
The ARM Cortex-M4 is a next generation core that offers system enhancements such as low power consumption, enhanced debug features, and a high level of support block integration |
NXP-LPC1857JET256 (2013.02.28) The LPC185x/3x/2x/1x are ARM Cortex-M3 based microcontrollers for embedded applications. The ARM Cortex-M3 is a next generation core that offers system enhancements such as low power consumption, enhanced debug features, and a high level of support block integration |
NXP-LPC11U37 (2013.02.28) The LPC11U37FBD64 is a ARM Cortex-M0 based, low-cost 32-bit MCU, designed for 8/16-bit microcontroller applications, offering performance, low power, simple instruction set and memory addressing together with reduced code size compared to existing 8/16-bit architectures |
[专栏]谁将是客厅汇流场域霸主? (2013.02.27) 自贾伯斯以iPhone及iPad掀起了数字汇流创新应用的狂潮之后,最让我不解的,便是贾氏既有能力把手机变成了Mobile convergence device,把平板计算机变成了Portable convergence device,然而,当他碰到了客厅市场,却依然以不汇流的传统电视影音角度切入,没有把它当成living room convergence 的市场看待,也因此,在他的眼中,Apple TV仍然只是“ a hobby” |