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CloneDVD mobile 是一款能够让您快速,轻松地转换视讯格式的软件工具。-CloneDVD Mobile (2010.09.23)
CloneDVD mobile 是一款能够让您快速,轻松地转换视讯格式的软件工具。
-HW+ / DXR3 device driver for Linux 0.17.1 (2008.07.26)
This project is an attempt to provide the Linux community with kernel drivers for two hugely popular DVD playback cards namely DXR3 from Creative Labs and Hollywood Plus from Sigma Designs.
-HW+ / DXR3 device driver for Linux 0.17.0 (2008.04.20)
This project is an attempt to provide the Linux community with kernel drivers for two hugely popular DVD playback cards namely DXR3 from Creative Labs and Hollywood Plus from Sigma Designs.
-HW+ / DXR3 device driver for Linux 0.16.4 (2008.02.05)
This project is an attempt to provide the Linux community with kernel drivers for two hugely popular DVD playback cards namely DXR3 from Creative Labs and Hollywood Plus from Sigma Designs.
-HW+ / DXR3 device driver for Linux 0.16.3 (2007.08.18)
This project is an attempt to provide the Linux community with kernel drivers for two hugely popular DVD playback cards namely DXR3 from Creative Labs and Hollywood Plus from Sigma Designs.
Computex Taipei 2007展后报导 (2007.06.20)
全球IT界年度盛事Computex Taipei 2007圆满落幕。今年展会共有1333家厂商参展,使用了2926个摊位。在国内大厂方面,有宏碁、华硕、鸿海、威盛、技嘉、精英、神达、中环、铼德、英业达、正文、威达电及丽台等厂商参展
-HW+ / DXR3 device driver for Linux 0.16.2 (2007.05.07)
This project is an attempt to provide the Linux community with kernel drivers for two hugely popular DVD playback cards namely DXR3 from Creative Labs and Hollywood Plus from Sigma Designs.
-HW+ / DXR3 device driver for Linux 0.16.1 (2007.03.01)
This project is an attempt to provide the Linux community with kernel drivers for two hugely popular DVD playback cards namely DXR3 from Creative Labs and Hollywood Plus from Sigma Designs.
听觉享受新体验 ADI音频技术强化PC听觉环境真实感 (2006.12.01)
-HW+ / DXR3 device driver for Linux 0.16.0 (2006.11.28)
This project is an attempt to provide the Linux community with kernel drivers for two hugely popular DVD playback cards namely DXR3 from Creative Labs and Hollywood Plus from Sigma Designs.
可携式产品进化事件簿 (2006.06.02)
-HW+ / DXR3 device driver for Linux 0.15.3 (2006.04.10)
This project is an attempt to provide the Linux community with kernel drivers for two hugely popular DVD playback cards namely DXR3 from Creative Labs and Hollywood Plus from Sigma Designs.
漫谈日渐成熟的USB技术 (2006.03.01)
虽然大家都知道USB这个东西,并几乎天天使用它,但却很少人了解USB的技术原理及其应用的演变过程。 USB是如何整合至PC周边装置的呢?哪些是USB的重要应用领域呢?而USB的发展前景又是如何?这项技术到底隐藏了什么秘密?本文将对此做详细的讨论
Apple削价iPod策略引发市场震动 (2006.02.09)
Apple近日宣布于既有数字音乐消费产品ipod系列之外,再推出最新一款低阶1GB版本的 iPod Nano。先前原本已属最低价、容量512M的iPod Shuffle,也将从99美元调降价格为69美元;1GB的iPod Shuffle从129美元降至99美元
美商亚德诺SHARC处理器获创巨采用 (2006.01.20)
高性能信号处理半导体厂商,美商亚德诺公司(Analog Devices,Inc.,ADI),20日宣布SHARC处理器被新加坡创巨公司(CREATIVE LABS)采用于Home Theater Connect DTS-610产品。此独立的自行供电(self-powered)硬件编码装置能够将将媒体中心或普通个人计算机(PC)内的音频
-HW+ / DXR3 device driver for Linux 0.15.2 (2005.11.24)
This project is an attempt to provide the Linux community with kernel drivers for two hugely popular DVD playback cards namely DXR3 from Creative Labs and Hollywood Plus from Sigma Designs.
「可携式多媒体播放器PMP系统设计挑战」研讨会实录 (2005.07.14)
从MP3 Player的高度发展开始,可携式多媒体播放器(Portable Multimedia Player;PMP)的发展就逐渐受到市场的注意,随着Apple iPod的大受欢迎与Sony PSP的多样化功能,PMP引发越来越多厂商的兴趣
-HW+ / DXR3 device driver for Linux 0.15.0 (2005.06.01)
This project is an attempt to provide the Linux community with kernel drivers for two hugely popular DVD playback cards namely DXR3 from Creative Labs and Hollywood Plus from Sigma Designs.
时势所趋的PMP个人媒体播放器 (2004.09.27)
RealNetworks发表统合性DRM技术 (2004.07.28)
RealNetworks在26日公布了可将音乐文件转换爲数字版权管理(DRM)格式的技术“Harmony”。由于该技术支持苹果的FairPlay、微软的DRM技术Windows Media以及RealNetworks的Helix等DRM技术,因此,RealNetworks 表示消费者可以在所有主要携带型音乐设备上播放所购买的音乐

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1 捷扬光电首款双镜头声像追踪 PTZ 摄影机上市
2 Microchip为TrustFLEX平台添加安全身分验证 IC
3 igus新型连座轴承适用於太阳能追日系统应用
4 英飞凌全新边缘AI综合评估套件加速机器学习应用开发
5 ROHM推出车电Nch MOSFET 适用於车门、座椅等多种马达及LED头灯应用
6 意法半导体新车规单晶片同步降压转换器让应用设计更弹性化
7 恩智浦新一代JCOP Pay提供支付卡客制化服务
8 Microchip新款PHY收发器扩展单对乙太网产品组合 实现网路互操作性
9 Cincoze德承全新基础型工业电脑DV-1100适用於边缘运算高效能需求
10 意法半导体新款车规直流马达预驱动器可简化EMI优化设计

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