鯧뎅꿥ꆱ藥 10
-Nima plugin PhysX_2.8.0_mayaplugin_Maya8.5 (2008.04.20)
A plug-in used for defining and exporting physics content for AGEIA PhysX in Autodesk/Alias Maya.
-PhysX plugin NVIDIA_3DSMax_Plugin_PhysX_SDK_2.8.0 (2008.04.20)
A plug-in used for defining and exporting physics content for AGEIA PhysX in Autodesk 3ds Max.
-Imaginary Game Engine PhysX.NET 0.9.0 for Ageia PhysX 2.8.0 (2008.04.20)
The Imaginary Game Engine project tries to create a full-featured, modular and multi-threaded game engine in C#, usable with both Microsoft's .NET runtime and Mono.
AMD欲收购物理加速技术公司Ageia (2007.11.26)
外电消息报导,AMD日前透露,AMD正在考虑收购物理加速技术公司Ageia,以强化其技术能力,补强与英特尔(Intel)之间的落差。 报导中指出,在Intel收购了物理加速引擎研发公司Havok公司之后
-Nima plugin current version (2007.09.26)
A plug-in used for defining and exporting physics content for AGEIA PhysX in Autodesk/Alias Maya.
-PhysX plugin contributions (2007.07.03)
A plug-in used for defining and exporting physics content for AGEIA PhysX in Autodesk 3ds Max.
-physx irrlicht jedi force irrlicht physx framework v0.1 (2007.07.02)
this is an Open Source Game based on Irrlicht3D and Ageia Physx 2.7.0. "JediForce" is a Jedi Academy's Concept super upgrade. Also i'm planning to include strong elements of Role Playing. also Multiplayer. Everyone can join the project
-Monster Engine - a open game engine Aupro Tool (2007.06.29)
A open dynamic 3d game engine based around Ogre3d, Ageia PhysX, OpenAL, scriptable in the LUA language. The FPS demo game Monkeys in the Dark presenting the engine power with use of deferred shading, normal mapping and the new technic of dynamic sound
偏执又偏锋 信息用GPU持续激进 (2006.11.01)
今日GPU的运用领域可说是愈来愈广,除了信息领域的个人计算机、专业绘图工作站、服务器之外,在消费性电子的领域也颇多斩获,例如STB视讯机顶盒、HDTV高清晰数字电视、Media Center媒体中心、Game Console电视游乐器等也都需要GPU
微软积极进军「机器人」市场 企图建立标准平台 (2006.09.06)

1 Infortrend U.2 NVMe储存系统赋能机场AI自助服务亭加速时程
2 Microchip为TrustFLEX平台添加安全身分验证 IC
3 捷扬光电首款双镜头声像追踪 PTZ 摄影机上市
4 igus新型连座轴承适用於太阳能追日系统应用
5 资通电脑ARES PP以AI文件解密异常行为侦测判定准确率达八成以上
6 意法半导体新开发板协助工业和消费性电子厂商加速双马达设计
7 恩智浦新一代JCOP Pay提供支付卡客制化服务
8 ROHM推出车电Nch MOSFET 适用於车门、座椅等多种马达及LED头灯应用
9 Tektronix全新远端程序呼叫式解决方案从测试仪器迅速传输资料
10 Microchip新款PHY收发器扩展单对乙太网产品组合 实现网路互操作性


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